Why Not . . . Travel Luxuriously?
Wednesday May 19, 2010

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I can’t believe that Memorial Day weekend is almost upon us.  Can you?  It seems not too long ago that I was writing down my New Year’s resolutions in a snowy wonderland and frigid temperatures.  But the good news is that summer is almost “unofficially” here, and with it, hopefully a vacation for the much appreciated efforts displayed at work and for keeping everything on the straight and narrow at home.  Just in case anyone needs someone to give the okay . . . here you go. It is now your time to get away.  Go, plan, travel, enjoy.

How to do this luxuriously, you might ask?  Well, first of all, everyone’s definition of a vacation is different, but the tools required to make sure we are able to make the most of any vacation we embark on are rather similar in almost any traveling scenario. Have a look at my nine tips to traveling luxuriously and let me know of any other surefire ways to guarantee a fabulous vacation.  Tah tah for now!  I’m off to dream of my next getaway.

Pinpoint Priorities

In our own minds, we can easily imagine our ideal vacation, however, if we are traveling with others, sometimes their definition of a vacation differs greatly from our own.  When traveling with friends or loved ones, be sure to communicate with each other well in advance in order to avoid any disappoint during the trip.  For some people, laying poolside and drinking fruity specialty drinks fits the bill, but for others, exploring, and touring the city is much more apt to put them at ease. This is equally important if we are traveling alone.  First ask the question, what needs to happen in order for me to come back refreshed, satisfied and exhilarated?

Plan Early
While there can be some fantastic deals for those of us who wait until the eleventh hour, it isn’t something I would suggest if we know with certainty we are going to take a vacation, and we have a particular destination in mind.  As all of the plans are being made, always ask about cancellation policies, fees, etc.  This pre-planning allows for there to be time to investigate and compare prices as well.

Eliminate Stress
The purpose of a vacation is to free ourselves from stress, to walk away from it for an extended period of time, not to bring more into our lives.  This is why a bit of offensive planning is advised.  If you are traveling abroad, learn a few common phrases and investigate the culture and community.  No matter where we might be traveling, we need to be sure to plan for the “hope this doesn’t happen” or, “I’m up a creek” scenario.  For me, this would be losing a contact.  I am pretty much blind without correction lenses, so I try to always pack a few extra.  In other words, if we think of the worst case scenario, then more times than not, we won’t have to deal with it.

Use Lists
For those of us who travel quite frequently regardless of the duration or destination, making a permanent list and saving it on our computer or making copies of it, is a great way to eliminate the potential for worry when we’ve already been seated on the plan or are five hours away from home and turning back is not an option.  While the list may be tweaked a bit according to the type of vacation we are about to embark on, the necessities usually don’t – toothbrush, blow-dryer, make-up, lingerie, etc – you get the idea. And more importantly, we must be sure to include the clothes that allow us to feel our best and exude confidence. Click here to read a bit more on how to communicate via your clothes.  If a bit of pre-vacation shopping is necessary to attain this goal, I say go forth and fill that suitcase!

Prep the Home
Coming home to a clean home is one of the best ways to end a vacation.  Having all of the laundry done, the sheets on the beds cleaned and the garbage emptied, eliminates the need for anyone to feel they have to jump in and do something as soon as they return.  So before walking out the door, prepare the home for when everyone is walking back in.

Go with the Flow
I know, I know, I’ve made the suggestion of taking stock of our priorities and what we want to do on our vacation, but always keep in mind, if we feel as though we are on a strict itinerary while on vacation, is it really a vacation?  We must allow ourselves to let our hair down, admit that we are a well-organized, wonderful human being, but even lovely people need to let it flow.  Besides, in doing so, we usually welcome into our memories some amazing moments and stories to tell upon returning.

Invest in Relaxation
Everything in moderation. However, with that said, when we allow ourselves to go on vacation, then we should budget for the ability to truly relax.  If simply staying in a beautiful hotel by the ocean is not enough, splurge on a massage or an afternoon at the spa.  Why not pay a little extra for dessert or that beautiful suite you saw online? Isn’t that what a vacation is about – rejuvenation and the creation of unforgettable moments? So take the taxi instead of the subway the next time a vacation rolls around.

Take A Few Extra Days

I wholeheartedly believe in this piece of advice from the standpoint of needing breathing room.  Whether we take a few extra days at the beginning of our vacation or at the end, it can’t be understood enough that sometimes a vacation is stressful.  To avoid this from happening, schedule to return to work after being home from vacation for an extra two days.  This allows us to unwind from the travel and savor the moments we’ve have just created.  If you are someone who doesn’t want time alone at home, plan two extra days into your vacation.  Studies have shown that it takes about 48 hours for a person to allow themselves to full immerse themselves into vacation-mode.  Most definitely something to keep in mind.

Stay True to Your Health
Hear me out on this one. I’m not suggesting that we all head to the hotel’s gym and run in place for miles on the treadmill. However, I am hinting at incorporating exercise into our already planned events.  Walk as much as possible – whether it be in museums, on tours, at theme parks – just walk.  Or bike, swim, surf, whatever will bring enjoyment, but a bit of calorie burning as well.  By doing this we are ensuring that when life goes back to the daily routine, we won’t resent our time away.

A few websites that include even more great ideas for travel:

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

4 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Travel Luxuriously?

  1. Good Morning, S.L.
    There is a new application for your phone/blackberry that shows what the translation is in a foreign language. Have you heard of this? I saw the ad on tv. Basically one would type in “where is the?,,,,” and the French words would come up. Sounds really cool and indespensible.
    I think the joy of vacations is meeting fellow travelors. One seems to be open and relaxed and open to spending time in shared enviroment. For example, my husband and I just got back from Mexico. The highlight of our trip was meeting and spending time with a delightful race car driver and his wife. Both English.
    I love room service of coffee and o.j. in the morining. Expensive? Worth every penny.
    Oh, and the suitcase reminds me to say that I use a suitcase, an old fashioned green leather one to keep my make-up in. Every morning I take it outside on the patio and put on my make on. Handy, useful,and lovely.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Finds – What a fantastic application! That would be perfect. And I absolutely agree, one must indulge in room service. =) Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Mexico. You really never do know who you will meet, as long as you keep an open mind. Thanks for sharing!

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