Why Not . . . Embrace Mini Summer Resolutions?
Wednesday June 22, 2016

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“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” ― Charles Bowden

The abundance of fresh food at the markets, long days full of sun and warmth, more flexible schedules for many and hope for what might possibly be expands.

As much as I truly enjoy setting resolutions when the new year begins, doing so and then digging in to make them a reality is a true test of desire. After all, the days are shorter, the weather colder and a year that may have been full of amazing memories and moments has wrapped up. I find it far easier to set resolutions when the summer season begins.

While I do have more time to play with at my disposable, more importantly, I don’t feel daunted by the task. Rather I am energized to establish new habits, learn new skills and progress positively somehow in my life. And since there is only 2- 3 months to indulge in the summer holiday, a limited time to accomplish any resolutions we set. As such, a limited time means mini resolutions, which by definition do not appear too daunting at all.

So what might you want to tweak, improve or enjoy more of this summer season? Perhaps a few of the ideas will tickle your curiosity . . .

1. Add a small addition or change to your workout routine: an additional day of strength exercises at home, a new walking route, sun salutations with the dawn each day, anything to fine how you care for your body.

2. Try cooking from the fresh ingredients found at the market to improve your cooking skills when the contents in your refrigerator are low during the cooler months. Challenge yourself to one attempt each week. Before you know it, you’ll be a true français femme!

3. Meditate each morning for 5-10 minutes before you begin your day.

4. Turn off or don’t engage with technology after a certain time each day. 

5. Read a book you’ve been wanting to read but couldn’t find the time.

6. More time outside, less time watching television, even Netflix. Just less, you don’t have to eliminate. After all, the Tour de France is nearly upon us and Orange is the New Black has returned.

7. Give yourself 1-2 hours each day to do whatever you want without apology, explanation or guilt. A gift to yourself. Become a Curious George and discover what catches your attention, interest and imagination.

8. Plant a garden, no matter how small and watch it grow! Then enjoy what it produces.

9. Host a mini soiree just because.

10. Master one go-to meal so that no recipe is needed when you want to create it.

The beauty of summer resolutions is they should be fun, a treat, or something that you now have time for that upon successfully incorporating will make the quality of your life better when the busy schedule returns in the fall.

Currently, on my list of mini resolutions is #3 as a well as a few other personal plans and blog projects. Enjoy coming up with your own!


~15 Ways to Make the Most of the Summer Season (podcast)

~Why Not . . . Welcome the Summer Season?

~Ideas for Setting Resolutions 


Images: (1)

Minisummerresolutions | the simply luxurious life, www.thesimplyluxuriouslife.com

10 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Embrace Mini Summer Resolutions?

  1. Now that school is out, I have to get back into the groove of running early in the morning, before it gets hot. And then a yoga cool-down next to the pool. A great way to start the day.
    Our TV stays off in summer. Life definitely moves outside.
    You’re so right about adopting a small, positive habit. A few minutes a day can make a difference. The alternative is a precious summer–a precious life–flitted away. Even doing nothing, if doing nothing is listening to the breeze and smelling the flowers, is better than eyeballs glued to the phone.

  2. Whatever you do take time to enjoy the summer, even if the house stays a little bit messier, the laundry doesn’t get put away as often as it should, does it really matter? Move outside and enjoy these warmer months as much as possible.

  3. I love these ideas. I have started eating all whole foods about a month and half ago and summer has been my best friend because of all the fresh food I find myself buying. I also enjoy taking a few days off from work during the summer months and regrouping and treating myself to simple luxuries. Like a manicure or lunch dates. Really anything to give me some much deserved time to relax.

    1. Sounds lovely and necessary for life balance. The small moments of pampering serve as a sort of fuel so we can see with clear eyes how amazing our lives are and his to move forward to be more in alignment with the life we desire to live. Have s lovely summer season. 🙂

  4. I pretend my house is a summer cottage and spend my time as though I’m on vacation: wake up and read outside, nap outside in the afternoon, watch Netflix under the stars, minimize visiting to recharge, barbecue simple meals, long rambling strolls, less time at the gym….

  5. I love to eat outside as much as possible. I also prefer to treat my home like a vacation home for the summer incorporating a few décor pieces to give the vibe that I am vacationing. I love to read books outside and enjoy the night air. I also purchase food that is in season and try new recipes.

    Recently a few girlfriends of mine decided that we would travel to new places in our state on the weekend to explore and enjoy new places. Summer is such a treat!!

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