The 2nd Giveaway: Sarah Nelson’s Grasmere Gingerbread
Monday May 20, 2024

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The most delicious surprise of my entire trip began came about with the suggestion by long-time reader and member of TSLL, Sarah H. (who you will meet in a post later this week as she joined me along with a handful of other TOP Tier Members for Champagne Afternoon Tea at The Ritz). Upon hearing that I would be venturing up into the Lake District, she suggested I might want to pop in for some Grasmere Gingerbread from Sarah Nelson’s cottage situated along Grasmere Lake (view my tour and hike of the district here).

Having never heard of it, but trusting Sarah’s taste as not only a Briton, but someone who continues to introduce me to all sorts of finds I delight in and eventually share here on TSLL ☺️, it was to my delightful surprise, as I was too sopping wet to inquire about the gingerbread while we were hiking, that my guide already had planned we would stop in and grab some of this famous sweet treat in between our two hikes.

Beyond grateful.

As I shared in this post of my Lake District visit, I was unable to take photos of the cottage due to . . . (I will let you read the post ?‍♀️), but that was almost the last thing on my mind. All I wanted was warmth and some sustenance, and these special treats, described as a “spicy-sweet cross between a biscuit and cake” having been made since 1854 fit the bill in both regards.




They come wrapped in the classic parchment paper, six gingerbreads in each, for under £5, and if you purchase them at the cottage – which is the most petite cottage you think can’t possibly fit this world famous bakery, you have the luxury of eating them warm out of the oven – the best! Even though you barely have any room to turn around inside when you place your order, let along step in and out of the rain, it doesn’t matter, because as soon as you do step inside, you catch the scent of the ginger and you immediately smile. Not a second had passed and we were tearing open the parchment and eating the first piece. Okay, I might have enjoyed the entire first bar (each consists of two cookies as you will see in the video and in the photos in this post ☺️).


Where did we wander to while we enjoyed the gingerbread? Well, no place other than the graveside of William Wordsworth and his family as it is literally right outside Sarah Nelson’s cottage next to the church in Grasmere. Now that may sound odd, but it was quite memorable. The rain kept falling, I kept eating while Gordon talked about the Wordsworth family, and I pinched myself to have so much warmth and treasures of history around me while being drenched to the bone. I’m odd, I know, but the uniqueness of it all made the gingerbread taste all the better.

However, rain need not be part of the equation to enjoy these treats as I discovered when I arrived back home at North Farm and enjoyed one cookie each afternoon with my tea until they were gone during the rest of my week-long stay at this very special rental I look forward to giving you a tour of later this week.

Let’s take a look at a short video to give you a look at what these cookies are all about.

Now, the recipe is kept highly confidential, but many have tried, even myself, to replicate it. And wanting to make my attempt as soon as I could upon arriving home back in the states so as not to forget the taste and flavors, it took more than a few tries to balance the ginger, molasses and sugar (brown), but I came very close. Here is my recipe that I shared this past December.

Do not worry, I have not forgotten that this is a giveaway post!

A BIG thank you to Katrina who suggested this would be a great idea for a giveaway during British Week (you will meet Katrina later this week as well, as she joined us at The Ritz for afternoon tea), and as soon as she suggested it, the decision had been made! ☺️

Two members will win a 170th Anniversary Commemorative tin filled with six of these delicious and freshl6 made gingerbreads. Shipped directly to you in two-business days from Grasmere (check out the company here and save this link so you can purchase these whenever you would like or send them as a gift!), I cannot wait for you to try them. And I just learned you can buy a bag of their gingerbread crumb! And once you have a tin, all you have to do is buy the gingerbread in the parchment (which will cost less) and continue to enjoy these delights as often as you would like. ☺️

This one is going to be SO simple!

  • Leave a comment here on this post.
  • That’s it!
  • Enter by Saturday May 25th at noon Pacific Time
  • Be sure to check back on Sunday to see if you are the winner when the Concluding Post will be shared.
  • If you are the winner, reach out to me no later than Monday May 27th to claim your gingerbread so I can ship it to you ASAP otherwise, I will have to send it to an alternate winner.
  • Good luck!
May 19 26 2024

171 thoughts on “The 2nd Giveaway: Sarah Nelson’s Grasmere Gingerbread

  1. Oh boy! I just love these giveaways! I tried your version of the gingerbread, and it was wonderful (even serving it to my in-laws at Christmas!), so I am excited for the chance to have the “real” thing. Thanks for all the fun, Shannon!

  2. What a great post and Giveaway! I love the suggestions and ideas from your TSLL community & even more love that you were able to meet in person ?

  3. I would love to try these. My grandmother worked in a bakery when I was little and would bring me the most moist and delicious gingerbread men with raisins for eyes. I have not found something yet that compares to the moist spicy flavor. I think these just might.

  4. I have been enjoying your post regarding your rain soaked hike in the Lake District and enjoying these delicious gingerbread. I am inspired to have a go at making these today from your recipes.

  5. I have only had gingerbread “boys” around Christmas time so would love to taste this version. Enjoying British week immensely– love reliving your trip Shannon.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your finds. I am saving all the links for my upcoming Christmas wishlist.

  7. Gingerbread is one of my favorite cookies! Thank you for this giveaway. Fingers crossed!

  8. Wow! Gingerbread is my favorite cookie! Thanks so much for this opportunity! Such fun!

  9. A delicious treat to enjoy during our monthly Cuppa chats. I’m curious all the ways to use the gingerbread crumb – getting hungry just thinking about it!

  10. I feel like I’ve been on vacation. I so enjoyed your tour/hike and hope one day I can do the same. I made your recipe for the gingerbread and we all enjoyed it. Would love to try this!!!
    Thank you

  11. Oh my! I love gingerbread, and what a treat to be gifted a tin of Grasmere Gingerbread! I’m enjoying seeing these photos of North Farm, and the Brown Betty on the farm table. Thank you, Shannon.

  12. Ooooh, these sound absolutely delicious! Thank you for including in the giveaway.

  13. thank you Shannon! I love gingerbread anything and these sound yummy. I also loved reading your hiking story and how the gingerbread played a part in that walk. Cheers to British week!!

  14. Hey! I have thought in the past about ordering Sarah’s gingerbread – I’m so curious about it! Thanks for the opportunity to have it delivered free of charge (to me, at least!)

  15. Oh! I love this. I have made yours twice but have never had the original on which it is based! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  16. What a thrill it would be to try the gingerbread…thank you. All this talk of ginger is so uplifting!

  17. These giveaways are so fun! Even when you don’t win, the exposure to these things is a real prize.

  18. Good morning, Shannon,
    I can hardly believe it’s been a year since you contacted me about the Afternoon Tea at the Ritz! What a perfectly lovely afternoon it was, too, with you and the other Most-Delightful ladies. I struggle to decide which areas to emphasize in my travels to England so I have missed the Lake District – so far. This gingerbread and the cozy little spot of its origin simply must be put at the top of the list for Next Time. Many thanks for you and TSLL!

    1. Time is flying isn’t it Janet! Still enjoy remembering such a lovely afternoon meeting you all and it will be nice to relive it in Shannon’s upcoming post!

  19. Your description of this gingerbread as well as the lovely hike through the Lake District made me feel like I had been there too. I love Gingerbread in all of its forms and would love to sample this one. Thanks for the chance to taste it.

  20. Thank you Shannon for this post. Can you believe it; I’ve never had gingerbread. Now I’ve got to go find it! ~ Teresa

  21. Sounds like a once in a lifetime experience for you. Love when the stars align just so! Thank you Katrina, for this great giveaway idea.

  22. Who doesn’t love Gingerbread – what a great resource and such cute wrapping too!

  23. This gingerbread sounds delightful, thank you for including it in the giveaways!

  24. Good Morning, Just watched and read about your trip to the Lake District. I do hope the next time you go, that you can wear sunscreen and your hiking boots. Thank you for the chance to win a treat. All the Best, Emilie

  25. I tried your recipe when you posted it previously, and it was absolutely amazing!!! I made some for friends as gifts and everyone loves them. I’m sure the real thing is extra special too!!! I’d love to try it sometime!!

  26. Enjoyed your adventures in the Lake District, rain and all! Would love to try the gingerbread!

  27. Your recipe was quite delicious, Shannon, but I would so love to receive the delectable Grasmere Gingerbread in that lovely commemorative tin. (I can picture you happily munching away, rain pouring down, avidly listening to the guide, whilst paying homage at Wordsworth’s graveside. I must be odd as well, because it sounds enchanting to me.)Perfect giveaway, thank you Shannon!?(And the shop is bookmarked for further perusal?)xx

  28. Yum !
    It really is delicious , quite different from other gingerbread biscuits .
    Yes please Shannon , and thank you for the opportunity.
    x Anne x

  29. I only make gingerbread at Christmastime. Would love to try your recipe as well!

  30. I will have to try your recipe for these little cookies as well as have some of the ones from Sarah Nelson’s company. They both sound delicious.

  31. These sound delicious! Thank you for sharing.

    Fingers crossed that I wind a chance to try them.

  32. I’m looking forward to, hopefully, nibbling on the gingerbread with my afternoon tea! I can’t wait to try your recipe, Shannon!

  33. Shannon, what a delight giveaway! I have printed the recipe and bookmarked the shoppe’s website as I most definitely must have some proper gingerbread!:)

  34. Ooh La La these sound Delish! A perfect accompaniment to a cuppa tea. Thank you for introducing me to Grasmere Gingerbread as a cook and party planner being introduced to new products always excites me to create and share.?

  35. Receiving a tin of these would be a delicious treat indeed! Thank you

  36. My mother is traveling to the area next October. Would love to share this with her in anticipation! Thank you.

  37. My mother is traveling to the area next October. Would love to share this with her in anticipation! Thank you.

  38. What a tasty treat to add to afternoon tea. I’ve bookmarked your recipe to try this Fall as well. Thank you.

  39. Shannon, this sounds amazing with a Cuppa. Thank you for another great giveaway

  40. Hi Shannon, these sound so uniquely British and delicious. Would love to try these but not sure I share your discipline lol

  41. Wow! Gingerbread from the UK! Although I make my own gingerbread (in all it’s varied forms) I would love to try “the real stuff”. I’m far, far away from England but consider myself an Anglophile. Thank you again, Shannon!

  42. Oh, it was fun to remember that insanely rainy hike you took!! Gingerbread looks delish!

  43. Shannon~

    I made your version of the gingerbread and can not imagine any would taste better than they do. I gave it away as Christmas gifts to much praise.


  44. The package is so cool that it will be hard to tear it open and spoil the look, but I know the cookie will be so good.
    I adore that kind of a tormenting decision – open it now, or wait till later on!

  45. I would love to try the gingerbread. I would bake your recipe and compare it to the Grasmere gingerbread. I would share with a friend who is from London.

  46. I love gingerbread! My absolute favorite! Fingers crossed for this giveaway as it looks delicious! Definitely doing to try Shannon’s version. Thank you!!!

  47. I love baking gingerbread during the holidays, and would love to enjoy it at this time of year too! This kind sounds really special. Fingers crossed!

  48. Thank you Shannon for a delightful post.
    I tried your version of the gingerbread & gave as gifts for Christmas. Absolutely delicious!

  49. Oh wow this gingerbread and a cop of tea right now would just be amazing!!

  50. Hi Shannon,
    Many years ago my family traveled to the lakes region and had Grasmere gingerbread at Sarah Nelson’s cottage. It would be such a treat to have it again!
    Thank You!

  51. Thank you to Sarah and Katrina for guiding Shannon to discover and and decide to make the Grasmere Gingerbread a giveaway during this year’s British Week. I am now very curious about it.

  52. Hi Shannon
    I think this is the best giveway ever. What a treat! It looks so yummy. I would love to try this gingerbread. Fingers crossed .
    Thank you.

  53. Gingerbread invokes such memories. I’d love to try this gingerbread. Loving British weeks… & it’s only Monday!

  54. Grasmere gingerbread and rain a perfect combination. Shannon, is it really a year since you made us laugh with your waterfilled wellingtons ?

    1. Ditto! There’s nothing greater than laughter. Thanks Kameela for reminding me Shannon, you’re great at comedy.

  55. Just reading about the gingerbread brings a feeling of such coziness! What a wonderful giveaway!

  56. I made the gingerbread using your recipe and it was fabulous! I made it both with regular flour and with gluten free flour and I am surprising myself by saying I think we liked the GF the best. I’d LOVE to try the real thing!

  57. What a beautiful post. I can smell the scent of gingerbread as we speak. A wonderful idea for a giveaway!

  58. Hi Shannon,

    I am enjoying the annual British week and would love the gingerbread. Thanks for the enjoyable posts!

    Carrie P.

  59. Hi Shannon, what a lovely post and a wonderful give-away! Gingerbread is my very favorite. Thank-you for the opportunity!

  60. Well, yum! This is a wonderful giveaway, and my husband is really hoping I win this one!

  61. Shannon,
    What a treat. Enjoyed seeing you so happy in such wet weather and looking at your beautiful pictures. Would like to try the gingerbread and will save your recipe for the holidays. Thank you, Norma

  62. Gingerbread is one of my favorite cookies! Warm or room temperature they hit the sweet tooth spot.

  63. I have actually had the pleasure of sampling this very special gingerbread a couple years ago when visiting Yorkshire. And like you Shannon, I visited one of my favorite poet’s grave – that of William Wordsworth. And there is a wonderful bookstore just up the road where I had a pleasant perusal and left with books in hand. Lovely memories of Grasmere!

  64. Today is a beautiful sunny day and yet you manage to make me long for a good rain, a hot cuppa, and a tasty treat ❤️

  65. I was in the Lake District many years ago and it still holds so many dear and magical memories for me. I stayed in Hawkshead in The Old School House. I will never forget walking out to Castlerigg Stone Circle in the mist, all alone with ancient stones and wandering sheep. It seems like a dream. I can’t wait until I can return.

  66. Hello Shannon,
    What a great give away…thank you Katrina for your suggestion. I did try your recipe on a cold and wet winter day, and it was the perfect pairing with a nice cuppa.

  67. Gingerbread is a long time favourite of mine. I will definitely be exploring the possibility of ordering some if I am not the lucky winner!

  68. When you shared this find (and your version), I was delighted! Now an opportunity to win a taste!! One can’t pass that up! Thank you, Shannon!

  69. Thank you for another introduction to yet another new item. New to me that is. This article was very informative too.

  70. This gingerbread sounds delicious. My son loves gingerbread, so I think he might be interested in trying this too!
    Thank you !

  71. Who doesn’t love gingerbread? One of my favorite cookies all year round. Am going to look them up now! Can almost smell it!

  72. This looks absolutely delicious. Looking forward to trying some. Thanks for the inspiration!

  73. I can picture myself sipping some tea and having a nibble on one of these delightful gingerbread whilst reading the poetry of Wordsworth on a rainy spring afternoon. Ah, heaven!

  74. This sounds spectacular! Saving the link so I can gift this gingerbread to friends and family. Thank you for sharing, as always, Shannon!

  75. Sounds great. I have a jar of thin ginger cookie from Sweden (Anna’s) and have one each morning with my coffee prior to my yogurt and fresh fruit.

  76. This post made me want to travel immediately to England and savor these delightful traditional gingerbreads. Thank you for sharing these.

  77. Wow… I have dreamt about those cookies since you shared your story and your version of the recipe with us last year! Maybe I will get lucky 🙂

  78. Dear Shannon,

    What a wonderful story about visiting Wordsworth and his family! The gingerbread looks lovely and I will definitely have to try the recipe. Thank you for this giveaway!

  79. So highly recommended by you Shannon, and Sarah H and Katrina – makes me think these must be absolutely delicious!! I’ll give your recipe a try too! Thanks. ☺️

  80. Shannon, a yummy giveaway and I’m going to be ordering some goodies as I love gingerbread and I spied rum butter!

  81. Hi Shannon! I have absolutely adored reading your blog! I started out eagerly anticipating your podcast and this year became a member after booking a trip to London and the Lake District for a hike to get some great ideas for time well spent. I hope to win these gingerbread treats to sweeten the journey!

  82. Yum and how exciting to have an opportunity to taste the real thing. Thank you! Kim

  83. Oh it was quite lovely to come across such a kind mention in this post ? thank you Shannon.
    It’s always nice to be able to share a recommendation with you as you give so many great ones and much inspiration to me/us here at TSLL.
    I’m so glad you got to try, enjoy and savour the gingerbread all week! And this post has inclined me to suggest a trip to Grasmere this summer ?, as well as reminding me I need to try your recipe!

  84. I’m a huge fan of gingerbread, but have never had a British version. Very curious about a “biscuit” style of this tasty treat. Will definitely try out your recipe! Thanks.

  85. How fun the little video is so sweet. Again thank you for having a little something in my day to look forward to all week!

  86. Hi Shannon. I’ve been camping in Colorado without connection to internet and I was so excited to catch up with this week’s British week. Ever since following your travels to the the lake County this year I’m am now planning, eventually, to go myself! Meanwhile I trek the mountains of Colorado in my small travel trailer and wouldn’t it be wonderful to get the opportunity to enjoy some gingerbread one morning on my next campout? ( fingers crossed).

  87. Good Morning!
    My mouth is watering at the description of that lovely gingerbread!
    I know whoever wins it will thoroughly enjoy this treat. Thank you!

  88. Good morning,
    They look so yummy! I love gingerbread and would like to try these.

  89. I would love to experience the sight, taste and smell of that wonderful gingerbread!

  90. What could be better than to receive these wonderful gingerbread cookies!

  91. Yumm, I’m salivating. Its breakfast time here, and I’d love a taste of that gingerbread.
    Thank you for sharing.

  92. My best friend of 47 years is British and I am Puerto Rican. During all these years we have learn much from each other, sharing traditions, learning each other recipes, opening our minds to different world views . What a surprise if in our next visit I would offer a heavenly (by all accounts) gingerbread when she has her cuppa and I have my cafe con leche!

    1. Thank you. You’ve given me an idea! Now, past 80 I no longer bake so I’m currently looking to buy gingerbread. Believe it, I’ve never had it. Your mentioning having cafe con Leche sounds very tempting! I am of Mexican descent; my grandma was born in Mexico. So, instead of eating gingerbread, I was served Pan Dulce. ~ Teresa

  93. These posts are like a virtual holiday and I look forward to seeing them when you post! Gingerbread is such comforting food and is like a warm hug when served warm. What a lovely treat! Thank you for sharing your travels and content, it is a pleasure to read.

  94. Thank you for sharing this memory from your trip with this story and video! I love gingerbread and would love to try this variety. – Melissa

  95. Thank you for sharing this lovely memory from your visit – The gingerbread looks scrumptious and I love how how you describe the visit to the cottage where it’s made – it all sounds delightful.

  96. What a delicious giveaway! I look forward to trying the gingerbread. I also will be making your recipe!
    Thank you!

  97. Hi Shannon! I have loved reading your blog! After decades living in France and now back in the states (insert sad emoji), you have completely introduced me to all the lovely British traditions. One of the greatest things I miss every single day, is pungent, fresh, delicious and odd flavors. Yes please! I would be delighted to try Gransmere Gingerbread. In fact, I just returned from a trip to France and we (my friends abroad and I) plan to meet in Britain next year. We will lean into many of your tips and suggestions. Possibly even Gransmere! Thank you!

  98. So fun! I love the annual British week posts and pretending I am planning a trip to London 🙂

  99. I love ginger and excited to try your version of the recipe. Thank you for sharing!

  100. What an unexpected treat. Thank you for opening my eyes to something new. I’m looking forward to trying your recipe.

  101. I made your recipe and it was so delicious, I would love to enjoy these with a cup of tea! Thank you for the chance to win a special treat. ?

  102. I so enjoy armchair traveling with you! Thank you for sharing with us.

  103. I studied in London during my junior year of university. On a long weekend trip, a group of international students, two chaperones, and I visited the Lake District, one of my favorite memories of my time abroad. No visit to the Lake District is complete without visiting Sarah Nelson’s Grasmere Gingerbread store. I would love to relive the memories with her gingerbread and a Cuppa, even if there are no mountains nearby, (My backyard pond will have to do.)

  104. Who doesn’t love a good gingerbread? After seeing this post last year, I was left wishing I had tried some while in England last Autumn myself. Thank you for sharing this delicious looking product.

  105. OMG. I giggled a little out loud when reading you went to a gravesite. I would love a tin of gingerbread.


  106. I would love to win the gingerbread and look forward to trying your recipe on my vacation this summer. Thank you!

  107. This would be yummy with my tea when I get home from work and before starting my “home work”. Thank you for the giveaway.

  108. This is so lovely Shannon! Here is to hoping there is some yummy gingerbread in my future *fingers crossed*

  109. Thank you Shannon, what a lovely idea for a giveaway. These would be delicious with an afternoon cup of tea. A special treat after tending to my garden. Jo-ann

  110. If I win, this giveaway will be given to my daughter who is a major ginger bread fan. We make at least a dozen batches every December for the holidays so this will be a special Christmas in June treat for her!

  111. These look absolutely scruptious! Thanks, as always, for a lovely British Week. Always so much fun. 🙂

  112. Oooooh looks delicious! I’m so glad you have an adapted recipe as well. I enjoying doing the same thing when I try a new treat or meal when traveling. Finding a way to make it at home feels like an extension of vacation in a way.
    Excited to find out about the giveaway!

  113. Yummy! What a wonderful idea for a giveaway. I first tasted Grasmere gingerbread in 2015 and I would oh-so-love to savour it again!

  114. This sounds delicious, and I would love to try it. I love gingerbread, and it’s a shame we don’t have it except at Christmas here in the States. I need to make it more often.

  115. It’s wonderful to learn about new, artisan products! Thanks Shannon.

  116. What a delightful giveaway, Shannon! I have yet to visit the Lake District, and I intend to do so. So many places to see and experience, like Beatrix Potter’s house, for one! (Have you read the excellent biography of her by Linda Lear? I highly recommend it!) To me, gingerbread is one of the coziest treats!

  117. Hello Shannon and TSLL people!
    I can’t believe it, I have been teetering on buying her course for the past few months! I would LOVE the “The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design”. Although I work in the arts, education and have worked for years in design, I like her sequential approach. Being sequential I would love her first course: “The Ultimate Guide to Interior Design”. This is perfectly timed, my current home goes up on the market in June and the next adventure will begin. I’ll either end up moving northward in the States OR back to France, but in the countryside, not Paris. I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity. Fingers crossed! Hooray!!! And your home is gorgeous!

  118. My favorite cake in autumn (or anytime) is gingerbread. Thinking about tea with this scrumptious delight if I should be the winner!
    Robin K.

  119. I enjoyed the pictures and reading your description of the rainy hike. I’m sure the gingerbread and tea hit the spot. Sounds so delicious.

  120. This gingerbread sounds (and looks) wonderful! And I find myself inspired to try the recipe you shared, as well!

  121. Just spent the evening browsing Sarah Nelson’s website….mouthwatering to say the least!
    Thank you Shannon for all you do …you are a treasure!

    Nancy T.

  122. Shannon. Thanks for the opportunity to enjoy Christmas in May! This would be a lovely treat on a Pacific Northwest gloomy afternoon. Hello to you from Salem!

  123. Shannon: Your giveaways are always so thoughtful and unique. Thanks for introducing us to all of these wonderful British brands…..ginger cookies, my favorite!!!!

  124. You had my heart when you said the word gingerbread:) thank you!! Carolyn

  125. I would love to enjoy the gingerbread with my warm cuppa! Thank you for the special chance. Linda

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