What I Am Thankful For . . .
Thursday November 26, 2015

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One of the most astounding and humbling gifts I am reminded of each day here on TSLL is that readers visit from around the globe. With that said, I know not everyone who is reading this post is celebrating Thanksgiving as is officially being done here in the states. However, if the past year of traveling to a handful of destinations around the country with the release of my book made me realize anything, it was that TSLL readers are inspiring, amazing people, and I feel fortunate that you take the time to stop by TSLL as regularly as you do.

TSLL is very much like oxygen to me, as it provides an outlet for exploration, curiosity and amazement of the world to be shared, enjoyed and cultivated. And while there will always be a nay-sayer here and there as I step out on a limb from time to time and stretch our perspectives and understanding, I am overwhelmed by the hundreds of inspiring emails from readers who have found the courage within themselves and the life circumstances they have risen above to create the life of their dreams. More than you know, you inspire me.

Thank you for the time you take to stop by or tune in. The blog, book and podcast would not be what it is without you as I am regularly receiving recommendations from readers about what they are inspired by, curious about and are seeking answers to. Keep the emails coming. I may not respond as timely as I would like, but trust me, I hear you and I read each and every one.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to five women in my life who during this past year have provided me with support, love, guidance and acceptance. As a child, many of us grow up assuming our closest friends and confidantes will be of our same age, but for me, each of the women I speak of and am tremendously thankful to have in my life are comprised of all different ages, none of them exactly the same as mine, all of them traveling their own path, but each living a conscious life striving for more love, compassion, strength and settling into the comfort of their own skin. Thank you Nancy, Pat, Marthe, Tiffani and Judy for being you and welcoming me into your lives.

Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving or thanksgiving wherever you may be on our grand twirling globe. À bientôt.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

6 thoughts on “What I Am Thankful For . . .

  1. Shannon this afternoon in our art shop, during a lull in custom on a very hot afternoon, I had you for company (via Monday’s podcast) while I attended to stock display. Your great tips on Thanksgiving will be tucked away in my mind for our Christmas celebration.

    I hope Thursday is a lovely day for you and for all your readers who celebrate US Thanksgiving.

    I am grateful to have found you and your wonderfully inspiring blog.

    À bientôt mon amie.

  2. I absolutely love reading your blog and listen to the podcast Shannon! You are such a great inspiration to me and you really helped me to understand myself so much better and helped me to find the balance within myself and enjoy my life even more, finding small pleasures in every day!

  3. Shannon, you are a true gift in my life. I am a retired woman living alone and I find your site to be suitable to older women as well. Thank you for the work you do and may the Holidays be wonderful for you and everyone.

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