TSLL’s Free Weekly Newsletter has Returned!
Thursday July 29, 2021

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The beloved weekly newsletter is back!

In 2010, TSLL’s free weekly newsletter began being delivered to subscribers’ inboxes each Friday and continued until 2020, reaching 15,000 readers around the world after ten years time. With all of the exclusive letters from the editor (moi! Shannon :)) in each week’s delivery which included a more personal dose of inspiration not shared anywhere else, readers asked if perhaps the content might be turned into a book, and guess what? Over the past year and a half (2020-2021), that is exactly what I’ve been busily working on with my editor (Good News Alert! We are nearly halfway through edits. Stay tuned for a more detailed announcement about the book’s release this fall.) But what about the newsletter enjoyed each Friday?

As I find my new groove and pace of scheduling, now entirely focused on TSLL after retiring from teaching this past June, I have kept readers’ feedback about the shift from weekly to monthly in my mind. And I have good news.

To return and not to replace. 🙂

In June 2020, the decision to shift the weekly to a monthly newsletter was the best decision for me as I dedicated more time to completing TSLL’s 3rd book (set to be released Spring 2022), but I am finding my weekly groove and I have decided to bring back the weekly with just a few adjustments.

The free monthly newsletter will continue to do what it does and NOT CHANGE AT ALL – learn more here. The requested additional free newsletter: Now there will be a weekly option which is more streamlined, offering inspiration to jump-start the weekend and keep you in the know each week, sharing all that took place on TSLL blog.

Yep, the weekly newsletter is back in its new streamline offering. Named the Weekly Boost & Blog Week-in-Review, it will be designed to celebrate the arrival of Friday each week. After eleven+ years of posting, TSLL’s archives are overflowing with content to inspire, motivate, and soothe, so in an effort to help conclude the week well, I will share a favorite post from the archives to jump-start the weekend paired with the list of links from the latest posts shared on the blog to keep you caught up on all that is going on with TSLL in that most recent week.

~note: If you are already subscribed to TSLL’s Monthly newsletter (prior to August 2021), you are already subscribed to this weekly delivery. 

The first email delivery to subscribers will begin in August, on August 6th (if you would like to receive a review of this week’s posts and the entire month of July, be sure to sign up for the Monthly Newsletter which will be delivered in just a few hours time).

Thank you for your patience while I figured out my new schedule. I am so excited to bring this source of weekly connection with TSLL blog as I know your lives are full, and stopping by each day is not as easy as you might like; however, sometimes a month is just too darn long to wait to be caught up. 🙂 Click here or the blue banner below to be directed to the page to sign up. Remember, select – Weekly Boost & Blog Week-in-Review in the newsletter scroll bar option list.

Click here to sign up for the Weekly Boost & Blog Week-in-Review newsletter

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

12 thoughts on “TSLL’s Free Weekly Newsletter has Returned!

  1. Hi Shannon, this is so exciting! I’m looking forward to seeing how the blog evolves as you settle further into your new routine. It’s one of my favorite places on the interwebs to spend a few moments most days. Looking forward to the book too, the first two were wonderful. Have a beautiful weekend.

  2. Looking forward to the upcoming book. While I have enjoyed your 2nd book on Kindle, I hope the new one has names for each chapter, not just numbers…to make finding things easier…:-)

  3. Oh, moar TSLL!! Yes pleeze & thankyewvery much! Have to thank you, too, for encouraging me to get a jump-start on 2022 by starting my Annual Search For The Perfect Planner (which has managed to elude me for 30+ years). I thought the Gallery Leather one you use might be The One, but, alas, it’s not quite, so the search continues. Have a fabulous relaxing weekend, Shannon, & thanks for the goodies.

  4. Been following you for quite some time so it is with joy I hear of the changes you have made in your life and how contented you are with them. All the best!

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