A Delightful Francophile Find of a Film: A Little Chaos
Sunday April 21, 2019

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There are days in our lives that truly dance.

Today was one of them, and it was punctuated with the serendipitous discovery of a Francophile film to love. (view my IG Stories for a glimpse into this simple, yet lovely day)

A Little Chaos starring Kate Winslett as the nonconformist gardener and landscaper Madame Sabine de Barra, directed and also starring Alan Rickman as King Louis XIV.

The soundtrack alone, for my fellow classical music lovers, will move and overjoy you, add to that a story about designing and luxuriating in French gardens and the history of Versailles, and then with Winslett, Rickman, as well as Belgium actor Matthias Schoenaerts and the beloved Stanley Tucci, and well, this is a film to love.

Inspired by the famed Palace of Versailles and the grand architect behind the magnificent grounds, André Le Nôtre played by Schoenaerts (Le Nôtre also redesigned the Tuileries gardens and the main avenue, later called the Champs-Élysées), the screenplay was written by Alison Deegan – her first script. Creating a fictitious female lead with Sabine de Barra who holds a sadness that we do not learn of until the end, it is her unrelenting strength, independence and sincerity that are far superior to any past sorrows. The story follows her journey after being selected by Nôtre to design The Ballroom Grove on the vast property of Versailles. Set in 1682 (Nôtre began working on Versailles in 1661), de Barra’s storyline may be fictitious, but it is nonetheless inspiring in a variety of ways, which is precisely the point.

Critics did not like this film, but I do not care.

Yes, the historical accuracy is fudged more than a bit – and intentionally so, that is the fantasy of it all. The gentleness of the story, the romance that slowly, yet gradually and inevitably transpires between Nôtre and de Barra, the conversations between de Barra and King Louis XIV and the culmination and grand reveal of the Ballroom Grove complete with a live orchestra that is playfully hidden as to seem as though the sound is coming from the heavens, all create a film that is well-written for an audience who appreciates a marvelously thoughtful, considered film.

I luxuriated in the simplicity and lack of unnecessary drama, and while interestingly enough the entire film was filmed in England as Rickman was the director, that too made me smile when I learned of this little detail. Between the horses drawing the carriages that are magnificent in their strength, the quiet moments captured in private, petite gardens, and the talent of Winslett, I couldn’t recommend this film more highly.

It originally debuted as the final film at the Toronto Film Festival in 2014, and for the life of me I do not know why it took me so long to learn about this film. But now that I have, I look forward to watching it again, listening to the soundtrack on auto-repeat and enjoying one of Alan Rickman’s last films. He will be missed dearly.

Interesting facts of note about the film:

  • The Ballroom Grove was the last grove to be laid out in the gardens by Le Nôtre, and the work began in 1680 and was completed in 1685. (view pictures of the Ballroom Grove at the end of the post, but rest-assured, the film depicts them far better than any picture can capture (the last scene is tremendously moving).
  • This was Rickman’s second time directing.
  • When casting, he was looking for actors “who hand themselves over to a writer.”
  • Kate Winslett was pregnant with her son Bear during the taping of the film, and told Rickman two weeks into taping
  • Indeed, it is Winslett who gets thrown into freezing water at 1am for a crucial scene to save the structure that has been built for the outdoor theatre.
  • Some of the scenes were taped at Blenheim Palace
  • Perhaps you recognize actor Matthias Schoenaerts from Far from the Madding Crowd, yet another film I highly recommend.

A Little Chaos, the film is viewable now on Netflix, and you can also watch it on Amazon Prime. I do hope you enjoy as much as I did, and may the remainder of your weekend dance wonderfully along.

Have a look at the trailer below:

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

18 thoughts on “A Delightful Francophile Find of a Film: A Little Chaos

  1. I love this movie! I’ve watched it over and over again. The late Alan Rickman is one of my favorite actors and sadly, he was taken from this world way too soon!

  2. My husband and I recently saw this lovely film. It is a precious little gift of a film. So enjoyable in this world of big block buster movies. I would watch again just for the music.

    1. Oh, the music is lovely. I have since been listening to the soundtrack on my walks. And yes, well-made films, such as this one, need not be shock and awe, but rather thoughtfully written, asking the audience to choose to pay attention , not demand it. One of my now favorite films. Thank you for your comment Grace. 🙂

  3. Such a magical little film- and Winslet and Rickman are perfection (sigh) Delighted it is on Netflix now- watching it with a glass of wine and a macaron or two will be a perfect evening in 🙂

  4. I super love this sentence: “Critics did not like this film, but I do not care.”
    Makes me want to watch it even more!

    1. I wish they would have. I think it entirely has merit. Perhaps it was too early for its time. If it had come out in the past year or so, it might have done better due to the cultural upswell of female equal-rights advocates and movements finding their voice, or should I say, having their voices finally heard.

  5. Shannon, thank you for sharing this! I stayed up much too late last night to watch and it was well worth it! I’m with you – I don’t care if the critics liked it either. I found it to be a beautiful movie and cannot wait to watch it again. And the music!!! I merged the soundtrack with the second song featured in the trailer and it is my new favorite playlist on Spotify. Thank you again Shannon!

  6. Coming to this blog post a little late but wanted to say that I too loved this film – Alan Rickman came to my local West Hollywood theater where it was playing to talk about the film and I didn’t go to my great regret now – he is very much missed! Thank you Shannon for reminding me about this lovely film which I will now rewatch this weekend

  7. Thank you for recommending this film; I don’t think I would have found it otherwise. Delightful is a perfect description.

  8. I just saw it, too. Loved it. The pacing was slower, yes, but not boring and moved with the emotional currents and plot development. I read a few reviews that panned the film and in every case, it seemed that the reviewers missed the boat (or flowers, perhaps). Too hung up on unimportant things like chemistry between leads, fitting dialog, precise historical accuracy. It’s a great pleasure to be transported, visually and musically, to a place and time of beauty, simple nobility, and a bygone quest for sublimity.

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