Paris: Day Two – Part Une
Saturday July 13, 2013

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The second full day in Paris was one in which I exercised a valuable lesson learned – if you want to see Paris, the biggest tourist attraction in the world, with as few tourists as possible, get up early. (To view Day One, click here).

Friday morning I woke up and enjoyed a quiet and satiating breakfast at Angelina’s Tea Room which sits on rue de Rivoli along the Jardin des Tuileries. Opening at 7:30 in the morning, I was the second customer through the doors and enjoyed a briefly empty tea room to savor my chocolat chaud, croissant, and eggs. Have a look inside as I dined with my brief Instagram video here.

Continuing to enjoy the sparsely populated morning tranquility, I spent some time wandering through the Jardin des Tuileries. Designed by Catherine de Medicis and originally named the garden of the Tuileries Palace in 1564, it was first opened to the public in 1667, and following the French Revolution officially became a public park to meet, exercise and revel.

With the music of the birds and avid runners making circles around me, I captured a few images to share with you. Have a look . . .

 ~nearly all of the grass lawns are roped off as pedestrians are asked to remain on the paths in order to protect the grass~

 ~What a serene place to read.~

 ~As I was walking down this path toward the tower of trees, behind me the Parisian sapeurs-pompiers (firefighters) surprised me on their morning run, and I did my best to capture the many diverse uses the park provides. (That sounded good, but really, I just couldn’t help myself.)

 ~These two women were dressed so impeccably on an early summer morning, simply enjoying a walk to work or cafe au lait perhaps?~

 ~While walking near the Palais Royal, I spotted this flower delivery truck full of one of my favorite flowers – hydrangeas, as well as other magnifique creations from Mother Nature.~

 ~The street style in Paris is everywhere you turn, as well as velos (bikes). Style Inspiration for the day – a chambray button up shirt, white jeans and flat sandals. Now, where to find such a chic red bike.~

With only a few concrete plans throughout my trip, my coffee date with Tresor Parisien’s Aisling Greally was one that I was greatly looking forward to. Having last seen each other last year, we had a lot to catch up on.

Our rendezvous at Télescope, a new addition to must-visit-list in Paris is a coffee shop that is modern, yet rustic, serving coffee founded by two charming, delightful men – Nicolas Clerc & David Flynn. With the focus to serve quality coffee paired with the perfect place to chat with friends – it is the ideal cafe for casual, simple enjoyment.

The cafe’s carefully chosen locale – tucked along a quiet street behind the Palais Royal – encourages people to stay, relax and unwind. Serendipitously enough, while Aisling and I were enjoying our boissons of coffee, Nicolas brought our attention to the pair of women sitting next two us – two fellow bloggers from the states – Lost in Cheeseland (Lindsey Tramuta) and The Franco Fly (Jessie Kanelos Weiner).

 ~A classic cappuccino~

~Aisling Greally, aka Tresor Parisien. Be sure to read her interview with Nicolas to learn even more about this delightful Parisian destination~

As the title of the post suggested, there is much more to share from Day Two, as the above images only offer a glimpse into my morning. Click here  part deux. Trust me, it’s worth it. Fashion, Chanel, and more Chanel!

All images taken by The Simply Luxurious Life with Nikon D5100

Paris2 | the simply luxurious life,

8 thoughts on “Paris: Day Two – Part Une

  1. Ah, your pictures are a lovely treat! Thanks for taking us along your strolls. I’m “homesick” for Paris and am already planning my visit for next year. How wonderful that you’re having such lovely weather!!

  2. Shannon, thank you, I am thoroughly enjoying these posts. Giggled when I saw the pompiers taking a run. I saw a large group once, all arranged around a fountain in a park near rue Marriott performing calisthenics. I used to leave Mr Fascinata in bed and get up early each day to walk and the things I saw amused me no end. Xxx

  3. Another great report Shannon, thank you. BTW I am checking in on this one on Sunday morning but, I guess in the interest of full disclosure, I should say that I am in Australia. 🙂 Continue to enjoy!

  4. You are SO cute! The firemen picture made me laugh (wink wink). The photo of the two lady friends prompted me to go and get a pastry and capaccino for an afternoon gratitude session. (sigh) Life really is good if you let it!

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