The Giveaway Winners & Thank You For Making British Week Such a Special Annual Event!
Sunday May 26, 2024

From watching the Chelsea Flower Show or McDonald & Dodd’s premiere (season 4), or savoring oodles of tea in the evenings, and now watching the season 3 of Bridgerton, I have been immersing myself in all things British this week, but honestly, it differentiates very little from the other weeks of the year, which is why, it is so much fun to dedicate a full week on the blog to celebrate our shared affection for British-inspired content, finds and discoveries to inspire travel, décor, and everyday life in so many ways.

This week with the addition of the Grasmere gingerbread (I enjoyed the last cookie/biscuit just last night ☺️), there was an extra special moment of savoring to conclude this 6th Annual British Week, and I am tickled to be able to introduce you to this worth-visiting or purchasing and shipping to you, cottage bakery. Along with all of the other British-themed content this year, to be able to share what I hope you too will love, be inspired by or help to spark a realization of what speaks to you and what you wish to do to enrich your life, that is what energizes me to keep sharing. I sincerely appreciate your comments sharing both what spoke to you and also when you circle back and share what you experienced in part inspired by something you read or saw here on the blog during these sharing. Most importantly, I know what you share inspires others as well to dare to try whatever it is that is speaking to them, to explore, to welcome in the beauty, the detail, the experience that is speaking to them that maybe no one in their life at the moment will understand, but we do here on TSLL. So thank you for taking the time to bravely be excited about life and then share how you enjoy savoring it.

It has been a true delight and joy to bring to the blog and share with you all this week everything you have seen, read and explored. Thank you for all of your comments, your enthusiasm, your sharing on social media and with friends who you think would enjoy this content, I thoroughly enjoyed reading all that you shared (and am still catching up ? as I took Saturday off to head to Eugene to pick up a special item for an upcoming post in July!).

But I know you stopped by to see who the winners are of this year’s giveaways, so I will delay the reveal no further!

If you see your name below, please follow these instructions:

  • Email me (Shannon) at
  • Email me no later than MONDAY May 27th at Noon (Pacific). If I do not hear from you at this time, the giveaway will be sent to the next randomly drawn entrant.
  • In your email, include the following information:
    • Full Name
    • Shipping Address and any other necessary information to ensure a safe and accurate delivery of your parcel to your home
    • If necessary – confirm your selection for your giveaway – i.e. size, color, book selection, etc..

Here we go!

  • Wordsmithad (Adrienne!), comment #4 – please share which site you shopped your preference – the US site or the UK. ☺️
  • MASP (Melissa!), comment #88 – please share which site you shopped your preference – the US site or the UK. ☺️

  • Anne Williams!, comment #36
  • Janet (Brazill)!, comment #24

  • Jennifer Crownover!, comment #96
Screenshot 2024 05 25 At 7.48.45 pm

  • Sandee Crow!, email #71
Screenshot 2024 05 25 At 7.47.39 pm
  • Millicent!, comment #64
Screenshot 2024 05 25 At 7.52.52 pm

Congratulations to everyone! And to the winners, please do share photos of your giveaways when they arrive or how you are using them in your everyday life. Email the photo to me or post on social media and tag @thesimplyluxuriouslife, and then I will be sharing them in an upcoming A Cuppa Moments with members if sent my way. Always excited to see how members enjoy using their gifts. ☺️ You can see the giveaways with the winners from last year’s British Week in July’s A Cuppa Moments here.

If you find your name above, please contact me as soon as possible with the following information requested (shared above) so I can swiftly start the shipping process and ensure you receive your gift as soon as possible to begin savoring ☺️.

This coming week I will be shipping and/or tending to each of the giveaways to hopefully have them all en route to the winners by the end of May.

Thank you to everyone who entered, introduced themselves a bit more, especially those who entered the newsletter giveaway – I read each of your emails and while I wish I could send you all the giveaway, please know I hope you choose to treat yourself to something that will elevate the everyday. It really is a powerful gesture as it reminds us that we need to be nourished in order to be nourishing in whatever it is that we do in our daily lives ?.

If you are still catching up on all of the content shared during this year’s British Week – the 6th Annual you can find all of the posts here. With 19 posts, you have oodles to explore, enjoy and discover!

And now it is time to look ahead to next year’s Annual British Week, the 7th Annual TSLL British Week which is always the third full week in May, and next year will fall on May 18—25, 2025. 

Catch up on all British Week content created and shared over the past six years on the designated page here on the blog. And as always, look for British-inspired content every week throughout the year either on the weekly This & That post or on the blog and podcast. Thank you again so much for making this annual celebration a very special occasion. Cheerio!


60 thoughts on “The Giveaway Winners & Thank You For Making British Week Such a Special Annual Event!

  1. Thank you, Shannon! This was such a fun and inspiring week. I enjoyed it immensely. Congratulations to all the winners and almost winners 🙂

  2. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you Shannon for so much inspiration this past week.

  3. Thank you Shannon for sharing your British experience! I really enjoyed all your posts. Congratulations to all the give away winners ❤️

  4. Thank you Shannon for a very enjoyable British week, and congratulations and enjoy to all the winners!

  5. Gosh, thank you Shannon !

    I’m delighted to hear that I have won the Gingerbread ,what a delicious treat ?
    I will e mail you my details .

    Congratulations to all the other winners too??

    Enjoy your prizes , and to everyone who didn’t win this time , never mind , try again in French Week , and maybe next time you too could be a winner .???

    Part of the fun is taking part, isn’t it , and joining in with all the posts and comments.
    Reading all the British week posts has been a treat , and now I’m looking forwards to French Week ??⚜️, which , I have to say, is my favourite ?

    Have a great weekend everyone .
    We have a bank holiday here in the UK on Monday , and I think it is the Labour Day holiday for those of you in the USA, but wherever you are , I hope you will enjoy the weekend.

    Thank you again Shannon,

    Best Wishes from the UK everyone.

    x Anne x

      1. Thank you !
        I know it is delicious , as I have been lucky enough to taste it before , on previous visits to the Lake District but to be a winner was a delightful surprise x

  6. Shannon, this has been a lovely British week and I have enjoyed dipping in to all the posts. Your giveaways were so thoughtful and have given me some good ideas for gifts. I’m looking forward to a long weekend. X

  7. CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!

    Thank you, Shannon for a positively inspired British week.

    Kind regards,

  8. Thank you so much Shannon for this fantastic British week. I have already put a reminder on my calendar for next year and for French week (which will be my first live one, too).

  9. I’m so happy that I re-subscribed during British Week! A subscription blog really makes a more polite experience.
    Congrats to the winners with these lovely gifts.

    Shannon, may I email you a question about travel within the UK?

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

  10. Thoroughly enjoyed my 1st British Week on your blog! Looking forward to French Week in August. Thank you for all the inspiring content as well as the introduction to oodles of daily luxuries – I will definitely be gifting myself as well as friends items in the Giveaways in the near future!

  11. Congratulations to all the winners! Shannon, thank you so very much for such a wonderful British Week, it has been absolutely delightful and I have enjoyed each post immensely. Enjoy your holiday everyone?

  12. Great British week Shannon. I always look forward to this week and your French week. I was very inspired by all of your posts and suggestions. Congratulations to all the winners. Cheers!

  13. Thank you Shannon! I never expect to win anything, so I wasn’t disappointed, BUT I loved all the products you shared in the contest and ordered several for myself. Your introduction and curation of British products is fantastic and fun!!

  14. Congratulations to all the winners. Savour and enjoy your treats!

    Thank you Shannon for a superb British week I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Warm wishes,

      1. Hi Kameela,
        How lovely of you to ask?

        I am well thank you. I have recently retired and am in uncharted waters but started by pressing “ pause” and am now moving forward and starting to curate a very different life ! Looking forward to new experiences and having time to be even more curious.

        How are you?

        Warm wishes

  15. Thank you Shannon, this British Week has exceeded my expectations and has gifted me with delightful moments of joy! Congratulations to all the winners!

  16. What a superb week. Enjoyed every minute, and it was exciting keeping up the pace in real time each day. The blue felicity Burleigh breakfast cup has imprinted itself on my brain now, and I don’t think it’s budging till I’ve ordered it, along with the Fortnum’s tea ~ fun! Thank you Shannon, and thank you all! -Liz

    1. I am with you, Liz! The Burleigh Arden has my attention….what a lovely way to enjoy a cuppa from F&M!

      1. Rushed back to get reminded of which is Arden…so gorgeous. I love staring at that deep deep blue!

    2. The curvy petite Sandringham mugs called my name immediately and have already arrived in Blue Calico and Blue Arden, the perfect pair!

      1. Gosh, those will be so delightful together. You both are inspiring me to go for it with the sweet, petite soft blue felicity!

        1. Go for it, Liz! Blue Felicity is so darling. I was back on the US site last night and saw free shipping…?
          Our treasures will always take us back to the dreaminess of British Week!

  17. A big thank-you, and warm virtual hug to you Shannon for the amount of time and effort you put into giving us the best content on TSLL. I always enjoy British Week and the inspiring posts. Congratulation’s to all the lucky winners! ?. Happy Memorial weekend to all here in the US.

  18. What a wonderful week with you all! Thank you for sharing with enthusiasm and appreciation and community! It’s delightful to see everyone’s comments, to wait with eager anticipation as to what the next post content might be, and to either decide to wait until a special moment to relish the content, or, when possible, grab a cuppa in the morning (and evenings this week!) to dive in to the next post.

    Thank you, Shannon for another inspired week and sense of celebration with you and the TSLL community! It adds and extra bit of joy into the days and week. Bravo! Looking forward to French Week and perhaps, like Liz, finding my way back to F&M, Burleigh, etc. It was great fun to read what spoke to everyone! With enthusiastic gratitude, A

    1. And many congratulations to the winners! Hope to see you enjoying the items – it makes my heart smile to think of you enjoying these incredible treats! Cheers!

    2. A, you’re right, it added extra fun and whimsy to read what spoke to others as their choices should they win the giveaways. Shannon, that was a nice feature, thank you.

  19. Congrats to the winners, how thrilling! Enjoy sips and bites for us all. I really savored this week, immersing myself in all things British, ordering featured treats along the way (one was a cow creamer that just HAD to be added to my teatimes ?!) and revisiting previous Weeks. Such a fun escape, thank you Shannon. This one will rival French Week, for sure!

  20. Congrats to all the winners! What a fun week, Shannon! Thank you for another great British week!!

  21. Cheers to all the winners! Thank you Shannon for sharing so many personal memories of your trip to England and making this years British week another great one. ❤️

  22. Yey, many congratulations to all the winners! 🙂

    And thank you again, Shannon, for such a fantastic British Week! 🙂

    Perhaps my favourite British Week so far – but then again, I pretty much say that every year, right? 🙂 I really admire your work and all the care that you put into the production of such an on-line event – all with a team of one. Although I am sure that Nelle and Norman also helped. Of course. 😉

    Thanks, everyone! I did so enjoy myself! 🙂

  23. Congrats to all the winners! THanks Shannon for your ongoing list of fabulous artisans and products from England and France. Will use your lists to order some of those lovely things!

  24. Huzzah for the winners! It’s so kind of you, Shannon, to add even more excitement to British Week with fun giveaways.

  25. Another great British Week in the books!
    Enormous congratulations to all the giveaway winners!

  26. Oops !
    Apologies to those of you in the USA……it’s Memorial Day weekend, isn’t it, not Labour Day ………sorry for the mistake, but the good wishes are still winging their way to you all ? and I hope that fellow UK peeps are enjoying the Bank Holiday Weekend too !
    x Anne x

  27. Oh my! Can this be real?? Grand Giveaway Winner?! ?? You’ve made my day, my WEEK! What a brilliant surprise. Thank you so much, Shannon! You have no idea how much I needed some good news today. ? I can’t wait to have my very own F&M hamper. I am over the moon!! Congrats also to all the winners. ❤️???

    1. Congratulations Millicent .
      Enjoy your grand giveaway .???
      Maybe it will be the start of more good news for you !
      Best wishes

  28. Shannon, thank you for another fun British Week! And I always learn a lot. Congratulations to the winners!
    And Millicent, enjoy your F&M hamper! One year I won it and it made my month! So wonderful and delicious!

    1. Ah, that makes me even more excited, Katina!! ❤️☕️?? I’ve always wanted one. This is a dream come true. ☺️

  29. Thank you Shannon for a lovely British week, making me feel very nostalgic indeed. Congratulations to all the winners. Have fun with your wins. Kameela ?

  30. Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you, Shannon for such a fabulous British week!

  31. First I want to say congrats to all the winners. I was fortunate two years ago to receive a beautiful teacup celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee and the honorary tea presented with it. I was thrilled. When the package arrived, even the delivery driver saw my excitement and congratulated me! This community is very special. Welcome to all the new members, and hello to all of you who have been around a while. And most of all to Shannon for her foresight to design a place where like-minded, kind, and honest people can share ideas and bits of our lives that are Simply Luxurious in our way. Best wishes to all.

  32. Congratulations to all the lucky winners – thank you Shannon for all the inspiring posts this past week and taking us on the journey with you,

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Updated British Week 1.jpg
Updated French Week 2.jpg