Why Not . . . Be An Optimist?
Wednesday March 2, 2011

One of the simplest things each of us can do on a minute by minute basis is to be hopeful and thereby, be an optimist.  After all, hope conveyed openly to others and in our actions is optimism.

“Hope is a process of goal-directed thoughts that reflects both the belief that one can find pathways to the goal and has motivation based on one’s perceived capabilities or thinking.”–Rick Snyder
While there are many things that are out of our control on a daily basis, choosing to be an optimist, allows what we do control to live up to its full potential.

In this three part series, I’d like to explore the many benefits of being an optimist, as well as ways to continually live with the perspective that the glass really is half full no matter what occurs in our lives. Let’s get started.

Requires Focus

To begin with, being realistic about optimism requires that we accept responsibility for the thoughts that we allow to run around in our minds and consequently the words and actions that we exercise. Being optimistic requires focus, which as was shared a few weeks ago, has many benefits as well. Once we determine that we will live life looking for and striving for the good, amazing results begin to reveal themselves. As with anything, when we focus and refuse to be distracted, the goal will be met.

Productivity Increases

As a result of staying true in our determination to be positive, slowly we see things change, slowly the energy we have put out into the world returns.  There are many ways and forms our energy can manifest: attracting hard workers into our company, seeing the respect others have for us increase and thus better treatment ensues, people are friendlier, those around us gain confidence. Ultimately, we are a magnet for what we put out in the world.  So it is imperative that we choose a positive path if we hope to see a better world unfold around us.

Fail Fruitfully

Once we’re committed to being an optimist, we will be tested.  This is almost guaranteed.  We will fail at something we approached with a “can-do” attitude only to be knocked down.  This is when our true grit must be summoned.  An optimist using these moments of frustrations has an opportunity to grow, to look at a problem differently, to see the good and to walk away with the lesson instead of simply walking away.  Failure truly isn’t failure until we refuse to learn the lesson.

A Healthier Life

Studies have proven that an optimistic outlook on life and trying circumstances does have a positive effect.  In a 25 year long study done through the University of Michigan, they were able to demonstrate that a person with a pessimistic outlook on a life was more likely to have poor health in middle and late years.

Live Longer

And consequently, when we eliminate unnecessary health aliments simply due to looking at life as something ripe with possibility instead of the alternative, we lengthen the quality of our lives because we want to be able to enjoy it and are willing to put forth the focus to remain positive.

At the foundation of being able to live a full life is being healthy which always makes me wonder why more people wouldn’t want to be optimists. After all, I truly believe people want to be happy, want to live a life that sits well with them, the real life lesson that we all must accept is that it takes work to create this life that we desire.  It isn’t handed out when we’re born, and that unfortunately is the lesson that too many people skip, miss or are never introduced to.

Click here for part two where more reasons for us all to continue to remain optimists are shared.  I hope your Wednesday is a wonderful and thank you for stopping by The Simply Luxurious Life.

8 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Be An Optimist?

  1. ok. i’ll admit i’m a sucker for your glammy, girly fashion posts. but this could be your best.
    {speaking from the mouth of an optimist}
    even though my cup [of coffee} is always half full it can ALWAYS be filled fuller, and your words are exactly what i needed this morning.

  2. Beautifully said! And I totally agree. Being an optimist is a choice, and it has so many amazing benefits to it!

    Love this!

  3. I simply love your “Why not . . . ” posts. They are so straightforward and to the point. I am either a complete optimist or pessimist when down. However, your post has re-encouraged me to continue being optimistic and reduce the negativity I allow to creep into my thoughts.


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