The 3rd Giveaway: Rita Konig’s Create Academy Design Course
Thursday May 23, 2024

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As someone who has found great benefit and a wealth of information, expertise and resources from taking Rita Konig’s first interior decorating course and is enrolled to take her second course, I thought it a fitting giveaway after sharing the tour of her North Farm earlier today to offer one of her courses (the winner’s choice) as the giveaway price during this year’s 6th Annual British Week. (explore all of my own home tours here of Le Papillon to see how her influence played a role as all of the construction took place after I took her course. Thank you Rita!)

If you too are about to begin a decorating project of any size or scale, or simply are drawn to Konig’s style that has been showcased in well-known and highly respected design magazines in both Britain and the US, then this is an opportunity to take her course for free. Recently chosen as the Interior Designer of the Year by House & Garden magazine (UK), when you take her course, you will find confidence in your decision making, as well as rest easy in knowing that pulling together a room, let alone a house takes time. Have a listen to what she has to say about her recent course, the Advanced Guide to Interior Design in the trailer released by Create Academy:

I have found Konig’s ethos to align quite well with all that is shared here on TSLL about living a life and curating a sanctuary that nourishes the person and people who live there, and I am confident that if you take her courses, you will gain valuable knowledge that will help you creates spaces you love and be glad you made investments where they made sense to do so.




  • Leave a comment below on this post sharing how you look forward to utilizing her course, as well . . .
  • Share in your comment which of her courses you would like to enroll: Be sure to have a look at the content that will be taught in both courses to determine which would suit you best.
  • Enter by Saturday May 25th by noon Pacific time
  • Check back on Sunday the 26th to read the concluding post of this year’s British Week to see if you are the winner, and if you are, contact me ASAP (no later than Monday May 27th) to claim your gift.
  • Good luck!

May 19 26 2024

116 thoughts on “The 3rd Giveaway: Rita Konig’s Create Academy Design Course

  1. Hi Shannon,

    Another great giveaway! I’m in the early processes (studying design more seriously) of planning for a new home. I think the Advanced course would be ideal for me at this stage. Thank you for the chance to enter!


  2. I would love to go through the first online course “the ultimate guide to interior design”. I just sold a very large country home and moved back into my 1200 square-foot city condo which I’ve owned for 10 years. Over the years I’ve tweaked and remodeled and bought new things tried new furniture arrangements, etc. Moving more things into it has been a challenge and I think this course would help me situate things and create a cozy home. What a great giveaway! Thanks!

  3. Hi Shannon
    Love the aesthetic.. would love to start at beginning with first course. Thanks for opportunity

  4. As my Grandmother would say, goodness gracious! This is beyond thrilling. Thank you for offering us this magnificent opportunity!

  5. Oopsie, the second course. Thank you for your kindness in helping me, Shannon! I was so gobsmacked I didn’t read it closely … have a beaut of a day!

  6. Hello!
    I would love to take The Ultimate Guide to Home Design course. I have lived in my 1800’s East Coast schoolhouse for about 7 years, but as my children are growing up I can finally think about what I want the home to feel like as they are out of the messy years.
    What a lovely giveaway! Good luck everyone!

    1. How wonderful to live in a piece of history, although I’m sure it has its trials. Being able to take your home back is one of the perks of an empty nest, isn’t it?

  7. Such a great giveaway! I would like to take the Advanced Guide to Interior Design course!

  8. #Homedecorgoals…I love this aesthetic! Her first course: The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design, would be the perfect place for me to start!

  9. Shannon I didn’t expect such a fantastic giveaway! I live in a small flat in an ancient building( thick walls, ceiling with exposed beams…) in the historical city centre and I know it has a huge potential but I need a trusted guide to express it fully. I adore Rita Konig’s fabulous style and I think her first course The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would be just what I need. Thank you for this amazing British Week.

  10. The Ultimate Guide to Home Design Course would absolutely help in my redecorating as I adjust to an empty nest. Thank you for such an opportunity!

  11. I have already taken and loved the first course, so the second course would be my choice! 🤞

  12. Good Morning,
    Here’s the thing…I look at magazines and books, the magazines I tear out the ideas I like and put them in a journal, so I know exactly what I like. I just don’t know how to start and pull these ideas together. I have relied on the help of decorators, which I don’t want to do anymore. I really think I can do it myself. So, if I should win I would like to take her first decorating course. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Emilie

  13. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to take The Ultimate Guide to Home Design course.

  14. Hi Shannon,
    I am really enjoying these posts and previous posts about how you have so patiently and tastefully decorated your space. I would love to have the confidence and skill to do the same in my own home. The first course would be my preference.

  15. Hi
    This is yet an another great giveaway!
    I would love to take the Ultimate Guide to Home Design and use what I learn to decorate our primary bedroom. Since moving into our home 7 years ago we have slowly been decorating the house as time and budget allows. It is time to finally do our bedroom and make it into a sanctuary.

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would be timely indeed as we are opening up our kitchen area for a renovation. I am looking to create a cohesive look for the first floor of our house.

  17. I love Create Academy. I have purchased a few of their courses (you turned me on to this site!), but not Rita Konig’s yet. I would love to take her first course. Thanks Shannon!

  18. What a wonderful giveaway! I had been looking into her courses as I want to work on redesigning my bedroom. I know two colors that I love and want to include but don’t know how to pull the space together so that it doesn’t look flat and one dimensional. I think her first course The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would be so helpful in helping me create a timeless yet personal space by learning how to bring in and mix colors, patterns, textures and different furniture pieces to create a layered and cozy look. Thank you once again for the opportunity and for all the fun looks into your experiences at North Farm, The Goring, and the antique and vintage shops which provide great design inspiration! – Melissa

  19. Such an amazing giveaway! We are in the processes of buying a new place and the first course would be such a lovely opportunity to learn from Rita Konig.

  20. Thank you for the giveaway. I’d be interested in learning Interior Design starting from the basics with Rita’s first course. Thank you!

  21. Hi Shannon!

    I would love Rita’s second course The Advanced Guide to Interior Design as enjoyed her first course previously. Thank you!
    Carrie P.

  22. I wish you could have see the sheer and utter excitement on my face when this giveaway announcement hit my inbox. Such a wealth of knowledge we could all benefit from.

    When our house burned a few years ago, several of our purchases were made in haste. I am actually this week in the process of changing some if the living room pieces out and could use a guide on pulling it all together and probably need to start with Ultimate Guide.

    So appreciate the opportunity to have a chance!


  23. I would love to take Rita Konig’s first course. I have tried doing simple decorating projects myself, and they never seem to turn out as I wished. It is truly a skill that I do not have! My mother had a wonderful ability to create a plan and have it turn out beautifully. That gene was not passed on to me!! Thank you for offering this course as one of the give-aways for British Week.

  24. What an amazing give-away, Shannon! I would be thrilled to take Rita Konig’s first course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

  25. I would love to take the first course (ultimate) to finally perfect our living room!

  26. What an amazing opportunity! I would love to take the first course, the ultimate guide to interior design because my 80 year old mother just moved in with my immediate family and we would like to do a refresh of her room so it is more cozy and comfortable for her! Thank you for this give away!!

  27. I’m posting for the first time ever on Instagram because I’m so excited about the chance to take a Rita Konig course. My historical home needs a refresh and I’m sure that the second course will help me with the inspiration that I need. I have enjoyed your online content and podcast for many years. Thank you for this great giveaway opportunity.

  28. Shannon,
    You never cease to amaze me with your thoughtfulness and generosity in the giveaways; many thanks!
    “The Advanced Guide to Interior Design” is the course I would choose as I took Rita’s initial (as well as her mother Nina Campbell’s course) after your wonderful review and nudging.:) I am at the beginning stages of creating an in-law/guest quarters of our home and believe I would greatly benefit from Rita’s course sequel.

  29. What a wonderful opportunity! I would love to choose The Ultimate Guide to Home Design Course.
    I have my master bedroom which I would love to redecorate. Thank you for this chance!

  30. I just spent some time listening to a few of Rita’s free lessons. She is very soothing to listen to and breaks down the process of decorating into very understandable parts. I would love to take her first course which would help me with some refreshing of my home.

  31. This giveaway could not have been timed better since I am in the process of looking at a second home. I would definitely benefit from this course.

  32. I would love to go through the first online course, “The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design.” I was widowed at 49 and now, 20 months in, have realized that it is time to make my nest my own. Which means moving away from very bold mid-century colors to the softer colors I love — but it is a massive undertaking.

  33. Shannon, what a smashing give away. I would opt for the first course. We’ve been in our home for 17 years and it is in need of updating and personalization. Rita Koning has such a lovely comfortable style and would get me on the right track.

  34. I’d like to take Rita’s second course. I took her first one during the pandemic. Of all the online courses I took during that time, this was the best one. I’d love to continue the learning!

  35. Hello Shannon, First I love your home and if Rita guided your choices, she’s my go-to interiors person.
    I am moving into a “new” apartment in Boston. It has some good bones, things I won’t be changing, but I need help and think Rita’s master class might help me. Hiring an interior designer isn’t feasible, and I’m ready to tackle making the large dining room, my office/library/tv room- I’d very much appreciate Rita’s advice.
    Thank you!

  36. Such a great giveaway for today. I am for sure a fan of Rita’s and very much enjoy her style. I would choose her second course: The Advanced Guide to Interior Design. Thank you for another great British Week post.

  37. Wow Shannon what a giveaway! Thank you. I would choose The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. I have been inspired by your feedback and am intending to do the course later on in the year (unless the universe provides for me earlier). I have always been interested in Interior Design for my own personal use and want to build on my knowledge. I think it would be interesting and fun,

  38. How great is this! I would choose the Ultimate Guide to Interior Design and would use it to help spruce up my home now that my toddlers are growing and I can find some sanctuary space again.

  39. I would choose the Ultimate course. I love looking at the pictures of North Farm and there is a chair in the primary bedroom I want to curl up in and read my book.

  40. Hi Shannon what a wonderful giveaway, this is my first British Week & I’m so enjoying. I would choose the Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. North Farm looks lovely & would love to learn how to bring some of the layered colour & warmth into my own home. Thank you for the opportunity.

  41. I’ve had this course on my wish list ever since you introduced me to it.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  42. I would enjoy taking her first course on interior design. I would like to learn more about bringing pops of color into my rooms. I tend to be cautious and go with neutrals. I love birds and have been slowly incorporating bird decor into my living room and kitchen, which has also brought more color especially blues and greens. Thank you for doing all these giveaways. It’s fun to enter them, even if I don’t win!

  43. Hello. So excited about this. Retiring shortly after 25years and looking to really make my home my refuge and personal happy place. I would love to start with the first course. Thanks so much for offering this.

  44. What a wonderful giveaway!
    I would love to take the first course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Decorating and apply what I learned to our primary bedroom and bathroom. After living in our home for 15 years with contractor white walls it would be gratifying to change it up. Thank you for a llife changing opportunity ❤️

  45. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! I would love to take the first course and hopefully do that last 30% I need for my own place.

  46. I would love to go through the first course because right now we are remodeling our home. I love your ideas and am sad that some of the fabric and furniture is not available but love your style. I know that I would love taking this course and learning more about style. Thank you for allowing us to have the chance to experience this!

  47. This is such an amazing giveaway! I would choose her second course: The Advanced Guide to Interior Design. My husband is retiring from teaching for 33 years. We are buying property and building a small cottage. I would LOVE this!

  48. I have had her first course on my wish list for quite some time, so if I am the lucky winner that is the one I would choose. I am about to begin my retirement in the next month or so and since I will spending more time at home I would use what I learn to further create a welcoming, warm and relaxing home for myself, my husband and our two Goldens.

  49. Hi Shannon – thanks for all the fun stuff this week. I would love the first course given the opportunity. 🙂

  50. This is so timely. I built and decorated my home 25 years ago with no experience. My children have left the nest and my husband and I will be down sizing to a smaller home. I want to learn how to create a home that fits our next chapter, layered with all the textures and colors I adore in Rita’s designs. Learning what to keep and what to add.. and most importantly functioning to fit our new lifestyle and our two doggies : )
    The Advanced Guide of Interior Design! Would be Perfect!

  51. Shannon,
    This is a wonder give away! There is something relaxed and comforting about Rita Konig’s style. I’ve been following Rita Konig on Intrsgram and would love to take one of her courses.

  52. Hello Shannon! I have been following you for years, and I am so happy to see how you have blossomed and expanded and are such a source of values, beauty, and comfort. If I win, I would love to enroll in “The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design” because I have lived in my new (old) house for two years with my new husband, and we still have not put pictures on the walls. I would so love to know where to begin. All my best to you. Thank you for all you do and the role model you are of beautiful, simple, values-based living!

  53. What an amazing giveaway. If given the opportunity, I would love to take her first course, “The ultimate guide to interior design”. We are about to update a few rooms in our home and I would love to incorporate some of Rita’s ideas. Thank you for such a fun British week!

  54. Wonderful giveaway! I live in the starter house that we bought 40 years ago. It was very cheaply made and it’s, well, ugly but it’s mine. It’s where I can breath a sigh of relief after work. I would love to learn the basics just to get started and not feel overwhelmed, like I do now. Thank you for the opportunity. I would prefer the beginning course.

  55. Thank you, Shannon! What a fantastic giveaway! I would love to take Rita Konig’s course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design.

  56. First of all, your home is gorgeous. Thoughtfully composed, expertly layered. This give-away will be a marvelous opportunity for someone. Hopefully, it will be me! I’d choose the beginning course.

  57. What a creative give-away! I would like the Advanced Guide to elevate my home decor. Thanks for a fun British week.

  58. After thirty years in our home it is time for a refresh. The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would surely help me go beyond the basics and make my rooms truly beautiful as yours are Shannon. Thank you for all these opportunities for such excellent giveaways!

  59. How exciting!! I would love to.take the advanced course. I have been in my home for 30 years and although I feel it reflects who I am I would like to take that extra step and fine tune the warmth and love I have enjoyed all these years. ( fingers crossed )……(and toes 😊)

  60. Such a great gift. I will be a complete empty nester by the end of the summer so I plan to redecorate my son and daughter’s old rooms to turn them into guest rooms. I would love to take Rita’s first course The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design for inspiration and techniques.

  61. What a generous gift! We live on a small farm in the countryside and the house has been a work in progress over the past few years. I have so many ideas and photos of design ideas – I’m just not sure how it will all come together so I’ve procrastinated on getting started. Taking Rita’s first course would be so helpful to clarify my vision and give me the confidence boost to stop just dreaming and start doing! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!🤞

  62. How exciting! I love your approach to life and living, Shannon. Following you for the past twelve plus years has most definitely impacted the way I live my life and the way I think about home and decorate it. I would love to see both of the courses, but having to pick, I would begin with the first. Thank you for you!

  63. I absolutely love Create Academy. I own two courses myself — the ones by Willow Crossley and Gabby Deeming. Having Rita Konig’s latest course would be invaluable as I plan to redecorate my cozy Pasadena condo. Thank you for offering this as a giveaway!

  64. Shannon, a fab giveaway. I would choose the first course because we have been living in our house for over 10 years and now my boys are almost adults I’d like a more cohesive look rather than functional areas.

  65. What a wonderful giveaway. I would use the skills learnt to complete the decoration and design of my home. We’ve been here 4 years and the main living areas are complete but there are still spare rooms that I’ve just not known what to do with. I also think our downstairs living area needs a change of decor in terms of colours on the wall and so I would utilise any advice about colours and colour schemes.
    s someone not too knowledgeable about interior design I would choose her first course – The Ultimate Guide to Interior
    Design .

  66. Hi Shannon, I’d love to take Rita’s “Ultimate Guide to Interior Design” because I am in the process of putting in an offer on a 1913 historic home, which has so many rich details but will need much thoughtful renovation, restoration and decorating to make it the weekend getaway we are hoping to create for our family.

  67. I would love to do the first of Rita’s two courses. I grew up with a mum who loved interior design and she passed that passion on to me. I have been gradually decorating my home for the last eight years and love to find hidden treasures in the most unexpected places. I don’t have a plan though and jump from room to room – a bit of guidance might have saved me from a few missteps!

  68. What a wonderful idea for a giveaway! My house is in a desperate need of makeover and I would love the first course to help me with ideas and planning.

  69. Thanks again Sharon this is so much fun. I would love to take her first course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. Although I take a lot of pride in my space and surrounding and am thoughtful about everything that enters that space, I think I would benefit from the basics.
    One thing I’ve been wanting to update in my home is my floors, I’m so curious what kind of ideas may be sparked from a course like this!

  70. Always looking to expand my knowledge and apply within my home. The course The Advanced Guide sounds like a super course.

  71. Thank you, Shannon, for this wonderful opportunity! I’d love the Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. Living in a new space for just over a year now and still struggling to figure out what and how to make this mine, having a guide to help work it all out will be a godsend. And I’ll keep following your decorating journey for help in creating my own space as well! Tastes may differ but the results remain the same – a home that is truly one’s own.

  72. What a tremendous opportunity! I’m always looking for new and different ways to “fluff the nest” and this would be a fun way to learn more. I’ll choose to start at the beginning with the first course, The Ultimate Guide to Home Design.

  73. This is a fantastic giveaway! I am working diligently on making my house a cozy, comfortable space for my whole family and really feel like I am starting at the beginning as I feel very inexperienced in pulling things together. I would love to have the opportunity to go through Rita’s Ultimate Guide to Interior Design.

  74. What an amazing giveaway! We have just finished building our “dream” home; a cottage on a lake, that we will live in during our retirement and I could use some professional help making it truly our own. Both courses sound fantastic, but I feel that the first course would be best for me. (The second course sounds like it would have been extremely beneficial about a year and a half ago, when we were starting down the path with an architect and builder, etc!!) Additionally, I am writing my first novel and my main protagonist is an interior designer. This may give me some additional insights into the interior design career! Many thanks for a fabulous introduction to “British Week!”

  75. Thank you. I have had these classes on my radar for a while and would like to start with the first course. The aesthetics of the homes she designs are so inviting, personal and beautiful. It’s not easy to teach this skill. My choice is the first class.

  76. I would utilize the course to freshen up my home after my husband’s passing and really make it my own. The first course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design, would be perfect. Thank you for the introduction to Rita. I absolutely love her style!

  77. This is such a fun giveaway! What better way to learn than getting to learn from someone who’s style you so admire! I would love to try out the first course if I were to win! Getting ready to diy a remodel for my own home and would so enjoy the inspiration!

  78. Thank you for the information and opportunity! I have so much to learn about home decorating. We want to do some remodeling this next year, and every time I start to think about planning, I become overwhelmed. I would very much appreciate the first course, The Ultimate Guide.

  79. Wow, what a treat! You are seriously spoiling us! 🙂
    For me, to attend one of Rita König courses would be a dream come true. Her style is just so… well, English. It is the kind of style that I aspire to and try my best to execute – without going “full English” ;-), I mean, I will throw in a few modern items here and there.

    Given the option, I would prefer the first course (for a solid foundation).

    Thank you for this opportunity, Shannon – and good luck everyone! 🙂

  80. Shannon! I don’t believe you are offering this as a giveaway! I have been wanting to take Rita’s first class ever since it came out in 2020. I am now in a place to be revamping my home and this is just the push I need to get started! Thank you! I really I hope I am the lucky winner!

  81. Shannon,
    I LOVE learning. I have a small decor business where I help my friends (clients) edit and decorate their homes. I am always studying and reading, but have not ever taken a course. The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design sounds like a perfect place for myself and can share and use what I learn from the course.
    Thank you!

  82. Rita Koenig, to me, epitomizes the quintessential British country estate/cottage cosy interior design ethos and I adore it. I have thoroughly enjoyed owning her first course–many thanks to your recommendation, Shannon! I would be absolutely overjoyed to own her second course, The Advanced Guide to Interior Design, thank you so much for the opportunity with this giveaway!xx

  83. Both of these courses look amazing. I really enjoyed watching the videos and loved the way she described the process and how decorating is a very personal thing based on personal taste. I would love to take the First course, first to learn the foundation. It would then be great to go to the next course next which focuses on two examples of how to implement. I have enjoyed decorating all of my life, but really haven’t had training. It would be wonderful to have this opportunity. Thank you!

  84. Fabulous giveaway Shannon. My daughter is a big fan of Rita König and she has enlisted my help to help her redecorate her new home after her wedding. I would love to win the ‘Ultimate Guide to Interior Design’ so I can surprise her.
    I ‘ve done a lot of decorating over the years in England and France but never took any courses. Good luck to everyone. Kameela😊

  85. What a fantastic giveaway! WFH has allowed me to spend more time enhancing my home environment, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design is just what I need to learn about design and feel more confident in some of my choices. Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn from Rita Konig!

  86. Hi, Shannon! What a fantastic opportunity. I like how Rita uses color and patterns, something I know I am hesitant about. The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would be great so I can cozy up my home. Thank you so much.

  87. Oh my gosh, this is such a great giveaway! I would like to take the Advanced Guide to Interior Design course!
    Thanks for the chance 😁

  88. What a tantalizing choice for a British Week Giveaway, Shannon! Just recently, our architect presented the site plan for our house and gardens in Oregon so at the moment, I’m all in and in full swing with home design and decorating. Rita Konig’s The Advanced Guide to Interior Design would be such a support as I work on doing things properly, right from the start and feel confident with my decisions. Her expertise and guidance would be invaluable right now.

  89. Dear Shannon,
    I love her design. I need help with my designing and I’d like the Ultimate Guide, please.

    Thank you.

  90. I have already done her first course and she is so, so helpful! I would love to top that off with her second: The Advanced Guide to Interior Design !!

  91. I’d like to explore this style as I love the design. I’d choose the first course. Thank you!

  92. I’m working on a home refresh and know the Ultimate Guide would be full of all kinds of inspiration. Thank you for the chance to win.

  93. This is so exciting! We recently moved and I have been very overwhelmed trying to decide how to decorate our new home. Your posts have been wonderful inspiration, but I can use all the help I can get! I would love to study her first course as I am at a more beginner level. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway!!

  94. I would love the first course, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. I am in the process of making updates to my home and feel a bit lost – this would be a great help.

  95. I would love the first course..The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design. Love the way her rooms look. So happy, comfortable and welcoming.

  96. I am currently revamping my living room and wanting a more cozy look. I would love the course –the Advanced Guide to Interior Design.
    Robin K.

  97. Hi Shannon, what a life long rewarding give away! To be able to truly create the magic in my own home is what I would love to get from this course. I love the idea of creating mood boards and learning how to use texture, patterns and pieces to turn a house into a home. I would benefit receiving the advanced course. Thank you!

  98. Heading into a new house this summer for the first time in 20 years, The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design would be perfect for the anticipated style refresh!

  99. When I was a young teenager I sent away for information about interior design because it was a career idea I was interested in. We have recently made the decision to stay in our current home rather than downsizing when my husband retires so we are exploring some ideas for updating and redecorating. I would be thrilled to win The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design course!

  100. What a thoughtful giveaway! I think The Advanced Guide to Interior Design course would suit me best.

  101. Oops—I forgot to comment as to why I think The Advanced Guide to Interior Design course would best suit me. I purchased my dream loft a little over three years ago. As I’ve had time to get to know the space, there are changes I would like to make, including a more functional office/library/sitting room. I think this is the course to best teach me how to make my ideas a reality.

  102. Thank you Shannon… I believe this recent empty-nester is ready for some “bold moves rather than the beige sofa!” I enjoy decorating but have no formal training …would be a treat to learn from the best!
    Nancy T

  103. Dear Shannon,

    I would love the possibility to learn from Rita’s Ultimate Guide to Interior design. I am looking into buying my first home soon and would love to have more know how on how to achieve the perfect blend of elegant and cosy in the new space.

    Thank you for offering such wonderful giveaways!

  104. Oh Shannon I would LOVE to receive Rita Konig’s Advanced Guide course. I signed up for the first one after your suggestion (and during a Black Friday event so the reduced price pulled me in further). It has been so inspirational to me. Yes, yes! Would so love that course! I’ve learned so much from you Shannon…

  105. Last year we moved into a new house and I’m struggling to make it a cozy and welcoming home. The first course would help so much. Thank you, Shannon!

  106. Hi Shannon. I would love the Ultimate Guide course and would utilize it to re-design my open concept, living area and dining area. After downsizing to a 900 square-foot home, I’ve had difficulties with the best arrangement of furniture to maximize space and light. Thank you.

  107. Dear Shannon: Thank you for introducing us to Rita Koenig, I just love this designer and would so love the Ultimate. Guide course….She is so relatable yet so inspiring!!!!

  108. This is a fabulous giveaway. My husband and I are transitioning our home from one in which we raised two children to a home for us and our very social lifestyle. As I almost start from scratch in rethinking the use of every space, this course would be quite useful in providing ideas and guidance. Thus I would choose: The Advanced Guide to Interior Design.

  109. What a cool and educational experience to gift! I’m moving into a new home next year; the Ultimate Guide would be great for me to take in anticipation of that. Thank you so much Shannon!

  110. It would be amazing to take her first course as I am gearing up for a primary bedroom and bath remodel in the next year or so!

  111. Hello Shannon,

    I would be over the moon to take this course as I have just inherited a 100 year old Tudor revival home in an historic area of Los Angeles that has been in my family since 1937. I am in the midst of working on restoring the home to the former glory it so deserves. Thank you for a chance to win! I am grateful for your content! Linda

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