Simple Touches to Your Closet
Tuesday August 2, 2011

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Today, Tiffani Rogers, of the style blog Accidental Chic has written a guest post to help us all bring a little more luxury into our closets with some very simple approaches.  I always love when she stops by and lends her expertise.  She has a keen eye for what looks chic as well as what is plausible for any women on any budget. Thank you again Tiffani.

Hi everyone! It’s Tiffani here. As a fashion and interior stylist I am constantly working with clients on their closets. Don’t laugh but I consider my closet a sacred place…and so should you! It’s a place where we visit every day and house pieces that represent ourselves.

We all love the feeling of walking into a well-decorated and organized clothing store or boutique. Well you can experience this feeling every day by adding a simple touches to to your closet to make it more like your own dressing room…

+ Paint or wallpaper the inside of your closet. This can totally transfer your closet to reflect your style and taste. Have fun with it!


+ Frame pictures. Another personal touch I love is adding pictures. You can add pictures of those special moments when you look amazing to give you an added boast of confidence or frame pictures of your style icons.


+ Add scent. Opening up your closet to a sweet aroma makes getting dress even more of a luxurious experience.


+ Set a uniform for your hangers. Your clothes should take center stage in your closet. Decide on one type of hanger and stick to it. Trust me, you won’t be overwhelmed when trying to find something to wear like you would in a sea of mix-n-match hangers.

You can follow Tiffani on Twitter: @stylebytiffani, her blog ACCIDENTAL Chic is her adventures in fashion and interior styling, as well as answering your ‘Ask A Stylist’ questions.

8 thoughts on “Simple Touches to Your Closet

  1. While my closet (in a 1952 Cape Cod) isn’t exactly the size of the ones shown here, I love the idea of the matching golden hangers….I’ll be putting that idea to use immediately! What wonderful ideas, Tiffani! Thanks for sharing!
    Warmly, Kay

  2. I have been working on the matching hangers slowly but surely; I totally agree with your point, and it just gives a more uniformed look to the space. I hadn’t thought about hanging framed photos but love the idea! I’m going to do it! Thanks Tiffani! Great tips.

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