Why Not . . . Gradually Prep for La Rentrée?
Wednesday August 16, 2017

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La Rentrée, meaning “at the return”, however understood in France to mean the return to school and work as we knew it before the summer holiday.

In 2012, I shared 12 ways to celebrate La Rentrée, and today I’d like to share with you 11 tasks to do now to gradually ease you into the shift of our schedules that is now only a few weeks away. After all, for some, the structure that fall provides is missed, and for others it is well . . . not missed at all.  Either way, September is coming and when it does arrive, why not make it as extraordinary as you can?

1. Ask yourself this question, “What has made my life more enjoyable these past 2-3 months?” or “What routines/habits have made my life easier, healthier and brought more contentment these past 2-3 months?”

Over this past summer, one of the new habits I have incorporated into my life is assessing each Sunday the goals I am working towards. I have set aside a Moleskine journal solely for this task, and each Sunday I share what took place with regards to each goal, my thoughts and feelings about it, make suggestions for corrections or applaud my progress. It keeps me on track even when I may have gone off in the wrong direction, and it offers an opportunity for a quick correction.

Often when our schedule changes with the summer months, we unconsciously change our ways of living, ways that we love (or not so much as it will depend upon the individual). However, I have a feeling, you have a few habits that you will miss when the fall season begins. Ask yourself, and be honest, is there any way you can bring them into your year-round routine? Can or should you shift your priorities if it indeed is bringing so much joy and satisfaction into your life?  Remember, simply because we used to do something one way or do something at all, doesn’t mean we cannot stop and incorporate something more fulfilling. In fact, we should.

2. Make appointments now

Just as our schedules change, so do the schedules of our doctors, dentists, aestheticians and other professionals we wish to make appointments with. While their schedules may have been more limited, but as well, with more availability during the summer months, often that changes in the fall. So why not be proactive, and design your schedule with what works best for you by making those appointments early?

3. Assess your wardrobe

On September 1st TSLL Fall Seasonal Shopping Guide will be posted here on the blog (no longer do you need to subscribe to receive it!). Full of splurge and save items when it comes to the new trends as well as many items I have hand-picked for your fall capsule wardrobe, knowing exactly what you need makes the shopping easier and brings fewer regrets. (Have a look at the 2017 Spring Shopping Guide here.)

~Shop TSLL Capsule Wardrobe Boutique here to view the essentials for each season.

4. Plan/Schedule a getaway for fall or winter to look forward to

It may sound odd to be planning your next getaway when you have just returned from your summer holiday, but doing so will most likely save you money, but it will also give you something to look forward to. Even if you do enjoy your job and the schedule you are reentering, a getaway is a special treat to dream about. After all, looking forward to something is half the fun.

5. Order or Check-Out/Put on Hold Reading Material to Enjoy

As I mentioned yesterday, one of the books I am looking forward to reading this fall is a book about Julia Child, another is Judith Jones’ memoir, and with a handful of anticipated releases this fall (here, here and here), I can’t wait for the time to snuggle in when it’s raining out or I’ve wrapped up my to-do list, and dive in. A true simple luxury. And since now I have the time to peruse and put them on my wish list, I can rest-assured I will always have reading material to enjoy.

6. Assess your budget

A simple question to ask yourself, how is your budget working? Based on your answer, look how to improve, enhance or stay on track. Have a look atthese posts from TSLL archives on Money to find small tips and tweaks to strengthen your financial foundation. One specific money habit I tend to each fall is to increase the amount I deduct for my tax sheltered annuity (TSA) from my monthly paycheck. It’s a simple step before I see the increase in my take-home due to the salary bump that happens each year as a teacher.

7. Assess your beauty and health routines

How is your skin? Do you want to schedule a seasonal facial to restore and nourish your visage? Are you running low on any of the necessary products you use in your routines? How is your work-out clothing looking? Does everything fit well (shoes, bras, leggings, etc.?) Paying attention to the glue that keeps us thriving in our everydays is vital, and simply by being preventative, we can ensure a seamless transition into the busier schedule that awaits us.

8. Spruce up outdoor spaces

Over the past weekend, I refreshed my pots and weeded my yard, adding a few new plants to replace those that didn’t make it through the severe heat we had recently. As well, I was reminded that now is a wonderful time to visit your local nursery. While the selection is limited, if you can find what you are looking for (especially perennials), you are likely to pay a fraction of the regular price. I was tickled to find two beautiful deep green hostas (normally about $16-20 dollars for a 1/2 gallon pot; I paid $5!). Needless to say I was doing a happy dance.

As well as the plants, sweep the porch and plump or wash the outdoor furniture as we still have nearly two months (here in Oregon) of outdoor leisure time to savor, and why not make your outdoor space as inviting as possible?

9. Clean the refrigerator/that closet (you know the one)/carpets/etc.

One of the simplest luxuries for me when it comes to food and daily routines is peering into a clean refrigerator. Oh my goodness, I cannot help but smile immediately. However, when our schedules become hectic or less flexible, we often forget about that tupperware container in the back corner. Why not clear out anything that is no longer edible, any jars that are nearly empty and combine, and do a quick wash down of the appliance that we all look most closely at each and every day?

As well, if you have carpets or seasonal cleaning that needs to be done, now is a wonderful time to complete these tasks. Stepping into a deeply cleaned home is a wonderful feeling as it invites you to relax and rest when you cross the threshold after a productive, but perhaps busy day.

10. Automate and Sync what you can

One app (well, it’s not actually an app for the phones yet, but on my desktop) is Calendly. I love the ability to sync all of my tech devices that hold my calendar of events so that when I schedule with potential podcast guests or another blog event, my Calendly knows when I am and am not available based on what I have entered into my iCalendar. This is just one example of simplifying in such a way to avoid unnecessary stress or a need to rebook because we’ve forgotten about a task we have to attend to.

11. Stock your Épicerie

As I was taking my lunch break today, I was reminded that I needed to restock my favorite balsamic vinegar which reminded me that having our épicerie stocked and ready for whatever meal we’d prefer to cook is a simple thing to do now to enhance the seamless flow of a day that has little time to wiggle. Here is a post to remind you of the necessities to have on hand.

As well, automate any payments, appointments, recordings of your favorite television shows, etc. so that all you have to do is live your life and make it all that much easier to be present exactly where you are at any given moment.

It was the luxurious rainfall that occurred this past Sunday and temperatures in the 70s on Monday that brought to my attention, fall is quite near. And I must admit, I became a little bit excited. But I became all the more excited when I began to realize that most of what I needed in the fall was gradually falling into place: carpet cleaned (check); necessary beauty products reordered (check);  dogs’ grooming appointments made (check).

Planning is a powerful tool to welcome the ability to be present and to fully engage with the life you have created for yourself and those you love. Why not, do what you can now and then enjoy how it all unfolds?


~September Back-to-School/Work Checklist

~Why Not . . . Savor the Sunset of Summer?

~10 Things I Love About Fall

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

3 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Gradually Prep for La Rentrée?

  1. In France, #2 is so important, but impossible to do this week. Yesterday was a holiday, and many businesses are closed until next Monday, including doctors and dentists (don’t get sick in France in August). But yes, it’s best to make those appointments before la rentrée!
    The most important thing I’m going to do, though, is spend time with my kid. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.

  2. Hello Shannon 5&6 above I entirely related to. As lovely as the summer has been, albeit not as regularly hot and sunny in the UK as where you are (sigh) I do love the autumn season when the countryside changes colour and the air turns crisp. I tried on my latest purchase of a warm and fleecy sweater and anticipated weekend walks in the park which invariably end with a glass of something nice snuggled up in our lovely local pub with lunch. I also have several books tucked away for rainy days. As you do, for many years in planning for a secure future, when I received my annual uplift in salary, before I got used to the extra money in my account I increased my monthly mortgage payment which enabled me to be mortgage free years earlier. Best wishes from the UK.

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