Why Not . . . Take a Breath Before Jumping Into the New Year?
Wednesday January 2, 2019

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New Year’s Day has passed, and as a fellow blogger pointed out recently, it truly is a holiday to revel in without expectation of having to do anything if we so design it to be.

But what if all of the busyness of the holidays during the past two months has left you over exhilarated? Perhaps you need more than one day to truly gear up for a new year.

Now, granted, we don’t all have an extended holiday into this first week of the year, so why not consider this upcoming weekend as an opportunity to just take a breath?

Let me share with you my own experience over the past few days.

Over the past weekend, like many business and home budgeters, I wrapped up the financial year of 2018, balancing, saving, filing, etc. On Monday, since most businesses were open, I tended to a handful of errands and appointments, things that are more difficult to do when school is in session: stop by the DMV to renew my driver’s license and take a vanity shot, visit the local eye doctor for my annual check-up, drop off a beloved necklace to be repaired at the jewelers and other have-tos that when not rushed, aren’t so bad at all to tend to.

By the time all of these “to-do”s were wrapped up, I felt a sense of accomplishment and readiness for the new year, but I also just wanted to relax. So on New Year’s Eve, I made the above simple dinner of Linguini, Lemon and Shrimp, paired it with an inexpensive, yet quite delicious glass of French sparkling wine and toasted ringing in of the New Year at 9pm (I cannot remember the last time I stayed up until midnight, and for that I am thankful, especially after reading this article in The Atlantic).

Upon waking up in 2019, I wanted to greet the day as the sun woke up, so I headed out to ski as the skies were clear and blue, and the snow was ready to be skied upon. Never mind that it turned out to be 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-15 Celsius) where I went, it was a lovely start to the day and the new year.

Back at home, resolutions still needed to be written down in detail for TSLL business and for me personally, but I was cold, so I took a late morning hot bubble bath. Then, made myself some chocolat chaud (1 2/3 cup whole milk, 2/3 heavy cream, 3 oz top quality dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder – top quality as well, and 1/8 c. of sugar – see the full recipe here). Then, I sat down at my desk and tended to my resolutions for 2019.

For me, writing resolutions, reflecting upon the year that was, takes time. It provokes much emotion, and varied emotions come to the surface, which means I am usually emotionally fatigued. So what did I do next? I took a wee nap with the pups.

Finally, the day wrapped up with a viewing of a couple of episodes of The French Chef with Julia Child as I always find myself not only learning something, but thoroughly enjoying hearing her resolute, yet voice of zeal for what she is doing.

Depending upon how I sleep tonight (keep in mind, I wrote this past last night), I may take the afternoon today and relax a bit more. Simply knowing that the plans for the new year are finally in place, clear, actionable and something I am excited about, will enable me to relax all the more. And I am just thankful I have a few more days to keep my own schedule.

I share my experience because we each greet the new year in our own way, and one day may not be enough. If you are feeling as though you are being rushed into the new year, honor that feeling, explore it, luxuriate in activities that restore your energy, perhaps, as I did, clarify your hopes for 2019, write down concrete steps as to how you will go about achieving them, and then let go and just be. A feeling of readiness, a feeling of excitement for any new year, is a wonderful way to set the right tone for great success and enjoyment as the next twelve months begin.

Wishing you a lovely first Wednesday of 2019.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com| the simply luxurious life

10 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Take a Breath Before Jumping Into the New Year?

  1. Happy new year Shannon! I can’t believe how much snow Bend has! I am in Colorado and near Garden of the Gods, which we drove through yesterday hoping to see more snow. Not much at all but still just so beautiful and a great way to start 2019. I think it was 7 degrees and the park was full of people just taking it all in, no matter how cold it was. Makes one feel alive and well!
    Anyway, have a great rest of the week with Oscar and Norman!

  2. An inspiring post to start 2019. For the first time ever, I took the rest of this week off from work to try a slow start to year. Relaxing for the next few days before jumping back into things. Happy New Year Shannon!

  3. Excellant idea. I wasn’t ready for 2019, been way too busy at work and home. Now that it’s here, I don’t have my plans down on paper, I’m still in 2018, so I think I will start my New Year next Monday and not feel rushed about it.

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