Why Not . . . Make This Your Year?
Wednesday January 1, 2014

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As each new year begins, I must admit, a sense of excitement begins to accelerate my adrenaline and an unwavering, steely determination prompts me to become obdurately convinced that the upcoming year will be full of amazing successes.

Bolstered partly by my annual practice of reflecting back on the past year and making a list of valuable lessons learned, successes accomplished and memories created, I can’t help but have faith that 2014 is full of riches to be experienced and enjoyed so long as we are clear about our destination and resolute in our efforts to succeed.

The upcoming year on The Simply Luxurious Life blog will be guided by the mantra,Yes You Can because you know what, you can. You really can make your dreams come true. You really can cultivate the life of your dreams. You really can make it happen, and it is my hope that this blog will provide inspiration, tips and guidance on how to turn your resolutions/goals into reality.

In January and February the blog will focus on building a solid foundation from which whatever you’ve resolved to accomplish as you build your simply luxurious life will be ever more feasible. Over the next two months, Monday and Wednesday posts will revolve around one or more of the following focal points:

The entire premise of creating a simply luxurious life is to focus on quality rather than quantity so that what you cherish most can be experienced and savored more deeply.

You are the maestro of your orchestra, in other words your life. And so long as you strengthen the necessary components and remove what is leading your life off course, an amazing euphoric sound will be crafted.

But here’s the key. You must be willing to seek out the answers, work hard for what you desire, have the courage to stand up for what you value and then, and only then, will your orchestra play more harmoniously than  you’ve ever imagined possible.

As you sit down to write your goals or resolutions for 2014, consider keeping the list to 3-5 over-arching objectives. Use the list below to perhaps help you  decide on the course of action you want to take.

This year I would like to share three of the handful of resolutions I have written down. Throughout the year on the blog I will share my progress and what I have learned along the way. It is my hope that at the same time, you too will share your progress and successes. Here’s what I will be focusing on:

With each of these, I will reveal the specific goal when it has been reached or attempted to the best of my ability.  I’m determined to make each a reality, and it is my hope that you too will dream big and boldly when it comes to writing down your goals/resolutions as well. For it has been my experience that we often underestimate what we are capable of and in so doing are delightedly surprised with the results and life we didn’t at first believe we could create for ourselves.

Maestro by Hans Zimmer

So, as we all begin fine tuning our most amazing simply luxurious life, I wanted to share a composition that recently has been my regular source of inspiration as I contemplated where I want to go in 2014 as well as a glance at just a few of the upcoming topics that will be shared and examined here on the blog:

  • Become your own brand
  • Shoes – a key investment
  • The details of a welcoming living room
  • The benefits of yoga
  • Power Foods

Happy New Year everyone! Whatever you wish to accomplish in 2014, keep reminding yourself, Yes you can! 

Below, a few images of inspiration . . .

22 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Make This Your Year?

  1. Super, Shannon! All that you are planning to share with us resonates so well with my plans for 2014. Very excited for the year ahead and reading your blog regularly. Happy New Year. x

  2. Happy New Year to you! I love the topics that you are planning to explore further during this wonderful new year 🙂 Thank you for all that you do and share with your readers!

  3. Happy New Year, Shannon!!! What an inspiring post! Thank you for sharing your goals for 2014. Looking forward to your future posts! Here’s to the best year ever…Cheers!

  4. Happy New Year to you too Shannon! I am looking forward to all the great things you have planned for the blog. I feel like I say this every year, but this is going to be a big year of change for me and I am glad to have you and your posts as guiding inspiration.


  5. Shannon, best wishes to you for the New Year! This is such a great post to start of the New Year! I love the “this year” list it gives me great ideas on how to make the year fuller and richer, not just letting the time goes by. You are truly inspiring and I look forward to reading all the exciting new post that you have for the coming year. Cheers to hoping all your dreams and goals for 2014 comes true.

  6. I would like to thank you for your blog.
    Your articles make me think and I built a better life that brings me more happiness and serenity.
    I’d like to give you something back, I live in Paris and if I can give you photos or addresses, I will be very happy to make you a little of everything you gave me.

    Happy new year 2014 for you and all those you love,


  7. Wish you a very happy new year, S.

    You have provided my inspiration for changing my life in a major way around 1.5 years ago and it has substantially changed. I can claim to be living a simply luxurious life and building on it.. So, thank you.

  8. Shannon–So thankful that I found your blog and began following you this year. I am looking forward to learning how to conduct my own orchestra this year! Great visual.
    Happy New Year

  9. Shannon, this the most inspiring blog! Thank you for sharing the possibilities we all can create and experience. I love and look forward to your blog each week.

    Happy, healthy 2014!


  10. Dear Shannon,
    All the best for 2014 for you too! Thank you so much for all the inspiration you’re giving to me. I love your blog!

  11. Thanks Shannon for sharing the beautiful and magical piece of Music by Hans Zimmer which has brightened my days since.
    A Happy 2014 to you. May you find true contentment and radiant joy!
    Bonne annee, U. M.

  12. Hi Shannon! I am so thankful I have stumbled on to your blog!!! I was feeling VERY stale at 63 and you are the encouragement I have needed to get me back on track. I am married recently retired with children and rapidly growing grandchildren ALL of which i love beyond words! My delima was that I was so busy that I COMPLETELY got off track! I haven’t done much of anything to nourish my soul in a very long time. You have given me the courage to go forward and live the life I have always dreamed of. Thank you for being the turning point in my life!! Here’s to a New Year and a NEW ME!!!

  13. What a wonderful posts. Your words are always inspiring.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
    Happy New Year!

  14. Dear Shannon! Happy New Year and may ALL your plans and dreams for 2014 come true! Thanks a lot for your blog – so positive, so inspirational, so sophisticated and friendly! I’ve been reading you for more than a year and your ideas have cheered me up on a bad day and built my confidence in a moment of self-doubt. I wish you a lot of joy, wonderful friends and a little bit of good madness and may 2014 be your best year yet!

  15. This is just what I needed. I truly hope 2014 is a wonderful year. For me its gotten off to a pretty good start.

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