34 Simply Luxurious Things I Love About the Holidays
Monday November 25, 2013

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The holidays of Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas and New Year’s will officially begin this week, and I am giddy for it all to unfold. As a child I never thought that I could love this time of year as much when I became an adult, but I must admit I love it far more than I could have ever grasped as a young tike. The sentiment, the shift in energy and the opportunity for celebration, gathering and thanksgiving are the wondrous gifts that this time of year bestows. And while all of these qualities can and do occur year round, for some reason, there is a bit of magic that infiltrates everything and everywhere one goes.

Today, I wanted to share with you a list of simply luxurious things I love to indulge in, listen to, partake in and look forward to throughout this festive time of year. After you read through, please join the conversation and share what you look forward to most as we all begin to enjoy the many treasures these next five weeks will bring.

1. a crackling, cozy fire in the fireplace

2. decadent hot chocolate topped with homemade whipped cream

3. a simple designer dress for holiday soirees – simple to change the accessories for each occasion your holiday schedule includes

4. Thanksgiving’s gift of allowing us to focus on gratitude rather than things

5. hanging a fresh cedar bough wreath and garland on the front porch

6. a nibble or two of homemade fudge

7. New York City’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade

8. opening the closet to a pile of warm cashmere sweaters in classic colors and designs

9. picking out the perfect holiday cards to send to friends

10. watching classic holiday films – It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, A Christmas Story

11. shopping for experiences to give as gifts rather than things

12. taking a walk as the sun rises after a night of freshly fallen snow

13. Listening to Louis Armstrong’s Cool Yule

14. hanging monogrammed stockings on the mantle for all members of the family – pets too!

15. shopping at local boutiques as much as possible for one-of-a-kind gifts and treasures

16. donating time and/or money to charities dear to your heart

17. planning and hosting small intimate soirees for friends and family – a gourmet, yet simple spread so the hostess and the guests can enjoy the festive gathering

18. the annual hunt for the perfect tree

19. scooping up coveted treasures at amazingly low prices

20. pulling on pajamas that are as warm and comfortable as they are stylish

21. gazing at creative and festive store front windows

22. a chance to reflect on the amazement that was your year in 2013

23. the subtle touches of sparkle in your wardrobe

24. A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack filling the house

25. ice skating with the family

26. watching the dogs frolick in the snow

27. endless scarves to choose from

28. city streets lined with white lights

29. Almond Roca from Brandini Toffee

30. wrapping gifts with beautiful ribbon and care

31. gingerbread men

~click here for the recipe and instructions on how to create your own gingerbread men garland~

32. peppermint gelato from Colville Street Patisserie

33. Christmas morning’s magic – warm, fresh pastries, crispy bacon, hot tea and coffee and enjoying the roar of the fire as each person in the household wakes in their own time.

34. an opportunity for a fresh start.

Happy Holidays everyone!


Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

4 thoughts on “34 Simply Luxurious Things I Love About the Holidays

  1. Much on your list are my favorites, too. One addition for me is experiencing the wonder and magic of the holidays through my child’s eyes! She is almost five and believes very much in Santa! Her joy is the best gift! Happy holidays!

  2. That is a great list. I love walking into Starbucks for the first time, right after they deck it out for Christmas. Christmas drinks included! I love getting their christmas espresso blend and making eggnog lattes in the morning and opening one special present on Christmas Eve, just my husband and I. It’s our moment to sit by the fire and enjoy the moment (sans family craziness for a moment!) and savour life!

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