Uniquely Perfect
Monday March 1, 2010

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“You have to choose your combination carefully.  The right choices will enhance your quilt.  The wrong choices will dull the colors, hide their original beauty. There are no rules you can follow.  You have to go by instinct, and you have to be brave.” (How to Make an American Quilt movie – 1995)

Every day, each one of us steps out into the world with the intention to create a better life for ourselves, to contribute to the world.  How each one of us does this, however, is unique.  How much easier would it be if we only had to follow in someone else’s footsteps, similar to a connect-the-dots instruction manual, and viola, the perfect life would be laid out in front of us?  I have no doubt that the perfect life would be laid out for us if we followed such a path, but it wouldn’t be our definition of perfect; it wouldn’t be perfect for us.

There have been so many times when I just wanted to look up to somebody, to pattern my life after someone else who I admired so I wouldn’t have to worry about making mistakes, being made a fool, being laughed at, but what I’ve come to realize, as I remind myself to snap out of it, is that I wouldn’t want to follow someone else, I don’t want to be somebody else.  The word I want to bring your attention to is the word follow.

It is always easier to follow than to lead or venture out on your own, but no one by the name of Amelia Earhart, Nelle Harper Lee, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Will Smith, Bill Gates or Audrey Hepburn ever wished to be just like someone else because if they had, we wouldn’t recognize their names as people of respectable talent, courage, style or innovation.

Our lives are indeed similar to assembling a quilt.  Many pieces will be considered, but not all will be included in the final product. You will know sometimes immediately when someone or something(a job, a home, a town) doesn’t quite fit in your quilt, and sometimes it will take time for this piece to stick out like a sore thumb and reveal that it is not something that will strengthen the final product and, therefore, must be removed.  And guaranteed, it will take courage to remove it if it has been there for a while, but the extraction must happen.

It is up to the quilter to be continually adjusting, searching and demanding that those certain pieces must be found that will make their quilt the highest of quality.  Take, for example, a dream of a room design – longed after and finally bringing to fruition. A theme was determined, but the pieces didn’t come in a kit, the designer had to seek out the exact items.  It is not to say that some other lovely furniture and lighting fixtures existed, they just didn’t fit as well in this particular room.

Good luck on your journey this week to build your quilt.  You have the talent, and there will be times that you are discouraged, but you will find what you are looking for if you venture out on your own.

Have a wonderful week!

Image: Hana, Hawaii

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

5 thoughts on “Uniquely Perfect

  1. Lovely post, thank you for the inspiration! And I absolutely adore that bathroom photo–especially since I am dreaming of redoing my own although I don’t have the luxury of a full length mirror above the bath, I have windows there–so as you say, I must find my own way. I was just thinking this weekend as I went through old photos about a piece of the quilt I ultimately had to remove–someone that I can only in retrospect understand why they couldn’t stay in my cozy quilt. I love your quilt analogy!

    xo Mary Jo

  2. I don’t know if you ever noticed, but you have a very unique manner to communicate with your readers. I can feel that every post comes from the bottom of your heart (and goes straight into mine). I always am so touched by what you write, especially in the way you write it. It is thoughtful, smart, intelligent, full of emotions. This is exactly what I want of a blog: dedication.

    I don’t know how you look like or what is your job. I don’t even know your name, but I know that I want a little bit of you and your inspirational thinking in my life. I want a piece of you in my quilt, because it makes my life richer. That’s why I will come back to your blog regularly! ^^

    xoxo Sandra

  3. Sandra,

    Your words are so honest, and I honestly started to tear up a bit. Thank you for your kindness. The fact that you took so much time this weekend to look throughout my blog is amazing and a pleasant surprise. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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