Welcome to the New TSLL Blog! Let’s Take a Tour!
Tuesday January 11, 2022

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Welcome to the new TSLL blog and online destination.

One of the most important lessons I have learned along my life journey, most particularly in the past two years and as I have journeyed through the blogging world the past twelve years is the power of clear communication.

When the idea of revamping my blog’s design became a necessity for functionality behind-the-scenes, I began to look closely at what new readers see and would potentially understand and feel when they visited TSLL for the first time. What I realized was not only did the ‘engine’ need tuning, so to speak, but the aesthetics, graphics and clarity of communication regarding what exactly living simply luxuriously was all about also needed significant attention.

So I set out with two objectives for the new design:

  • Clearly and simply communicate the foundational mission of the blog: What is living simply luxurious living? What does it feel like to experience living simply luxuriously in your very own everydays? When the term true luxury is used in the context of TSLL, what does it actually mean? What is True Contentment and how is it different from Happiness?
  • Create a tranquil space for readers that not only attracts the eye and calms the mind, but invites readers to spend and engage with fellow TSLL readers: Make navigating the site user-friendly, enjoyable to stay a while if so desired, engage with TSLL community if inspired and be able to continue the conversation with ease.

With the objectives clear and Dash Creative at the helm to bring the new blog design to fruition, we began working together last May/June.

Inspired by the colors that bring calm, yet also signify growth and strong well-being, a color pairing I chose for my primary bathroom as well (see a peek in the image to the right, and look for a full tour in March or TOP Tier Members), I selected Eucalyptus green and a soft off-white.

The artwork of TSLL plays an integral role in communicating what living simply luxuriously is all about, and while I considered changing the illustration in the header (woman with flower basket and pup), I didn’t consider that idea for long deciding to keep Inslee Fariss’ illustration that was created in 2018. However, you will not find any other images of ‘humans’ on the blog. TSLL is moving away from projecting specific people and moving toward the everyday simple pleasures, the beauty of Mother Nature and all that encompasses reminding us to slow down and savor our lives in the present moment. Which brings me to the new illustrator of TSLL and forthcoming 3rd book – Sarah Löcker.

Sarah Löcker at work in her studio in Austria

Read a profile and Q & A post written in 2018 in which Sarah shares 8 Ways and Reasons to Display Art in Your Home that You Love to Share a Glimpse of Your Journey

Sarah and I began working together to come up with the 14 illustrations that will appear in TSLL’s 3rd book in October (learn more about The Road to Le Papillon here), and as the illustrations began being completed, and my jaw dropped open agape each time with utter delight and awe, I quickly discerned a few of them must be incorporated into the new blog design.

As you peruse around the site from the Start Here: Introductions page, to the French and British Weeks, and many more, you will see Sarah’s work. Inslee’s art will continue to be a part of TSLL experience as she worked with TSLL for ten years, and her work is something I will forever be grateful for (header, palmier & teacup on Subscribe page, original French Week and British Week illustration on respective pages).

~I will be sharing a detailed post about Sarah later this month along with more information about the book, how to purchase a signed copy and much more.

There are soooo many things I want to show you, so along with the bulleted list below, I have a detailed video (8 minutes in length) paired with narration taking you through the entire site. Have a look at it below. Note, I am viewing the site after logging in as a TOP Tier Member, so you will be able to see the site without ads.

What is new on the TSLL redesign:

  • The four most recent posts will always appear at the top of the homepage: the most recently posted will be first, followed by a horizontal row of the next three most recent.
  • All most recent posts in chronological order can be found by clicking just below THIS WEEK’s POSTS, “Read Previous Posts”.
  • An updated Start Here: Introductions page
  • Check out the lower-right side of the screen: Yep, you can quickly move back to the top of any page you are on by clicking “Back to Top”, the third button in the slider that moves with you.
    • You can also increase the font size AND change the color of the screen to tailor your reading experience.
  • British AND French Week have their own individual pages.
    • Click on each on respectively in the Menu Bar. A drop-down menu will appear.
    • Click British Week or French Week and be directed to a page with each year’s Annual event.
    • Click on the year you want and see all of the posts and giveaways shared during that year.
  • Travel Guides:
    • There is a heavy emphasis on travel information for Britain and France as these are TSLL’s favorite places to visit.
    • Each one, upon being clicked will display all locals TSLL has visited and the places I recommend and why.
  • TSLL’s New Book (Book #3)
    • Learn all about the contents and how to stay informed with signed copies become available, where to purchase, etc. here.
    • Be sure to check out the book trailer.
  • A New Podcast Illustration Square for listeners:
    • In your podcast feed wherever you listen to podcasts, the image has changed, but the content is the same.
  • More details and insights into what joining TSLL Community as a BASIC or TOP Tier Member is all about.
    • Detailed testimonials from current Members and why they enjoy being part of the community.
    • Images captured from our monthly A Cuppa Moments video conversation.
    • Visit the Subscribe page to view and read all about joining the international community of readers each living their unique simply luxurious life.
  • New Benefits for BASIC and TOP Tier Members:
    • You can save posts to your own personal TSLL Library (Favorite Posts).
      • First, login, and then, under the title of each blog post as you are reading it in full, you will see “Add to Favorites”. Click this and it will automatically be added to your library and appear in your Dashboard. You can keep them for as long as you want or remove them at anytime.
    • Comment Notifications:
      • Automatically be alerted via email when someone has responded to your comment. As well, when you go to your Dashboard, you will see the Comments tab. Here you will be able to see the comments waiting for you to respond to and which ones you have responded to.
  • NOTE: More detail is shared in the video above, so be sure to check it out.

And about TSLL’s 3rd Book . . . here’s the trailer. (learn more about the contents here)

I do hope you enjoy perusing around the new ‘home’ of TSLL. If you have any questions or simply want to toast with fellow TSLL readers, feel free to leave a comment below. I am beyond tickled to bring this to you all, and want to thank you for your patience. Thank you for stopping by and look for the regular weekly schedule to continue on Wednesday, followed by Friday’s This & That and Saturday’s POnderings for TOP Tier Members on, yep, you guessed it Saturday. 🙂

Bonne journée!

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | The Simply Luxurious Life

94 thoughts on “Welcome to the New TSLL Blog! Let’s Take a Tour!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Andrea and taking the tour! I will pass along your words to Dash. I am so beyond fortunate to be able to work with them. And I have to say this as a way to demonstrate their awesome work ethic, my main web tech who transferred everything over, didn’t begin until midnight so as to not interrupt reading during the day. That would be J and he makes this site what it is. So grateful for his talent and knowledge of the site. Thank you again for stopping by! 🙂

  1. Good morning Shannon,
    What a lovely way to begin my frigid Tuesday morning! Your new design of your blog is beautiful and has warmed me up as much as my cuppa! Kudos to your team and your new book design is gorgeous. Thank you for always making me smile in the morning!

    1. Kristie, thank you for your feedback and for stopping by on this inaugural day! Look for a detailed post later this month on the book, cover and all things pertaining to TSLL’s 3rd Book – The Road to Le Papillon ? ?

  2. I absolutely love it Shannon. Sarah’s artwork is just so.. tsll! The croissants, and the butterfly with the header are just lovely touches. I do love that you have kept the Inslee illustration too though, to me she is a core part of tsll’s identity and I instantly recognise her and the pup.
    I love the new book title and feel even more intrigued, and the cover is beautiful. I think I will have to follow Sarah on Instagram to see more of her beautiful artwork.
    I also think the notification option for further comments is great as I like to come back and look 🙂

    Thanks for putting so much thought and detail into my favourite online destination and daily escape 🙂 and congratulations on this new chapter and the upcoming book!
    Sarah x

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you or taking such time and paying such close attention to the new redesign. 🙂 I too am very glad the Inslee artwork remains. And I appreciate what you have said. That feedback is invaluable and others have echoed the same sentiment.

  3. Good morning Shannon,
    I have just done a read thru on all the marvelous changes you have made. So excited!! Love the look and ease of finding and reading posts. Thank you so much! Have a beauty filled day♥️

  4. Love the new look and design! Congrats and well done. Looking forward to days filled with joy reading your posts.


  6. Shannon,
    I simply want to celebrate one new feature of your new blog that gives me pleasure this morning. It is the new font style with the ability to increase the print size. Thank you! I love it!

    1. Rebecca,

      Thank you SO much for sharing what new feature you in particular appreciate. I am so glad you like it. I have to tip my hat to my web designer for bringing that in. He is always ahead of the curve and knows more about what is possible on a site than I do. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by.

  7. Great work Shannon , congratulations to you and all your team !
    The new book title and cover ……so enticing .

    Those of us who have the first two books know that the new one will be full of interesting and thoughtful topics , so we would pick up the book anyway, but anyone who hasn’t yet discovered you will certainly be drawn to pick up the book by its attractive cover and intriguing title .

    Thank you for doing the video to ‘walk ‘ us through the new site and show us how to navigate it , that is so helpful.

    Sarah’s illustrations complement your content very well, but I am so glad that you kept Inslee’s illustrations too , as I love her work .

    Have a wonderful day ?

    x Anne x

    1. Anne,

      Thank you for stopping by and thank you for sharing that the video tour was helpful! Now that I know this, I will gravitate toward that more when I need to show new or changed features. 🙂

      Yes, Sarah’s work is outstanding. I feel fortunate to be working with her and the Dash team did an AWESOME job. 🙂

      1. Thank you for your comment reply Shannon , the corrected link worked beautifully ?
        Enjoy the rest of your day.
        x Anne x

  8. Oh! My goodness. I am so impressed and deeply appreciative. Your detailed layout is everything I would choose to explore. In 2017 I found your blog by accident and have read then daily, often using YouTube to find your gems about France. Thank you, Shannon, for all your hard work.

    God bless you

    1. Teresa,

      Thank you for stopping by! I am so grateful for your words and tickled that you as a reader of the blog feel this is a site you can enjoy more fully. I always enjoy hearing how and when readers find TSLL. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely day.

  9. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying exploring the updated site this morning and it’s fabulous! I love the new features, especially the text size toggle and the comment notifications. It also feels more intuitive to navigate. I adore the cover illustration of your upcoming book, it is absolutely gorgeous. I have been looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Karin and exploring! 🙂 I have to wholly tip my hat to the Dash team for making these additions for improved reader experience to the new design. I was delighted they brought them to the site and appreciate your feedback. 🙂

      Didn’t Sarah do a magnificent job on the new book cover. I am over the moon! As you read through the book, each of the details you see on the cover are part of the contents in some way which hopefully readers will enjoy exploring and seeing the playful connections. 🙂

  10. The new blog design is wonderful and I look forward to many hours exploring the content. Being a top tier member is well worth it. Thank you.

    1. HenKelm,

      Thank you VERY much for your comment. I am tickled to hear you are enjoying being a TOP Tier member. I look forward to our next month’s conversation. 🙂

      Enjoy exploring the blog!

  11. Shannon, the new blog style is beautiful. It, like the previous version, is really meant to be read on a laptop or desktop. I always read it on my IPad and I find the little box on the left with the color/font/back-to-top options to be quite distracting as the box is always present. I usually enlarge the text to center it on the page instead of squished to the left, since I don’t have ads and to eliminate the white space. I don’t know if a mobile app version is in the future for those of us that read on a tablet, but that would make me very happy ?.
    I love your content and look forward to the new book!

    Bonne journée,

    1. Lauren,

      Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate what you shared. However, I read my blog on my iPad and the text is not covered by the toggles . . . hmmm . . . I would just make sure you are reading the iPad in Landscape mode, rather than vertical. That seems to remedy the issue. 🙂

      Thank you for reaching out and I hope this helps improve your reading experience. Have a lovely day.

  12. Absolutely beautiful, Shannon! I can’t wait to explore more. The walk through was extremely helpful and my favorite new feature is being able to save favorite posts. I’m also looking forward with much anticipation for the new book.

    Congratulations on your new journey.

    1. Janis,

      So happy to hear the walk-through video was helpful. Once I figured out how to do it, I quickly noted that this will be helpful for many other things when news of changes or additions come the blog’s way. 🙂

      I do hope you enjoy the library feature. I was tickled we could bring that to readers.

      Enjoy the day and thank you again for stopping by!

  13. I am in awe. I have followed your blog for many years and have always found it delightful but you and your team have incorporated so many new things for ease of navigation that I just want to stay here all day. Things that never even crossed my mind. I love the idea of a library but would save ALL the posts to it. ?

    Thank you Shannon for taking your leap of faith last year; growing on your journey so we can grow in ours.

    1. Sara,

      I appreciate your long-time readership Sarah. Your comment regarding the ease of navigation was appreciated not only by me, but made my web tech team smile as well. Thank you for your feedback. We will continue to all that we can to make this a priority.

      Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot. xo

  14. The redesign is everything you promised and more. I especially enjoyed your third book trailer on YouTube. The beauty of nature, your written words and the music couldn’t have been more enjoyable. I find myself so lucky to have found your oasis in these uncertain times.

  15. Good Morning Shannon,
    Woke up to a beautiful morning here in California and enjoyed looking over your redesign.! I love all the changes and happy you kept the Inslee designs. I’m a long time reader who looks forward to checking in weekly, often daily for inspiration. I appreciate all your thoughtful content and how much you’ve increased it as you’ve grown over the years. Truly elevating my life and bringing me daily joy!♥️

    1. Nicole,

      Thank you Nicole for sharing how you enjoy taking in the blog. I appreciate your interest and time to stop by so regularly. 🙂

      Your kind words mean more than you know, truly.

      Bonne journée,


  16. Simply gorgeous, Shannon! What a delightful place to spend some time – and I’m very excited to start working on my personal library! I know I say this every time, but the third book cannot get here soon enough!

  17. Hi Shannon! The new blog design is wonderful. Thank you for the many new features. I’ve loved your blog and books for quite a few years. Your’s is one of only two blogs I follow and subscribe to. Rebecca Plotnick’s is the other, which I learned of on TSLL. Merci beaucoup? and ? to sweet Norman.

    1. Robbie,

      Thank you for stopping by! Thank you for being reader over the years. I appreciate your continued interest. Your words are an immense compliment and I do not take them lightly. Tickled to see you enjoy the features and thank you for the gentle email. Happy to hear we were able to fix that error and I do apologize for any headache it caused.

  18. Congratulations Shannon to you and the team. It must give you a real sense of satisfaction. Sarah has done a brilliant job .The colours are harmonious and soothing but as Sarah H says Inslee’s work is instantly recognisable as part of TSLL. Glad you kept it. It was delightful before but now it looks cosy and somewhere I want to linger for longer. The colours are so TSLL and the book cover is so enticing. Thank you for the tour. I love the library idea and being able to keep tabs on comments .It will be so much easier for responses.. xx

    1. Kameela,

      Thank you for your words of cosy and wanting to linger longer. I am tickled to read them as this was a primary objective to create a space for readers to savor their time when they are here. And I am so happy to finally be able to bring the Comments’ Notification system to readers, especially for our A Cuppa Moments. Thank you for your patience while we figured out how to bring this feature to you. 🙂

      Thank you again for stopping by. xo

  19. This new website is just gorgeous! Such a clean and classy new look. Sarah’s artwork is right on point and evokes such joy. The 2 new features for the Top Tier members are absolutely wonderful additions. I feel like I’m seeing everything for the first time and just want to keep on exploring. Well done to everyone involved!! ?

    1. Dani,

      Thank you for stopping by and so tickled to be able to finally bring these two features to readers, especially for the monthly chats with TOP Tier members. I hope they help make the conversation even more enjoyable for readers and engaging with one another.

      Thank you for your enthusiasm. I am smiling just reading your comment. 🙂 xoxo

  20. The new website is truly gorgeous and very apropos for TSLL. Well done to you and your team! It will be a pleasure to visit and wander around to my heart’s content.

  21. Shannon, this new design is absolutely beautiful and so thoughtfully planned out, thank you! And the comment notifications, what a wonderful idea that will help us all connect more. C’est manifique 🙂

  22. Shannon, just finished your guided tour and the blog looks amazing! I can’t wait for my work day to end so I can have a good look around. Also, looking forward to your new book. I will definitely want a signed copy.


  23. Looks like a lot of positive changes and much easier to navigate. Aesthetically very nice as well. Congratulations on completing the redesign.?

  24. Congratulations and bravo, Shannon! The site looks beautiful and is designed so nicely… love the colors and layout! Thank you for all your hard work!

  25. Fantastic new design. I can’t wait to fully peruse the new site and start saving favorites. Congrats to the TSLL team on a job *very* well done!

  26. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous!! Well done, Shannon and team! So much to love, I really like the “Comment Subscriptions” tab. And the Favorites Library! So fabulous for someone with a decidedly squirrely mind, (“I KNOW I buried that nut hereabouts…”), or the large fluffy dog that gets distracted, (“I am the guardian of all my realm, I will not…SQUIRREL!!!”). The new illustrations are simply lovely and THE BOOK!!! Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to dive in and explore the new website–thank you Shannon! XXOO

  27. Fantastic Shannon- love the new blog design and the improvements you’ve made are so obviously driven by user feedback- I thought the previous blog design was pretty good but the changes seem to be all targeted at genuinely improving user experience. Well done! Excited about the new book too and very much looking forward to reading it.

    1. Lotte,

      Thank you for your feedback and good to know the previous design work all right. 🙂 I do hope you enjoy the book when it is released. I cannot wait to bring it to you. 🙂

  28. Wow! Beautiful and soothing, so pleasing to the eye. Absolutely professional looking – and the new illustrations are really au point. Thanks for the guided video tour. It certainly helped because there are so many new pathways and levels to explore. Oh my, as others members say, one could stay here all day… dangerous! 😉

    The “library” to save favourite posts is a great idea, which will be very helpful for yours truly. And for all other ideas and tweaks, my sincere thanks, as they make for a really comfortable navigation.

    I am also glad that the previous illustrations were kept because they are so part of the TSLL, as others have pointed out. Adding the butterfly to the header but keeping the illustration, was brilliant.

    Congratulations, Shannon, and please pass my best compliments to the design team. Fantastic job!

    And many pats to Norman, of course. That goes without saying. 😉

    1. Isabel,

      Thank you for your feedback! Music to my ears to hear you could linger far longer than anticipated. ?

      I certainly will let the design team know of your compliments. Thank you for all that you have shared. ?

  29. Mais absolument bravo chère Shannon!
    Your team and very importantly, yourself has put enormous work in designing a top class outcome. So many beautiful comments from all the readers. So much gratitude from my side for enjoying this journey as an avid reader of yours. Your blog remains always inspiring.
    Merci beaucoup. Je vous embrasse doucement. Bisous à les deux???

  30. Dear Shannon, the new design is beautiful! The colours are very calming, I love it! Library of favourite posts is also a great idea! At the moment, I’m reading your post on my smartphone and I like what I see and I know I’ll like it even more when I’ll be reading on computer =) I’m very interested in the new book and I also like the artwork, it’s lovely!

    1. Mateja,

      Thank you for your feedback on the colors. I appreciate that a lot. And I cannot wait to bring you and all readers the book. Sarah’s illustrations really complement it well. 🙂 Thank you again for stopping by!

  31. Many congratulations to you and your teams and Sarah – so very well-done! Thank you for your thoughtful approach, understated elegance, and for the nourishment for the mind, spirit, body, our homes, and our lives at-large. Looking forward to the book. So glad for you – for exploring, listening, taking calculated risks, embracing life, and being generous in sharing with others!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. ? As you shared, the site is what is because of many talented people, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with them. Thank you for stopping by during this time of celebration. ?

  32. Hi Shannon! I love the new design! The new artwork compliments the older and everything is so lovely. I do have one question though. How do I get to your very first post? Years ago, I tried hitting the “previous” button for it seemed like hours! Probably was that long because I was reading each one! I’d enjoy starting at the beginning of your journey though. Any ideas please? Thank you and congratulations on everything you have achieved!

    1. Barbara, good morning and so glad to hear you are enjoying the new design! I appreciate your bringing this question forward. I have just reached out to my web tech to bring back the next or previous post button as I agree – a helpful feature. ?

      My first post went live on December 26, 2009, but is categorized as Shannon’s Journey and as such is only viewable by TOP Tier Members. Here is the link to it.


  33. Oh my gosh, Shannon! The tour of the redesigned blog has me over the moon. You have done an outstanding job with the website! Beautifully organized and illustrated, and the thought that went into all the details is amazing. You have given us a luxurious reading experience. I’m pleased to say that I love being a top tier subscriber!

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Updated British Week 1.jpg
Updated French Week 2.jpg