The Simple Sophisticate

Where It All Began

The first episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast premiered in 2014 and continues to share a new episode every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. The addition of the podcast to TSLL online destination began and continues as a source of inspiration for listeners as they continue to cultivate their own unique simply luxurious life. Enjoy listening wherever you download your favorite podcasts.

First Episode:

The 8 Pillars of Living A Simply Luxurious Life

the simple
sophisticate podcast

Subscribe and start listening to a New Episode Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

The Simple Sophisticate Podcast


Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday (except in July), listeners can tune in wherever they enjoy their favorite podcasts for a new episode (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Amazon Music, Spotify, YouTube, iHeartRadio, etc.) or stop by TSLL blog to catch the latest new episode and full Show Notes.


The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for life’s endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. However, that is a far too simple description for a consciously intentional and thoughtful way of living, and so I encourage you to tune in to episode #368 where I detail the 14 Characteristics of a Simple Sophisticate. Inspired by her lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables (the original Simple Sophisticate) shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income, a life of true contentment. Founded on the principle of the art of living a life of quality over quantity, episodes explore topics ranging from creating an everyday life you love living, strengthening mindfulness practices, preparing seasonally delicious meals, building a capsule wardrobe, traveling the world (Francophiles and Anglophiles tune in as France as well Britain are favorite destinations), and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank because living well is really quite simple.


TSLL blog continues to reach readers around the world, and now, whether you are commuting, exercising, working in the garden or traveling, you can listen twice a month to an idea-packed episode sharing inspiration and motivation to help keep you striving for the life of your dreams all the while keeping you well-informed, clothed in your signature style, and living in a sanctuary that brings you rejuvenation upon crossing the threshold. | The Simply Luxurious Life

Podcast Soundtrack

The music for the show is ‘Walking in Paris‘ and the preintro music is ‘The Days Go By’. (Click on either song title to be redirected to the purchase page. TSLL receives no commission on any purchases.)

Listen To THE

400: What I’ve Learned in French Class, So Far . . . : Part Neuf

Ahhh, enfin . . . indeed. When beginning this journey back in September 2022, I never imagined I would feel comfortable speaking French without thinking too far ahead of myself nor caring if I spoke incorrectly (which is still quite often), but two and a half years later, it has happened! Imperfect French is being…

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As Per Tradition, Each Episode Concludes with a Petit Plaisir! Explore all of them Here in the Archives.

“This long-running podcast from blogger and author, Shannon Ables, is all about how to elevate your daily life with an average person’s salary. It’s just a great podcast for when you need a reminder to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. She gets a lot of inspiration from French living, and each episode ends with a lovely ‘petit plaisir.’ I’ve gotten a lot of great recommendations from those petits plaisirs!”Samantha Brown’s Places to Love, chosen as #8 of “26 Great Podcasts to Listen to on Your Next Trip”

Royal Albert Tea Cup

How to Begin Cultivating Your Very Own Simply Luxurious Life
How to Live a French-Inspired Life
Savoring a Life On Your Own
The Simple Life is a Great Life: Explore How
The Fundamental Skills to Live a Life of True Contentment
The How to Love Well, Find Real Love and Be Loving to Yourself and Others

Podcast Episodes

“I ran across Shannon’s podcast about a year ago, and now am delightedly making my way through the archives. I haven’t ever heard her say that she was trained as a broadcaster, but I really appreciate her “radio voice:” skilled delivery and very pleasant listening. Now that I get how much she is a “lifelong learner,” I’m sure that is no accident and that she worked hard to train herself in that skill set. Beyond that, I love the mix of philosophy, food, style and lifestyle, always delivered in an accessible way instead of feeling elite or esoteric. At first I could not have imagined myself signing on as a ‘top tier member’ of her blog, but then I realized that she consistently produces really quality content that is worth paying for. Thank you, Shannon!” —Betsy K., (3/17/22)

“Perfect podcast! Wonderful combination of all the many things that make life worthwhile. I think there’s a good balance between ‘easy’ subjects, like style/decorating, and ‘bigger’ subjects like contentment, the bigger picture of improving the quality of your life. I enjoy this podcast very much.” —BBolhuis, Netherlands

Discovered a hidden treasure
“I have recently discovered Shannon Ables and the beautiful and gentle world she has created inviting all those looking for a quiet, nurturing yet exciting and stimulating environment to visit, no…contentedly immerse in. Podcasts, books, newsletters, cooking shows, videos, book reviews, etc. all exude Shannon’s joie de vivre! Merci, Shannon!”
—Janet Nicole (9/11/21)

Simply the best holistic self improvement podcasts
“Only found this podcast mid-2022 and have since gone back to the start and I am listening to every episode in the back catalogue. In every episode Shannon shares her learning and journey in self improvement to help you achieve becoming the best possible you. Topics span mind, body and soul with a fair amount of timeless style, good housekeeping and delicious food thrown in for good measure. Topics are well researched and the show notes are impeccable. Anglophiles and Francophiles will appreciate Shannon’s love of our culture. As a typically self-depreciating Brit it’s always good to see a positive external view ourselves and our country (also, I agree James Smith & Sons of Bloomsbury do make the best umbrellas in the World, I have two). Her style is very conversational: it’s like having a well educated good friend around for a cup of tea and a chat, but one where you’re always left with at least one “petite plaisir” to take away and try from each visit.
—Jimmy Blake, UK (9/26/22)

“I just wanted to write a quick review to say how much I love Shannon’s podcast and eagerly anticipate it every week — it’s always the best part of my Monday. I’ve relistened to most episodes a few times as well. Shannon speaks beautifully and covers just the right mix of subjects — from style to self-development, culture and cuisine. I know I can trust her advice and insights, and I particularly appreciate her weekly ‘petit plaisir’ for adding a little joy to my day. Merci, Shannon!” —Tess A.

Favourite podcast – like sitting with a friend and talking about the pleasures of life
“I have been listening to this podcast for years – it’s been a regular and welcome place to spend time. Shannon has created something very special through what is obviously a labour of love and many of the things I enjoy, from books to movies to recipes have been discovered through her blog and podcast. Her thoughtful insights and recommendations are never delivered as ‘must do’s’ but rather she invites the listener to enjoy the small and large pleasures of life with her as she explores all things French, British and so much more. I can’t recommend this enough to anyone wanting to escape the mundane, routines of life and think about the simple things that can make our days more enjoyable.”
—Elizabeth, Australia (2021)

“The very first thing I would like to say is that I must compliment the quality of your voice. It was absolutely pleasant and serene to listen to . . . I dare say that if you told me that you had been doing voice over’s as a part-time career on top of teaching I would believe you! Your voice is beautiful, lively and passionate. It is the sound of one who has accomplished a sense of well-being.”
-Jessica from New York

“I found the podcast time slipped by quickly, the material was absorbing and left me with things to think about even though I’m familiar with your blog material . . . The opening (and closing) music set a nice upbeat feel and pace before your voice came through. Overall it was really really good. Even if I didn’t know you already I would be subscribing to this podcast, you can count on me to spread the word!”
-Rose from Australia

Podcast Reviews

"I ran across Shannon’s podcast about a year ago, and now am delightedly making my way through the archives. I haven’t ever heard her say that she was trained as a broadcaster, but I really appreciate her “radio voice:” skilled delivery and very pleasant listening. Now that I get how much she is a “lifelong learner,” I’m sure that is no accident and that she worked hard to train herself in that skill set. Beyond that, I love the mix of philosophy, food, style and lifestyle, always delivered in an accessible way instead of feeling elite or esoteric. At first I could not have imagined myself signing on as a 'top tier member' of her blog, but then I realized that she consistently produces really quality content that is worth paying for. Thank you, Shannon!" —Betsy K., (3/17/22)

"Perfect podcast! Wonderful combination of all the many things that make life worthwhile. I think there’s a good balance between 'easy' subjects, like style/decorating, and 'bigger' subjects like contentment, the bigger picture of improving the quality of your life. I enjoy this podcast very much." —BBolhuis, Netherlands

Discovered a hidden treasure
"I have recently discovered Shannon Ables and the beautiful and gentle world she has created inviting all those looking for a quiet, nurturing yet exciting and stimulating environment to visit, no…contentedly immerse in. Podcasts, books, newsletters, cooking shows, videos, book reviews, etc. all exude Shannon’s joie de vivre! Merci, Shannon!"
—Janet Nicole (9/11/21)

Simply the best holistic self improvement podcasts
"Only found this podcast mid-2022 and have since gone back to the start and I am listening to every episode in the back catalogue. In every episode Shannon shares her learning and journey in self improvement to help you achieve becoming the best possible you. Topics span mind, body and soul with a fair amount of timeless style, good housekeeping and delicious food thrown in for good measure. Topics are well researched and the show notes are impeccable. Anglophiles and Francophiles will appreciate Shannon’s love of our culture. As a typically self-depreciating Brit it’s always good to see a positive external view ourselves and our country (also, I agree James Smith & Sons of Bloomsbury do make the best umbrellas in the World, I have two). Her style is very conversational: it’s like having a well educated good friend around for a cup of tea and a chat, but one where you’re always left with at least one “petite plaisir” to take away and try from each visit.
—Jimmy Blake, UK (9/26/22)

“I just wanted to write a quick review to say how much I love Shannon’s podcast and eagerly anticipate it every week — it’s always the best part of my Monday. I’ve relistened to most episodes a few times as well. Shannon speaks beautifully and covers just the right mix of subjects — from style to self-development, culture and cuisine. I know I can trust her advice and insights, and I particularly appreciate her weekly 'petit plaisir' for adding a little joy to my day. Merci, Shannon!” —Tess A.

Favourite podcast - like sitting with a friend and talking about the pleasures of life
"I have been listening to this podcast for years - it’s been a regular and welcome place to spend time. Shannon has created something very special through what is obviously a labour of love and many of the things I enjoy, from books to movies to recipes have been discovered through her blog and podcast. Her thoughtful insights and recommendations are never delivered as ‘must do’s’ but rather she invites the listener to enjoy the small and large pleasures of life with her as she explores all things French, British and so much more. I can’t recommend this enough to anyone wanting to escape the mundane, routines of life and think about the simple things that can make our days more enjoyable."
—Elizabeth, Australia (2021)

“The very first thing I would like to say is that I must compliment the quality of your voice. It was absolutely pleasant and serene to listen to . . . I dare say that if you told me that you had been doing voice over’s as a part-time career on top of teaching I would believe you! Your voice is beautiful, lively and passionate. It is the sound of one who has accomplished a sense of well-being.”
-Jessica from New York

“I found the podcast time slipped by quickly, the material was absorbing and left me with things to think about even though I’m familiar with your blog material . . . The opening (and closing) music set a nice upbeat feel and pace before your voice came through. Overall it was really really good. Even if I didn’t know you already I would be subscribing to this podcast, you can count on me to spread the word!”
-Rose from Australia