“The basis for true change is freedom from negativity. And that’s what acceptance implies: no negativity about what is. And then you see what this moment requires: what is it that is required now so that life can express itself more fully?” —Eckhart Tolle
A flat tire when we need to be at a particular place at a soon-to-arrive time.
An unexpected bill that stretches our budget beyond our means.
Coming down with the flu, sidelining our long eagerly anticipated plans.
Becoming exhausted due to our daily responsibilities which causes us to lose our willpower to stay on track with our fitness, eating or sleep schedule, a schedule we know nourishes us best.
As February comes to a close this week, two months have been opened and written in the book that is 2024. As we began on January 1st, this “new year, new life” series of providing inspiration and encouragement for two months to bring us each closer and eventually arrive at the desired changes we sought began its 10-post compilation. And with today’s post, a reminder of further encouragement and motivation to keep making progress and also congratulate you on the progress you have made thus far . . .
. . . even if, and I imagine each of us has encounter what we thought was a step back at some point along the way, there have been unwanted obstacles that we had to navigate with in order to keep moving forward.
With each unwanted moment that brought frustration or caused us to doubt we could continue to make progress, worry not. Doubt not. You will continue to make progress, and the obstacle is merely, as Eckhart Tolle wisely reassures, something we need to tend to so that we can make progress.
When I look at the image of Norman near the aspens (at the top of the post), decorated with snow, the blue sky and sun peek through, I am reminded that what we seek, while it will require navigating through obstacles, it is the obstacles that can provide the gifts along the way. The aspens may be slightly blocking the view of the blue sky, but how gorgeous are the strips of light that shine through, kissing the snow? When we shift our perspective of how we see the obstacles, and instead look for the gift, we energize rather than deplete ourselves, and the journey forward is inevitable as will gather valuable lessons along the way that were necessary for us to acquire to finally reach the desired destination.
In other words, this obstacle had to happen in order for you to learn what you needed to learn, become aware of what you needed to be aware of, in order to arrive where you wish to eventually reach. The reason we may have thought such unwanted moments wouldn’t happen is solely due to our ignorance. Had we known such obstacles would occur, we may not have stepped on the journey in the first place, but we are better off because we did. Our ignorance, in this case, is a gift.
It is only when we embody the negativity that thwarting of our journey is certain.
The only thing we have to do, and thankfully, it is a very simple thing, is to refrain from residing in a state of negativity, and instead, as explored in this detailed post, change our perspective of how we see the unwanted event.
A needed gift and/or discovery resides in the obstacle. Can you find it? Can you learn the skill it is trying to teach you? Can you dance with it rather than thrash at it which would destroy you and your progress as well?
I shared a couple of weeks ago that a flat tire occurred while taking a mini getaway, and in that moment I initially said to myself, “Really? How wanted”, but just as quickly I said to myself, “Interesting – a puzzle to solve that I cannot ignore”. I began to problem solve and wasted little if no time finding out how to get safely back on the road again as I had four hours of driving ahead of me and an appointment to make on the other side of the Cascades.
The lesson I learned in this experience may not have appeared to have anything directly related to the progress I have been trying to make toward two intentions I have set as 2024 began, but in reality, this unwanted moment gave me an opportunity to test whether I had learned valuable skills that I need to live a mindful and contented life.
Yes, this may sound simple, but nonetheless, it is a valuable life lesson as there will always be unwanted moments that cross our path. How will we engage with them? How will we treat people that might help us or happen to be with us when said events happen? How will we manage our stress? Will we exacerbate it by throwing the second dart, or step back and give our selves space to respond rather than react? What is the gift?
Indirectly or directly, when we navigate well around and move beyond unwanted moments along our journey, our confidence swells in a constructive way which propels us forward even more significantly than if we had not encountered the obstacle. A second gift of sorts.
So the next time along your journey to the resolution or intention or whatever term you have used as you began the new year and an obstacle or unwanted setback occurs, remember two things: let go of negativity and understand this had to happen to teach you or make you aware of a valuable piece of knowledge that will be required in order to eventually reach your goal; and second, you are about to receive a gust of wind behind you propelling you forward once you overcome said obstacle and wahoo for that! Supercharged progress!
And before you know it, you will have arrived, savored the journey along the way and celebrated with all the more appreciation when that day of attaining your desired outcome is your reality. ??
Thank you for following along with me as this series unfolded. Below are the previous nine posts and episodes beginning with the first shared on January first and placed in chronological order. Feel free to read or listen to whichever speaks to you as you need wherever you find yourself along the journey. You’ve got this and I am so very excited for you to reach where you are about to arrive. 🙂
2024’s New Year, New Life two-month series
Simple Rituals to Embrace the Everyday and the 5 Characteristics of Simply Luxurious Rituals, episode #372

Thank you for this enlightening and constructive series of articles. 2023 was a very challenging year for me. This series is a wonderful opportunity to read and learn to start anew in 2024 with a beautiful intention to move on and embrace the many blessings in my life.
Thank you for your comment and grateful I can bring a series that provide value as you continue forward into 2024. I am sorry to hear of the challenging past year. Hang in there. Your fortitude and awareness will definitely ensure better days are ahead. 🙂
Thank you, kindly and Happy late Birthday and many more!?
I love this series, and the approach of shifting perspectives. Whatever your experiences have been so far in 2024, I am truly sorry to hear that any turned out to be hiccups….and happy for you also that your perspective is such a game changer! Yes, bumps, surprises. I’ll mention one (about something shared in previous comments), that a September trip to France was unexpectedly cancelled, which felt very saddening. However…now that time has passed I’m left feeling free. Perhaps a journey in the Fall, perhaps not. Perhaps with a friend, perhaps solo.
For today, am just enjoying spending all day long in a quiet house, drinking another pot of tea, reading your column, dreaming of a new spring skirt, and spontaneously roasting a quirky mix of randon vegetables before starting dinner…I’m grateful for these gifts. Also, on the sartorial side, cannot wait for your post on Saturday!
Warm thoughts to everyone, Liz
Shannon, thank you for this lovely thought-provoking series, such an excellent way to spring-board us into the new year! My take-away is that The Present is indeed Un Cadeau Extraordinaire and mindfulness is the essential key that will lead us into and ever onward on our journey. (Love Eckhart Tolle, you can practically open any of his books at random and be entranced and re-juvenated!) And as you say, soooo important to “savor, savor, savor”. Love to all and on y va into the rest of our year!!