Petit Plaisir: No. 18 – Cheese Please
Saturday May 3, 2014


A recent simple pleasure I have been enjoying is something I picked up after reading Judith Jone’s The Pleasures of Cooking for One. With an entire page dedicated to cheese, she explains how she enjoys ending her evening meals with a taste of cheese.

As a way to cleanse the palette or to simply savor, I have found indulging in a slice or two of quality artisan cheese to be a delightful treat after working in the kitchen or to wrap up a day at work or play.

Every two weeks I stop by my favorite fromagerie in Walla Walla – Salumiere Cesario  – and pick up a few slivers of cheese from their cheese room. Of course, I always sample to make sure it will be to my liking (it rarely ever isn’t), and then I bring home at least one new cheese I haven’t tried, a classic and a buttery cream cheese. (Above: cow’s milk cheese, three cream cheese, and Parmigiano Reggiano)

Following Jones’ instructions, I leave the cheese in the deli papers until I open them for the first time, and then I wrap them in cellophane and place them all into one large tupperware container in my refrigerator.

Alternative ways to enjoy a bite or two of cheese:

  • as an afternoon snack with roasted unsalted almonds and a cup of hot tea
  • with a glass of crisp rosé (optional: with crackers or slices of baguette) for summer evenings

Needless to say, a simple way to bring a worthwhile pleasure into our everyday routine. Bon Appétit!

~And if you’re looking to create an entire cheese platter, click here for specific tips and tricks.


~No. 17 . . . Almost French . . . a leisurely Francophile memoir

~No. 12 . . . An Orchid in the Home

~No. 11 . . . Chocolate and Tea, Please!


5.3.14a | the simply luxurious life,

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