13 Life Truths to Remember About Making Progress
Wednesday November 29, 2017

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“No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.” —Epictetus

Growth is a dynamic process, an exhilarating process as well as a confusing, ambigious process. But the truth about attaining the change and making the progress we seek is that it is indeed possible even when it appears it is not.

As the end of 2017 can been seen to be arriving shortly in the near future, you may be taking time to assess all that has happened over the past 12 months. Or maybe you are trying to determine what you need to change to cultivate the life you wish to live. Today I’d like to share with you 13 life truths regarding the attainment of the change you seek.

1. Initially the change you seek will seem impossible, but nothing is impossible. 

2. The best way to not be cowered by fear of the unknown is to step toward more unknowns. Think of this practice as akin toning a muscle. In order to feel more comfortable, in order to not feel sore after an attempt at an unknown, you need to intentionally target that skill (muscle).

3. Having a clear vision of what change you seek and why you are seeking it will be the armor you need to push forward through uncertainty.

4. Welcome into your life the people who believe in your vision and your ability to attain it even if they don’t know what exactly it is or how it will happen. Their support is what you need. Let go of anyone who is not. 

5. Stumbling forward through perceived failure is the path toward success.

6. You determine the limitations or lack thereof for your journey. Remind yourself that yes, you can, even if you’ve never seen anyone do it before.

7. You cannot have it all, but you wouldn’t want it all anyway. The truth is, having it all is to choose quantity over quality, and choosing this balance is to reduce the richness a quality life enables us to experience. Instead, as is TSLL’s mission, choose quality over quantity.

8. Select the energy you surround yourself with wisely (your thoughts, your support relationships, etc.) as what you nurture grows and acts as a magnet.

9. Consistent small steps lead to big gains.

10. A rested mind is a productive mind. Sleep well and fully each night. Guard fiercely this valuable, necessary time. It may involve saying no, it may involve a shift in your daily routine, but in so doing, you cultivate a more enjoyable and productive everyday experience.

11. Being denied what you desire is often a test to see how badly and sincerely you wish to attain it. Find reassurance in your decision for this chosen path when such denials happen.  Realizing you still want what you are seeking just as much if not more is a powerful feeling to embody. A confidence booster. And it is such a feeling that will be your fuel to keep striving forward.

12. Simplifying initially is a complicated task. By identifying what is most important and letting go of the rest, you begin to alleviate unnecessary stress, see the reserves of energy return and a wealth of creativity surge.

13. The progress you seek will occur when you aren’t expecting it. Step forward and seize it when it arrives.

“The most important thing to remember is this: to be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become.” —W.E.B. DuBois

In other words, the change you seek is possible even if the journey doesn’t make sense the entire time. After all, if it did, everyone who be charging forward confident that what they wanted would be theirs in no time. No, you and I are the courageous minority, but us courageous minority exemplify the possibilities of a life which attains contentment and true fulfillment without the need for outside approval or extreme excess. A most beautiful and priceless gift we can give ourselves and others who watch us strive forward and be encouraged that the unknowns need not intimidate.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

11 thoughts on “13 Life Truths to Remember About Making Progress

  1. Wise words, Shannon. This has been at the forefront of my mind lately. Thank you. I have a feeling I will be revisiting this post often.

  2. Wonderful post, Shannon. Number 12. “Simplifying initially is a complicated task.” is so timely for me. We just returned from an incredible safari in Zambia, and Botswana, plus a week in Cape Town, South Africa, and I am facing well over 3,000 photos, and many videos, to sort through, “simplify,” and edit down. I’m also shipping my wonderful husband off to the UK at the end of July to spend time with his family, so I can go across the street to our garage (where wine was previously made in the troglodyte cave in the back) and “simplify” our combined belongings. How did I accumulate so much during the past seven years of living in France? Having arrived with only two suitcases, I am completely dumbfounded by the boxes now lining the walls of above garage. I will think of your wonderful blog as I tackle this task. Many thanks to you for “The Simply Luxurious Life!”

    1. Thank you for sharing your journey of what must have been amazing experiences and memories. Savor the simplifying process and all that you have travel through that has no doubt changed you and your husband. 🙂

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