Beauty in the Battle
Monday March 22, 2010

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“Life affords no higher

pleasure than that of

surmounting difficulties,

passing from one step of

success to another,

forming new wishes,

and seeing them gratified.

He that labors in any great

or laudable undertaking

has his fatigues first

supported by hope,

and afterwards rewarded by


To strive with difficulties,

and to conquer them,


the highest human felicity.”

-Samuel Johnson

After two beautiful days of sunshine, the rain came.

As I was driving home tonight, I could see the odious deep blue rain clouds slowly creeping in, as if to allow us all more than enough time to quickly finish up anything we may have been doing outside and escape to the indoors.

While rain is not appreciated by some, I am always glad to see it, feel it and smell the refreshing scent it brings especially on a hot summer day.    But there are times, when rain never seems to cease.  Many places in the mid-west and east coast know this feeling all too well as of late.

Sometimes it seems that the rain in our lives, the workload, the stress, the worries, will never let up.  And while it is hard to see beyond the storm,  believe it or not, there is something beyond it.  Exactly how beautiful it will be is determined by how we handle the tumult of the weather we are dealing with.

There may be periods of frustration, hair-pulling, and moments of voices raised, but without the struggles, without the obstacles, joy could not be felt as intensely; happiness wouldn’t be felt so deeply.  There can be beauty in the battle, so push through, grab each opportunity no matter how hard it might be to grasp. It most certainly will be worth the pains.

Out of curiosity, what struggles have you persevered through and what was the joy you discovered on the other side?  Sometimes the best source of inspiration is found from those who speak from experience; so I look forward to hearing about your journeys and the destination that was reached. Have a beautiful Monday, whether it be rain or sun outside. | the simply luxurious life

5 thoughts on “Beauty in the Battle

  1. we were blessed (finally) with a wonderful weekend and now a wet monday…both of which I embrace fully and love. Happy Monday to you!

  2. This was so beautifully written. I just love how you describe the minutes before the rain starts, I love when we get a little time to gather ourselves and finish things, then scurry inside. I don’t know if I’ve persevered to achieve anything but I do know that I survived losing my father this past year, at times it felt the grief would never end. It feels like I’m finally on the other side and for that, I’m thankful 🙂 Hoping you are having a wonderful Monday!
    xo Mary Jo

  3. Mary Jo – thank you for sharing what I can only imagine would be extremely difficult. Losing a parent who has played such an important role in our lives is something that we never conceive of happening even though in reality we know how life works. The beauty is they were in your life and that love will carry on through you to other things and people. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing. =)

  4. I’ve travailed my share of difficulties over the years but have come to the other side. Life now filled with love, gratefulness, and small sweet blessings. I love your blog, as it embodies both the spiritual and pragmatic sides of life. True balance, difficult to attain but worth the effort. Thank you Shannon for delivering a truly inspiring piece each week.

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