Savoring Tea & Conversation w/TOP Tier Members at The Ritz in London (October 2023)
Friday May 24, 2024

A tradition that I hope will continue for many years to come for TSLL Community began when five TOP Tier Members each welcomed an invitation to the inaugural in-person gathering, to take place in London for Champagne Afternoon Tea.

Janet B., Janet M., Katrina, Nicola, and Sarah H., joined me at The Ritz for tea, sandwiches, dessert and non-stop conversation (in fact, we were so engrossed in our conversation, we moved ourselves into one of the adjacent sitting rooms as the second sitting for Afternoon tea needed to reset our table ☺️). Making travel plans, each tailored to their own interests and lives, we arrived at 1pm in the afternoon, seeing each other in-person for the first time after having conversed online, some of us for more than six years.

Taking place on the first full day of my arrival in London this past October, I have never been more eager, paired with a tinge of nervousness as I wanted our time together to go so very well, as the opportunity had finally arrived to meet in person a handful of TSLL Community that engages so regularly here on the blog with not only me, but one another.

And serendipitously, everything came together well, and we were seated in one of the two six-top tables that anchor the Palm Court on either side of the room, providing a beautiful vantage point, but also an intimate cosy corner to get lost in our conversation, luxurious teas and delicious nibbles.

While I will keep our conversation private as that is also what makes these gatherings special, I will say, all the more did it deepen the community feel that has been created by you the readers of TSLL, and I want to thank Janet, Katrina, Nicola, Sarah and Janet for being the reason the occasion was so special and will always be remembered fondly.

With each future trip to either Britain or France, I look forward to inviting an intimate number of members to join me and each other for a sit down gathering to savor a delicious meal, whether that be afternoon tea as it was in this case or a multiple-course lunch or dinner so we can not only savor delicious food and drink, but drink up conversation and make connections with each other, each of us living our own unique lives but sharing a common passion to live well and fully. Not only is it an opportunity to meet you, but for you all to meet each other, with whom you have been connecting with online for months and even many years.

Many may remember that last year on this day of British Week, the Grand Giveaway was this particular in-person gathering, and per your feedback, I have changed how the next sign-up will go for securing spots. Rather than it being a random selection of those who enter, I will be offering a direct purchase. At the end of this post, I will share what you can look for by the way of future in-person gatherings and how to secure your spot, as I hope to open up the next in-person gathering, which will be in France, toward the end of this year and to meet sometime in 2025 (I don’t have my plane tickets yet for my trip, but once I do, then I will be able to know the exact dates and place chosen).

But first, we must talk about this very special Afternoon Tea. 🙂


Joining me in London, traveling from both the states and throughout England are members who I am confident you will recognize from our conversations on the blog (next to me and moving from left to right): me, Nicola, Sarah H., Katrina, Janet M., and Janet B.

I want to thank them all again for taking part in this first-ever in TSLL’s history, in-person gathering. It was a very special memory and time shared with you all that I will never forget and am so grateful to have had the chance to meet and share time together, all the while enjoying delicious fare.


~The Palm Court, where each day The Ritz hosts two sittings for Afternoon Tea.~


~The entrance and famed revolving doors~



Here is a video taking you inside The Ritz for Afternoon Tea. I do hope you enjoy.

If you would like to join me and fellow TSLL Members for future in-person gatherings, here is more information about how to secure a spot:

First, become a TOP Tier Member as you will need to have an Active membership to join on these special occasions. As a TOP Tier member you are automatically subscribed to the TOP Tier newsletter (this is the one that alerts you to the A Cuppa Moments post each month – not the weekly or monthly or daily or style). So long as you are still subscribed to that newsletter – TOP Tier (reach out to me if you haven’t been receiving it and are an Active member, and I can make sure you are resubscribed), you will be given a heads-up as to what the date will be when the window will open to purchase the limited spots for the in-person gathering. And then you will also be notified when purchasing has begun as they will likely go very quickly (only 5-7 spots will be made available). This change came about per members’ request, and I too realize it will make it much easier for me as you will decide, and then immediately know if you have secured your place and then can begin making travel arrangements. The only requirement to secure your spot is that you are an Active Member (not paused or stopped). I will always try to give at least five months prior notice to the date of our meeting so you can purchase travel tickets well ahead of time and hopefully find great prices or deals. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask as I am happy answer and look forward to meeting more of you in-person!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I am craving a good cuppa tea and some delicious nibbles!

~To learn more about enjoying Afternoon Tea at The Ritz, click here.

May 19 26 2024

23 thoughts on “Savoring Tea & Conversation w/TOP Tier Members at The Ritz in London (October 2023)

  1. Shannon and Simply Luxurious Life kindred spirits, Thanks for sharing your lovely event! One could only dream of participating in something so magical! Simply elegant!

  2. What a wonderful opportunity. I would love to travel to Paris or London for this event. Would love to connect with similar minded women and meet Shannon.
    I was lucky enough to have tea at The Ritz in WA D.C. many years ago. It was fabulous.
    Will be keeping my fingers crossed that the stars and moon align!!!!!

  3. That must have been an amazing experience for you all to meet people from this kind and wonderful community.

  4. Special memories . Thank you ladies for sharing such a special moment. I can’t think of anything more elegant than enjoying tea with great conversation at one London’s elegant tea rooms .Shannon looking forward to the French meet and greet. Kameela ?

  5. The magic of the meeting is in all of your eyes…how very touching it must have been to meet and chat in such beauty! Love this post a lot, thank you. Slight chance I might be in Paris week three October…will see what the fates bring!

  6. What an incredible experience to meet after communicating online for so long! Additionally, such a memorable location. A memory forever!

  7. What a wonderful post and picture of you all – thank you for sharing your day with us. I can imagine it was a very special afternoon, great conversation with kindred spirits and in such an iconic setting!

  8. Shannon, I have such lovely memories of that day. I can remember the nervous anticipation as I was sat on the train heading towards London. There were butterflies but as soon as we started chatting I could feel that we were kindred spirits. The afternoon tea was sublime but enhanced by the delightful conversation. I’m sure that future meet up’s will be fantastic. X

  9. What a beautiful memory you all shared at The Ritz. Kindred spirits enjoying tea and conversation in one the most elegant and iconic buildings in London! Thank you all for sharing your beautiful smiles. ?

  10. I adored being a part of this very special event, Shannon. Traveling to London, meeting, conversing and sharing afternoon tea with such lovely women amongst uniquely, luxurious surroundings still fills my heart with awe. I am excited for this beautiful community to be able to look forward to and share similar artfully arranged occasions in the future.

  11. Oh what a lovely experience ❤️ I still remember the rush of excitement last year reading the grand prize giveaway (twice) and then checking my calendar to see if it was realistic for me to follow through if lucky enough to be one of the 5. Thank you Shannon for offering to bring us together and build these memories and friendships. I took the Tube everywhere in London but opted for a cab that day to ensure I wouldn’t get turned around or be late ? The people and conversation made this day one I will never forget but I have to encourage anyone spending some time in London to go and savor a tea at The Ritz as the experience is truly magical.

  12. What a charming group of ladies, you all look so happy. Thank you for sharing the group photo and the glorious interior shots of the Ritz. As the community here grows and shares, I can only imagine good days ahead.

  13. Thank you, Shannon, and dear ladies, for sharing this special moment with us! You all look lovely! :_)
    I would be delighted to meet you personally, Shannon and other members of the TSLL community. Who knows? Maybe one day we will have a Berlin gathering?… On the other hand, France is not that far away from me… hmm… Let’s think about it.

  14. What a sublime experience this must have been for all involved! I hope to be able to join the next in-person meeting in France…fingers crossed! ?

  15. This is absolutely lovely! I hope to one day have tea at The Palm Court. So glad that there will be more in-person gatherings in the future!

  16. The most delicious afternoon tea and only made more exquisite for wonderful company. Having afternoon tea at The Ritz was a bucket list item for me, and how serendipitous that I was able to experience this treat and meet some members of the TSLL community, as well as finally able to meet you in person Shannon. It was so well organised by you, so thank you.
    The day will remain a special memory for me.

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