Why Not . . . Revel in Simple Pleasures? Part Deux
Wednesday October 19, 2011

Fall brings with it so many moments to savor and most of them are so very simple. This past weekend was one of the most classically beautiful and picturesque moments of what I envision fall to be, and I couldn’t help thinking of the many ways to revel in simple pleasures that seem to fit so perfectly with this season.

Back in the spring 2010 I created my first post focusing on this topic (click here to view). Without a tremendous budget and needing only a bit of creativity and time, simple pleasures are abundant and ready to be enjoyed. Here are some of my favorite things to do especially in fall:

Enjoy A Picnic With Friends

Before the weather becomes too terribly cold, why not gather up a few friends and head to a park where the trees are changing color or a harvested wheat field, pack a gourmet antipasto lunch, a
blanket and a bottle of wine and channel your inner Parisian le jar din experience.

Cook Your Favorites

Whether it’s an apple pie with fruit fresh from the farmer’s market, a hearty bowl of risotto or warm pumpkin chip cookies, there is something soothing about getting in the kitchen and making something that you know will be delicious and satiating.

Wear Your Wellies and Take A Walk

Nothing makes me smile more than when the clouds decide to share the moisture and water my lawn, pour down my windows and invite me to pull on my Wellingtons, a rain hat and take a walk.  The fresh scent, the subtle slowing of the pace of life around us all – an ideal moment to settle down and appreciate all that is going well.

Spend an Afternoon in A Museum

The warmer weather is gone for a many months and what better way to spend a few hours in the afternoon then by viewing the latest collection at your local museum? Take a friend or go by yourself and choose not to look at your watch. You’ll be amazed when you finish how much such inspiration may spark a bit of creativity in how you go about living your own life.

Purchase Comfy House Slippers

After stepping out of a warm bubble bath, be sure to have a comfortable, soft pair of slippers to slide into. One of my favorites can be found at Restoration Hardware (click here to view).

Visit A Dog Park

There is just something that brings me absolute joy when I see my dogs run leash-free in a field where I know they are safe.  Whether you live in the city and can take them to a dog park or live in the country, why not double the pleasure and make your dog’s day?

Savor Freshly Made Croissants

A simple way to enjoy warm, fresh from your very own oven buttery croissants is to purchase Williams-Sonoma’s frozen croissants.  Simply place how ever many you want out the night before and let them rise.  When you wake up the next morning, preheat the oven to 375, then bake for 15 minutes and voila! Trust me, they are delicious and my favorite treat on Sunday morning when I’m at home.

A Truffle Before Bed

Been disciplined all day at work with what you chose to eat or how you managed your money?  Whatever the goals are that you are working towards, give yourself a simple treat each night before bed whenever you stick to your planned path.  My simple treat – an Arrowhead Chocolate peanut butter truffle. The perfect way to end a harried, but productive day.

An Afternoon of Reading

I don’t know about you, but the books I want to read, the magazines I love to get lost in and my favorite sections of the newspaper tend to pile up when my schedule gets far too busy just waiting to be read.  When you can, find an afternoon or a few hours to simply take your time reading.  While the time will fly by, it will be some of the most enjoyable few hours that will inform, entertain and rejuvenate you.

Wear a Luxurious Sweater

Nothing feels so lovely against the skin than cashmere or a soft silky fabric. Pull out your sweaters from the back of the closet and wear them for work or for pleasure.

Out of curiosity, what are some of the simple pleasures you enjoy during the fall season?

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Image: TSLL IG
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9 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Revel in Simple Pleasures? Part Deux

  1. Lovely post! Some of my simple pleasures include, homemade hot chocolate w/fresh whipped cream, new pajamas and adding my down comforter to my bed. These are sure signs the seasons are changing.

  2. I absolutely love Restoration Hardware for slippers! But the luxury plush foot duvets are my favorites! They make wonderful gifts too! Thank you for the lovely fall activity inspiration!

  3. Thank you for mentioning cooking what you love! As someone in the healthy eating business, I think people forget they should indulge in their favorites. My rule is eat for health 80% of the time and for fun 20%.

  4. I love reading your posts…. I never got into reading blogs in the past but I happily look forward to yours. Nice also to read about the Royals Down Under at the moment. I am excited they are here, unfortunately they will not be visiting Melbourne where I live.

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