Why Not . . . Establish Weekend Rituals?
Wednesday November 9, 2016

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No matter how wonderful, productive or enjoyable the work week may have been, our weekends (traditional or not) are a wonderful time to savor time doing precisely what brings us pleasure. Yes, a getaway weekend every once in a while is certainly a treat, but the everyday, regular Saturday and Sunday can be magnificent if we consciously choose to bring into our lives rituals that we love. And the good news is, once we know how to make the most of them, we have the opportunity to enjoy them quite often.

Here are a few rituals I regularly look forward to and eagerly wait for nearly each week:

1. Stopping by the local bakery to pick up a croissant


~Sparrow Bakery~


2. Catch up on leisurely reading material



3. Stop by a local cozy bookstore, find a cozy chair, order a hot cup and forget about the time.



4. Cook a favorite recipe


~recipe for Spaghetti alla Carbonara~

5. Take a long walk with the pups

walk2  walk1
Now it is your turn. What are some of your favorite weekly rituals that heighten your excitement for a leisurely weekend at home or in your hometown?


~Afternoon Rituals & Routine

~The Benefit of Daily Rituals

~What a Simply Luxurious Life Looks Like to Me

~View more Lifestyle posts in the Archives here.

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15 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Establish Weekend Rituals?

  1. Mine are very similar to yours Shannon, an early morning walk of about a mile to our local supermarket for a Demi-baguette and a fruit tart from the patisserie. Unfortunately we don’t have independent bakeries where I live. The baguette is enjoyed with a sliver of Normandy butter which my lovely French daughter-in-law brought over in the summer. The butter tastes like nothing else I have ever tasted and, in TSLL styl, I have frozen the pack in slices to be enjoyed sparingly! The baguette and tart are my weekly treats. Then I settle down to enjoy your latest podcast.

  2. Mine also are similar. I take my girls for a long walk every weekend morning. I then come back and brew a pot of coffee and enjoy reading my book or one of the many magazines that I subscribe to. I sometimes try a new recipe, recently I bought a pasta press and I now make my own ravioli and spaghetti noodles! I enjoy painting on the weekends as well. I truly love my daily rituals and feel very blessed.

  3. Couldn’t agree with your more Shannon. I look forward to a long, relaxing bath and leisurely reading in the tub every Saturday after the gym. It feels like a true luxury every time. I also love to try out new recipes with no time constraints and prepare things slowly, enjoying my love of cooking.

  4. I love the weekend so much I start my rituals on Friday afternoon. I start by picking up my apartment and making a chore list. I order take out Friday night and I take a bath listening to music as I write my grocery list. Saturday morning starts with a walk to the beach. Then it’s errand time and tackling any chores not done on Friday. Sunday is always a walk to our year round farmers market to purchase all my veggies and fruit, a delicious pastry and a coffee. Then an afternoon of reading the paper and magazines and of cours music is playing all weekend long.

  5. Alpha Hubby and I make a point to connect romantically every weekend (which doesn’t always lead to s*x). It might be a romantic dinner, swimming (when weather permits), or dancing in the dining room. We try not to do a lot of work on Saturday and Sunday is for church and peaceful activities. For myself, I love setting up a tea party in the corner of our living room, just for me. Finger food choices vary as does the pot of tea!

  6. When visiting Germany in the winter, we often would light a candle at breakfast with simple but special place setting including cup and saucer and a nice pot of tea. We would sit for 2 hours over breakfast just have the best time. I live alone so while I don’t get the conversation, I do enjoy the breakfast ritual of a candle, pot of tea, and cup and saucer. I am a knitter so sometimes I end my breakfast watching a weekly video post on youtube from a lovely knitter sharing her love of the hobby. Of course, my sweet dear dog is at my side making it all just perfect.

  7. Shannon, every Sunday my 89 year old mother comes for brunch after church. (Well she goes to church, I go to yoga and my 3 sons sleep in). My husband whips up pancakes for the children and the dogs, and my mother and I enjoy eggs and goat cheese on sourdough, and a freshly brewed coffee. We all then attempt the quiz from the weekend paper, and between the six of us we don’t do too badly.
    This has become a lovely weekend ritual that I will always treasure. Cheers Gaby

  8. Some great ideas here and your pups are just gorgeous! A bath and nap are favourite rituals of mine and things I often don’t find time for during the busy week 🙂

  9. I really enjoyed reading this post and others’ comments. Thank you so much for this enjoyable writing. The weekend ritual for my husband and I includes having a big breakfast,watching our favorite show ,cooking lunch together, going for long walks and buying something nice, it can be a plant or a book or even a cake. We also visit my mom and have dinner with her every weekend.

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