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Combine the behind-the-scenes look at diplomacy, London and the English countryside, a little bit of Paris, a dash of Scotland, and a fictitious international mystery brewing between nuclear powers, and then, just because, well, why not, tap the award-winning actor Keri Russell as the US ambassador to the UK, and you’ve got audiences far more interested in what is often called the second army in government than they ever have been before.
The first season of Netflix’s original series The Diplomat premiered in April 2023 with the second season having been recently released this past October. Already renewed (and already in the middle of filming) season 3, it is a series to watch, enjoy and prompt far more conversation about the power of diplomacy and the importance of relationships with other countries.
If you saw Keri Russell in her role in The Americans on FX, you will discover a completely different presentation in her lead character Kate Wyler who reluctantly accepts the appointment of being the ambassador to the UK for the US as she prefers to work in the field. Her character cares little about her appearance preferring to wear black or navy suits to make sure no stains are visible which are bound to happen as one goes through their day, and her hair is uncoiffed but her knowledge of all of the players in any given diplomatic scenario are unmatched, so why would she want to worry about her appearance? Does it matter? Not to her, but for publicity purposes, her staff and finally the Vice President (Allison Janney) share their two cents on valuing the importance of one’s exterior presentation, and maybe, just maybe, Kate listens, but we will have to wait until season 3 to know for sure if her sartorial and hair choices stuck.
I zoomed through season two and already am tapping my fingers waiting for season 3 to be released as we are left on a yet another cliff-hanger. Rufus Sewell stars as Kate Wyler’s husband, a fellow diplomat himself, and this time, for the first time, he must fill the role of the ambassador’s spouse. The first season displays intimately the struggle between the two as they try to come to terms with the power shift in their relationship prompted by Kate’s appointment, but in the second season we see a deeper appreciation of why and how it works.
Russell shared in a recent interview with CBS Sunday Morning that she hopes this series prompts people, young persons especially, to not only become more interested in diplomacy, but perhaps pursue a job working with the state department. While we don’t hear about the many conversations and networking events that help to establish alliances with other countries and their diplomatic staff that often takes years, if not decades to build, only to shift in a minute when a new administration for any country comes into power, this series, while certainly dramatized for effect, gives an entertaining view to deepen our appreciation of the people we may never read about in the newspapers.
Watch both seasons of The Diplomat 1 and 2 on Netflix now, and when season 3 premieres, I will be sure to include it on the weekly This & That post.
Watch the trailer of season 2 below:
The Diplomat was the Petit Plaisir for episode #391 of The Simple Sophisticate podcast, 6 Important Skills and Abilities Gained When You Begin Living a Life of Contentment

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