Thoughts from the Editor
Wednesday February 11, 2015

“A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.” -Andrew Matthews

The contrasts of the east coast and west coast this week are stark as more snow piles onto New England and here in the Pacific Northwest we are basking in blue skies and lovely warmth. However Mother Nature is tending to your weather this week, it is a week of anticipation for some and for others just the middle of February as Valentine’s Day arrives on Saturday. No matter how you choose to recognize this holiday, I have a few suggestions about how to enjoy it in simply luxurious style.

As I mentioned on Monday’s episode of the podcast, I have ardently professed that February 14th is merely another day of the year differentiated by a post-it note of sorts reminding us all to show those and tell those we love that indeed we do. While the intentions of this reminder are valiant, to remember to do so the remaining 364 days of the year need not make it any less special and in fact, possibly more, no?

However, with each year when I have the opportunity to spend Valentine’s Day with someone special, I prefer to keep it simple as in doing so it always eventuates into something far more memorable. And on those occasions when I am single, I too would indulge in any one of the suggestions below. Because after all, how we care for ourselves is a measure of our self-respect. And when we can enjoy our own company, we are all the more able to appreciate and enjoy the company of someone we’ve invited into our lives should we choose to do so. Here are few ideas for planning a simple, yet quite enjoyable evening, morning or day:

1. Forgo fancy and strive for memorable: invest in a lovely bottle of wine, make this gourmet hamburger recipe complete with brioche buns picked up at your favorite boulangerie and finish by going out to a favorite restaurant for your favorite dessert. I used to love going to Papa Haydn’s on NW 23rd when I lived just a block away simply for a decadent dessert and nothing else. The line was always out the door in the evenings, many people doing the exact same thing.

2. Become the expert and spoil each other. Splurge on quality ingredients for a decadent meal and stay at home and cook together. Turn on your favorite tunes and dance, groove and move while you wait for any items to finish cooking/baking. An entire menu for two was shared on this week’s Petit Plaisir, or have a look at any of TSLL recipes and see what catches your eye.

3. Be a guest in your own town. Reserve a suite at top of the line hotel or bed and breakfast for the evening and allow yourselves to be pampered. One of the positives, you don’t have to travel or worry about the headache of forgetting something at home.

4. Jump start the day with delish and decadence. Individual ramekins with baked eggs, cream and goodness paired with artisanal bread and the morning’s favorite reading material. One item I will be reading this weekend which was mentioned to me by a reader (thank you!) is Town & Country‘s special insert in their March issue which offers an insider’s guide to Paris. Absolutely worth picking up, just for this resource. (Have a look here at the cover.)

5. Invest in your lingerie capsule wardrobe. I have professed this for years and regardless of my relationship status, doing so is something you won’t regret as lingerie should be worn for the person wearing it first and foremost. A few places to shop online: here, here, here and here.

Most importantly, remember it is about cultivating an everyday that you thoroughly enjoy. Whether you do any of these suggestions on February 14th doesn’t matter. Why not incorporate them more frequently into your everyday routine? You are worth it and so are the ones you love.

Wishing you a lovely rest of your week.


~What Love Is . . .

~A Valentine’s Day Reminder 

~14 Ways to Enjoy Valentine’s Day: Single or Coupled

~Single or Married: 20 Things to Do

~What I’ve Learned About Love So Far | the simply luxurious life

One thought on “Thoughts from the Editor

  1. I want to say Thank you, you have inspired me so many times. I found you by browsing on one of my must dark moments in my life. You inspired me so many ways. Courage to become me and better myself was an opportunity that I embraced thanks to your newsletters. As I’m coming close to ending that negative chapter to an end and start with a healing one not only to my self , but my children as well. I cannot express how deeply your newsletter has inspire me over and over again. I will learn to wear high heels, wear dresses, learn new things, travel and of course be thankful to God and you today and always.

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