Thoughts from the Editor: Settling In
Thursday September 10, 2015


As Saturday began this past weekend, I found myself waking up early, craving a bit of fresh air before the neighborhood woke up and decided to take my boys on a walk down the street to the local bakery. Upon returning with a tarte aux pommes au caramel, I made myself a pot of tea from Palais des Thé and took note of a few weekend happenings as I perused the paper that I might check out.

With a pilates class later that morning, I quickly jaunted down the street for a morning class of stretching and toning and then returned to enjoy the weekend in such a way that I would follow whatever tickled my curiosity. Perhaps a used book sale, picking up fresh vegetables for the coming week at the farmer’s market, watching a few matches of the US Open, who knows?

And then I reminded myself, fewer than two months ago Bend was not my home.

Could it possibly be true that I have only lived in central Oregon for little over six weeks? Yes, it could be and it is, and it already feels like home.

For some readers it may be frustrating to hear someone settling into a new place so quickly, and for others who know the fear and then the exhilaration when it all eventually works out, your support has meant the world. I share my experience these past few weeks to offer evidence that taking a risk is worth the leap.

I can honestly say, I had no idea how events, living arrangements, relationships with new colleagues and so many other variables would work out, but the universe has a way of providing for what we need once we show we truly desire something.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I did my homework. I visited more than a handful of times and on two occasions stayed for more than a few days to get a feel for the environment, the people and the culture I might have the opportunity to move to should I be so lucky. It got to a point where I ached to move here, but knew nothing was certain. As I mentioned in a post years ago, often the fear we feel at this point, after we’ve done extensive investigating, is the fear of not being able to attain what we so dearly desire. If nothing else, your fear at this stage should be a welcomed sign. A sign that you are moving in the correct direction.

As I took my dogs for a second walk on Saturday in the afternoon blue sky and stunning sunshine, I found myself smiling incessantly for what may have appeared to been no reason at all. If someone were to see me, they may assume I had lost my mind, but the funny thing is, so many people here look just as I describe — genuinely happy. I don’t know most of them from Adam, but I have no doubt many of them have a similar story to tell. They are tickled to be somewhere they have chosen to be.

While my two life’s passions converge in a few short days, my workload feels like the image of Nigella in her library, overwhelming, but offering so much of what I love to do. Therefore, I feel fortunate to have such a dilemma.

My nudging to you today is to choose your path. Gather up your gumption and find a way to land where you want to live. I have no doubt you will be just as elated and content as I already am feeling, and I wish that each of you reading this post finds such a simple, yet extraordinary bliss. Bon jour née.

Image:  ~a glimpse at my Saturday morning after taking a walk to pick up a tarte aux pommes au caramel at The Village Baker~



16 thoughts on “Thoughts from the Editor: Settling In

  1. Shannon I had a suspicion this move had gone brilliantly well and I’m delighted to learn that it has.

    Our most recent life risk was seven years ago. After both of us leaving two and a half decades of teaching to run our own business and being established at premises for ten years, we took the risk to change addresses (for financial reasons).

    From day one the new place felt like home, our customers came with us and the risk was worthwhile.

    Sometimes reaching for the stars leaves your hands full.

  2. I relate to this so much! I just moved to the UK for school and I’m three days in and struggling so far. I’ve been reading your entire blog this summer and love it.

  3. I currently live in my desired village and even work within walking distance, but come April my husband and I are moving into a house rather than our beloved Victorian apartment. While I’m excited to have a garden space and more room, I’m nervous I won’t like our new neighborhood. I’ve heard its not so neighborly, but it is in walking distance to loads of good restaurants and an Anthropolgie, so there’s a bit of a silver lining. I’ll keep an open mind and perhaps even leave my comfort zone and try to meet our new neighbors.

    1. To have a garden will be lovely. Focus on what you will be gaining, appreciate what you have now and always consider the source. Bring to your new neighborhood your positive attitude and kindness and I think you’ll be amazed at how well it will work out.

  4. rings true! With eyes wide open we made a similar move but I will allow for a few moments of looking back. That can make the present reveal itself with a tinge of poignancy and temper the thrill – all good!

  5. One year ago I joined my partner and moved to a smaller university town. He actually never wanted to live or ever stay here for longer than necessary and I moved here, because of a changing job situation and to be with him. Now — I can hardly imagine moving back.
    New, interesting things and people happend and I am still so happy with the feeling of a fresh start.

  6. Shannon,

    You have a lovely way of bringing us along with you into your new life, and I am so happy that you have found “home” so quickly for yourself and your guys. The spots you found to make the neighborhood yours sound just about perfect. They feel like community!

    After my husband died, I was up for a change. I came sailing with a friend in the San Juans, and found that the small town of Friday Harbor felt like home to me. Without knowing a soul, I moved from a small town in California to this island, and immediately had the sense of home of which you speak…totally! I live where there is a true sense of community.

    Your blog has real value. I look forward to the variety of aspects, such as the new words, and suggestions of authors.

  7. I’ve been getting caught up with my favorite blogs; how interesting that this is the first entry I have read on yours! I first visited New Orleans a year ago, for only a few hours (my niece was getting married an hour away) and instantly felt as though I belonged there . . . I have returned several times since then, and plan to move there, which I have found challenging and scary and exciting. This is a sign to me to persevere and make it happen!

  8. It recently occurred to me that this was my 10th summer living in SoCal. I imagined and wanted to move here for so long. And Viola! 10 summers have passed. I can’t imagine myself back in my home town in Chicago burbs that was my home for 47 years my entire lifetime up to that point. I never imagined that I would be able to purchase a condo, live close to the ocean and basically live in my own personal vacation. However all is true. I knew deep in my heart and soul I would get here. And I haven’t looked back once. I know this is my home now and forever.

    Once we get over our fear of such a huge thing as single women, it’s nothing but up hill from there.

    1. Isn’t that the thing – living out our dreams as single women. Divorced (me, very recent) or by choice, clean slate, new beginnings, bringing to life the vision we have of the life we desire and see before us. It is quite audacious.

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