Thoughts from the Editor: TSLL’s First Book Signing
Thursday April 2, 2015

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One of the wisest life truths I have discovered to be helpful when it comes to responding to life’s unknowns is to let go of expectation and rather focus on intention.  In the first post of 2015 in fact, the idea of living with more intention and less expectation was an undercurrent I hoped to incorporate more fully in life as the year unfolded.

Certainly, this approach is easier or more difficult depending upon the circumstance, but when we do our best in all that is in our power, I’ve found it to be much easier to let go. Often what transpires exceeds our expectations. And such was the case this past Saturday afternoon at the first book signing of Choosing The Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman’s Guide

The Bookloft is a cozy, bibliophile’s haven in my childhood home of Enterprise, Oregon. And the book signing and reading event hosted by Mary Swanson, the owner, exceeded my expectations. With approximately 40 people attending and cultivating a convivial environment of lively thoughtful conversation, I was delighted to see so many people come, stay, mingle and nibble in the back cafe of the bookstore.

While I erroneously brought too few books as we sold out (a good problem to have, no?), I will never forget this most memorable of dreams coming true event. With the guidance, help and thoughtfulness of Rochelle D., Shelley M., Anne S. , Alyssa W, Pamela F., Arrowhead Chocolates, and my mother Judy, as the next step in the journey that is the simply luxurious life unfolded, I will forever be grateful.

Have look below at a few images captured during the reading and just prior to the arrival of TSLL readers. As you will notice, I like to talk with my hands.

bs1 sb7


~Where will TSLL Book Tour be heading next?  New Orleans! Learn more here.

~Shop the outfit here.

~The answer to the question, I have a feeling you’re asking is . . . Yep, those were my favorite chocolate truffles on the table that I talk about incessantly on the blog and mention in the book. And they will be traveling with me as well. Hope to see you at a future book signing event!

Bs2 | the simply luxurious life,

16 thoughts on “Thoughts from the Editor: TSLL’s First Book Signing

  1. Congratulations again Shannon! What a special moment to share your first book reading with family and friends and in such a glorious setting! You must still be pinching yourself 🙂 Good luck for the next book reading event!

  2. I would to come to one of this book signing . You should come in France for this, in my little mountain town we ve got a bookstore 🙂 grettings Sandra

  3. Congratulations!! Wish I lived closer – I would have been there. I’m doing the next best thing, though – I’m right in the middle of reading “Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life” for the second time, and liking it every bit as much as I did the first read. Enjoy your book signings!

  4. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the pictures and the experience. It is such a joy to watch you as you follow your dreams and your star rises.

  5. Congratulations, Shannon! You are truly an inspiration. It’s been a joy to follow your journey. You look beautiful and I know I could lose track of time in that bookstore. Thank you for sharing your book signing.

  6. Oh!! This looked like a great event. I hope you decide to visit the east coas. I just received your book today and I’m loving it so far. You’re so empowering!!

  7. How fabulous Shannon and thank you for sharing that with us! I love the look of the Book Loft, I think I could spend a few hours in there. Your simple sophisticate outfit is lovely — I envy you being able to wear knee high boots like that. 🙂 I look like “Puss in Boots” in knee highs.

  8. Congratulations, Shannon! I’ve started the book and so far it’s excellent! Everything you believe in and discuss resonates so much with me. I have to ask if you ever read spirituality books like those of Wayne Dyer’s, as he’s a big mentor in my life and I find so much of what he says profound and yet incredibly simple and true. I know intention is always something that I’m working on. My imagination and creativity beg for intention, so I often do work on intending for the things I want in my life, but sometimes the pragmatic side of me can have me focusing on expectation and, consequently, quelling those intentions (as I can feel they’re unrealistic at times). Thanks for the post – sending positive thoughts and vibes your way! XO

  9. Hi Shannon
    I bought you book and I love it so far! You have been inspiring me for years! I’ve enjoyed seeing you grow and get better and better. I have often bought books and products that you recommended and have enjoyed reading your very imformative blog posts. My blog is just in the beginning stages, but my inspiration for starting it came from you! Thank you! I know the book will be a success!!

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