Ooh La La: French Women’s Secrets – Book Review
Tuesday July 9, 2013

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“And the secret is actually quite simple . . . she has given herself complete permission to be her unique self. She has completely aligned her outer self with her inner self. She allows for her sense of confidence and mystery.” – Jamie Cat Callan in Ooh La La!: French Women’s Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day

When I first read Jamie Cat Callan’s Bonjour, Happiness and quickly followed up with her first book French Women Don’t Sleep Alone, I felt I had found a kindred soul. As she writes about her affection for the mysterious elegance and joie de vivre of French women, she does what every Francophile wishes they could do, seeks out the truth and then thankfully, shares it with her readers.

As she does in her first two books, Jamie Cat Callan continues to dive even further into the mystique of French Women in her latest book Ooh La La!: French Women’s Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day. With the opportunity to travel to France, spending time throughout the country, she shares her experience and conversations with women living in France and opens up even more to her readers regarding her continued curiosity into their way of life.

Callan’s authentic voice is what enables her book to be even more enjoyable as she carries out what so many of us wish we could do, step inside the world of the French woman. Along the way she opens up about her own life which is a wonderful bonus and a delightful adventure.

So how exactly do French women live the paradox – surrounding themselves with pleasures, but not over-indulging and rather allowing such hedonistic delights to increase the quality of their lives? Below are a few of the many lessons and insights found in the book that I particularly was drawn to:

*Become the artist of your own life!

*Tune into your personality, your uniqueness to discover your purpose

*Find a mentor

*It’s important to be attractive first to ourselves

*Be willing to take small risks every day in order to grow and evolve into your best self

*Buy a bright umbrella so your spirits will be lifted on a dark, rainy day

*Taking care of one’s body and feeling good in one’s skin are integral parts of keeping love alive

*Enjoy little pleasures every day

*Establish simple life habits – smaller portions, fresh foods, no snacking, walking for exercise

*Host your own dinner part, but don’t feel obligated to cook/bake everything – buy dessert from your favorite patisserie, etc.

*Fashion begins with you and your own imagination

*Take care of your skin

*Wear beautiful lingerie everyday for yourself

*Don’t wait for the perfect moment, strive forward bravely and search for your heart’s desire

*View the unexpected as an opportunity, not something to be fearful of

A thoroughly enjoyable read. Ideal for finding a cozy nook, pour yourself a glass of wine and diving in to learn the secrets of Ooh La La!

~Learn more about Jamie Cat Callan at her blog –  www.jamiecatcallan.com

~After reading, be sure to stop by Jamie Cat Callan’s Facebook page and like the book if you, like me, enjoyed it.

Ooh La La!: French Women’s Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day
by Jamie Cat Callan
Copyright: May 28, 2013
Price: $13.13
Click here to buy.

6 thoughts on “Ooh La La: French Women’s Secrets – Book Review

  1. Bonjour, Shannon! Always happy to hear style tips from the ever-stylish French – but Callen’s newest book sounds like style tips for the spirit as well. Now that’s a home run read as far as I’m concerned. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention. Loving your blog as always. xo Frances, http://www.FrancesSchultz.com

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