“People who have a ‘problem’ (like Julia Child being 6’2”) it either kills them or they become defiant in the face of it. And that’s what her (Julia’s) personality led her to. She just said, ‘The hell with it!’ It’s a lesson. Sometimes we want to arrange things – I wish I had this, I wish I looked like this, I wish I’d got into this school. You know, we think that there is a formula, and actually the formula for happiness and success is just actually . . . be yourself in the most vivid possible way you can because then you don’t have to pretend. That is the freedom [Julia Child] enjoyed in her life and that is inspirational to me.”
-Meryl Streep on playing Julia Child in Julie & Julia
There are books, there are gurus, there are ‘experts’ on what the formula is to attain personal success and happiness. You may have sought out any one of these mediums, I know I most certainly have, but I must say I believe Meryl Streep is on to something.
While so many of us are fortunate enough to live in a world where possibilities seem endless and the potential to shape and mold our lives into what we desire is possible with more than just a little hard work, we sometimes become overwhelmed with all of the media and propaganda that is thrown at us telling us what we should be doing instead of looking inward to ourselves. So often, to avoid all of the confusion on how we should go about achieving success for ourselves, we choose to follow someone else’s path to success because, after all, if it worked for them, why wouldn’t work for us? And, while sometimes this may work, more often than not, we all will be required to go about it in a new and original way if we want to shine and that is where many people flounder.
The other difficult part in choosing to let your own light shine, whether it is your innate ability to pull an outfit together that instantly looks stunning, having observation skills like a detective or the ability to charm the socks off of just about anyone, you often will be met by resistance from those around you who have decided to follow a predetermined path made not by them, but by the society, culture or someone else in their life. And the truth of the matter is, subconsciously, they wish they had the strength and the courage to follow the light inside of them that has been dimmed for so long. For those people who are also eagerly chasing their unique path based on their natural given uniqueness, they will applaud, they will encourage, and they will not present obstacles. I mention this as a way to understand why others may respond the way they do when you choose to ‘let your freak flag fly’ and to help you not see their poor behavior as a reflection of you, because it isn’t.
So, today, think about the skills, quirks of your character, and unique qualities that have always been with you from childhood. Maybe people laughed, maybe people were in disbelief, hopefully many were impressed, but no matter how those around you responded, use it to your advantage. Be yourself. Be confident in knowing that this ‘gift’ truly is just that – a gift – and make the most of it.
Have a beautiful Monday everyone.
Need a few more thoughts on owning your uniqueness? Check out Uniquely Perfect.
A truly lovely though for the day.
LOVE the Meryl Streep post – great advice!! The other half of this issue, however, is discovering what it is that makes you special. Some people, like Julia Child, feel different somehow and are not comfortable “owning their uniqueness”. They are actually the lucky ones – they possess a passion or at least self awareness that they own a distinctive quality – but there are many others who have not yet figured out what it is that makes them who they are – and I think this is the more difficult quest.
my quote – for years now – has been – “my imperfections are my perfections” – i’ve learned to love everything about WHO and WHAT i am – of course the “i wishes” still come into play here and there – ur lying to say u don’t .. but i love being ME and all that emcompasses that .. good or bad
Very inspiring post! Thank you for everything you said… Sometimes one just needs to read something encouraging… just like this! 🙂 You made me smile 🙂
great reminder darling, thank you!
Love this post. It’s perfect for Monday. I believe in exactly what you wrote. I work with a few of these people. I should forward them your post. Always saying something negative because they can’t justify what they do. People put down what they can’t define or understand. I say celebrate what’s unique about you and your talents and gifts…! I sometimes need to remain focused and do the same. Thanks for the inspirational post. P.S. Love that Coco Chanel quote. Just watched her movie the other day.
Oh my gosh, we are totally on the same wave length! I have watched ‘Julie & Julia’ three times this week and totally obsessed with her. Not only is she inspiring in the kitchen but her life as well. How she didn’t give up and choose the conventional route. She only did things she loved and believed in. This is really inspiring for me to read as I take the path of becoming an entrepreneur as well as making talents and passion a priority. Isn’t that what life’s suppose to be about?
Great post! xoxo