Why Not . . . Discover Your Purpose? Part Deux
Wednesday June 30, 2010

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Have you made a list of your passions? Have you discovered what makes your watch stop and your mind race?

Last week we began the series of discovering your purpose with help in nailing down exactly what you are passionate about.  If you missed last week’s post, click here to get caught up.  Once you have figured out, without a doubt, what you are passionate about, the next step is to figure out how to begin your journey to make your dream of spending your working hours immersed in doing what you love.  Be forewarned, it will take time.  It doesn’t just happen over night, but something absolutely beyond your imagination is waiting if you are willing to work every day until it comes into fruition.  Let’s get started!

Do Something Now

Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your dream manifest in such a limited amount of time. However, it will never become a reality unless you stop contemplating and start executing your plan.  Go!  Write that first sentence, contact the bank about a loan, start the process whatever it may be.

Every Day

If this truly is a passion for you, you won’t be able to stop thinking about it even when you’re not involved in it.  You may become exhausted during your day working toward your goal, but your mind will never shut off about what you could do tomorrow, the next day and on and on.  While it is okay to get excited, make sure you are doing something, no matter how miniscule, every day to further your progress.  Just thinking about it won’t plop you down at your destination. Even if while you’re on vacation, write your thoughts in a journal so that you can come back to them later, do something every day that benefits the cause.  These little things add up like a puddle that becomes a pond.  Eventually you will see growth, but for now, keep your nose to the grindstone and take it one day at a time.

Eliminate Excuses

You’re tired?  You have plans?  You can’t possibly believe the ginormous dream you thought you could accomplish will ever become a reality, so why bother?  Stop making excuses.  A person’s own mind is often the biggest obstacle they have to conquer in order to be successful.  So ask yourself, are you getting in your own way?  And if the answer is yes, ask yourself this – is this something you really want?  If you are passionate, if that fire will not be allowed to be extinguished no matter where you move or what circumstances you’re involved in, you’ll be able to get out of your own way.  Trust me.

Ask Questions

You won’t know how to conquer your dream with regards to all the detail when you begin your journey.  You will need help along the way, therefore, you must ask for it. It is very telling of someone when they can’t muster the courage to ask an expert a question about the dream they wish to achieve.  Looking back on my past as to why I didn’t take the time to ask certain people questions, I realized (at least for me), that I was afraid they would see through me and know it really wasn’t a passion, it was simply a want, a trophy I wanted to say I had accomplished.

With this in mind, if you want something because it is your calling, your purpose, the sincerity will be there without having to create it.  Have you ever wondered why some teachers during their first few years of teaching get eaten alive while others soar?  The children can see through the surface – they know whose heart’s in it.  With that said, put your heart into to it and start asking questions!

Find  A Mantra

Consider your mantra your fuel.  There will be days that you doubt yourself.  Days where you question your ability.  Rest assured, you’re not doubting your passion, absolutely not, but sometimes a long journey without any reassurance can give a blow to your self-confidence.  In these times, you need a boost, and one way to add your own boost is to have framed on your wall or written by your computer or something where you can’t miss it, a mantra that you believe in that will lift your spirits.  My mantra has always been Henry David Thoreau’s “If one advances confidently in the direction of [her] dreams, and endeavors to live the life [she] has imagined, [she] will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”  It gets me revved up again every time I need it.

Now get started, take that next step and continue doing something, big or small, every day.  The next and final step  by discusses more defense mechanisms when it comes to dealing with obstacles that may land in your path to your dream.  Click here to read part three and finish the series. I hope you’ll return.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

20 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Discover Your Purpose? Part Deux

  1. Great motivation to start the day! I always go back to that HDT quote too…My biggest obstacle is procrastination…still working on that…

  2. Thanks so much for this inspiring post. I especially like your line: “A person’s own mind is often the biggest obstacle they have to conquer in order to be successful.” It is so true. What a great reminder!
    XO Piper

  3. I am very passionate about this subject of life purpose. May I suggest to you and all of your readers a fabulous book that will guide you to the answers within, “The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended” by Ainslie Macleod.
    What I have found along my ambitious journey is there is nothing to prove. Where I am is perfect and I need not prove anything. It’s all about learning and self growth. Also it about letting go expectation. Let Go & have FUN! xo Mish


  4. This is such an inspirational post, and it really gives me a lot to think about. There are certain things that I am very passionate about and want to pursue, but as you say doubt can get in the way, and it can make you prolong pursuing your goals and dreams. I think the first step is to clearly acknowledge the doubt, and then move forward. Thank you for the inspiration. Beautifully written. xo

  5. This is so wonderfully uplifting and positive – I wish more people would think this way. Then again, I suppose that’s the purpose of this post isn’t it? To awaken a sense of worth and urgency in people to seize their full potential. “It’s a Wonderful Life” indeed.

    P.S. You had mentioned “when you get a button, I’d love to swap” – I apologize sincerely for absent mindedness. I have no idea what you meant! Oh dear…

  6. I love this series because so many people are just focused on surviving day to day, and often forget what they are passionate about in the pursuit of paying bills, etc.

    I think having a mantra or self-affirming phrases around you is key. A lot of entrepreneurs and those that work alone (especially to start) don’t have anyone to encourage them on a regular basis. We have to be our own encouragement. 🙂

    There are so many quotes and scriptures that I really love. One of my absolute favorites has always been this:

    “I can do ALL things in Christ who gives me strength.” ~Phillipians 4:13

    I love it because the world ALL stand out to me, and sometimes we have to realize that we can’t do everything in our own strength. When we are weak, He is strong.

    Also, I have a framed art card on my desk that reads: The World is Your Oyster. We’ve heard it so many times,it really is true, but only if we BELIEVE it to be.

  7. I think this series would be helpful for many that are focused on surviving day to day, and often forget what they are passionate about in the pursuit of paying bills, etc.

    I think having a mantra or self-affirming phrases around you is key. A lot of entrepreneurs and those that work alone (especially to start) don’t have anyone to encourage them on a regular basis. We have to be our own encouragement. 🙂

    There are so many quotes and scriptures that I really love. One of my absolute favorites has always been this:

    “I can do ALL things in Christ who gives me strength.” ~Phillipians 4:13

    I love it because the world ALL stand out to me, and sometimes we have to realize that we can’t do everything in our own strength. When we are weak, He is strong.

    Also, I have a framed art card on my desk that reads: The World is Your Oyster. We’ve heard it so many times,it really is true, but only if we BELIEVE it to be.

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