26 Things I Know For Sure
Monday May 9, 2011

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There are times in life when everything seems opaque and uncertain. On the flipside, thankfully, there are times when the clouds seem to disappear and all becomes vividly clear. Neither one of these instances are moments that arrive on time or when we expect them, but when the latter occurs, a moment of silent ecstasy ensues.

Gathered today are twenty-six things I have learned, have realized, have accepted and am very thankful to possess as knowledge as I move forward trying to live a simply luxurious life. Some lessons for many of us come easy or are innate to our personal nature, while other lessons are earned through frustratingly fitful nights, tears, endless questions and angst.  Regardless of how a lesson is acquired, the blessing is that the student (each one of us) didn’t give up until the aha moment presented itself.

Here is a glimpse at what I know so far . . .

1. Always dress well

2. Never reveal all

3. Find a local coffee house to frequent

4. Bring fresh flowers into your home

5. Choose to learn and grow every day

6. Slow down

7. Eat & drink less, savor more

8. Write thank you notes

9. Create a sanctuary that instills tranquility

10. Enjoy the morning

11. Drink water

12. Have a handful of go-to recipes that are sure to impress

13. Maintain your mystery

14. Reduce the clutter (clothes, decor, unhealthy relationships)

15. Choose quality (clothing staples, food – fresh, not processed)

16. Befriend people of all ages

17. Trust your instincts

18. Drink good wine

19. Have mandatory “me” time regularly

20. Be the kindness and quiet strength you want to see in the world

21. Enjoy meals around the table more often

22. Chase your dreams, but never chase a man

23. First walk around in someone else’s shoes before jumping to conclusions

24. Always do your best

25. When you get grumpy, take a nap

26. Revel in the knowledge that life is yours to create – get busy!


And thankfully, the journey of learning more life lessons goes on. Have a beautiful week.



Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

21 thoughts on “26 Things I Know For Sure

  1. These are so true, I really needed that this morning!! Wonderful, I must do this, life is too short!! Beautiful way to start my day!! Have a great monday!! xx

  2. Beautiful post! I have to print this, hang it on my inspiration board and re-read it everyday! Definitely a mood booster! Thanks ^_^

  3. Your posts are always so informative and very well put together. All of these important notes stay true, but one that I am having an issue with personally is privacy.

    I tend to be a very private person with many things, and have been trying to make a friend see that this is just fine. She opens her life up on a regular basis, if only sugar-coated really, but often asks very pointed and uncomfortable questions. I have a hard time with this, but after reading your past post about privacy, feel fine to stand for what I believe and continue to be private the way I feel necessary.

    If you ever decide to write a book, I will purchase it in a heartbeat.

    Wishing you a lovely day,

  4. What a lovely post Shannon! Thank you for sharing and passing on your wisdom, I must admit that it makes me feel happy and proud that I already practice some of these on a regular basis, my favorite are: Never reveal all, bring fresh flowers into the home, enjoy the morning, reduce the clutter and drink good wine!! Hope you’re having a lovely week 🙂

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