A Rainbow’s Valuable Lesson
Monday March 31, 2014

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A few months ago, I was driving through a massive rainstorm on the interstate through the Columbia Gorge which separates Oregon and Washington. After over an hour, the rain finally abated and the most breath-taking rainbow adorned the sky. In fact, it at once appeared as though I could reach out and touch it.

The proximity of such awe inspiring natural beauty gave me pause, and I couldn’t help but realize that anything magnificent typically requires a battle, a struggle or at lease a period of time in which we find ourselves in need of great patience.

A variety of instances have played out in my life during the past few years that now seem to be showing beautiful colors as the struggles are finally revealing their purpose. While I can’t speak about them just yet, I most certainly will (and trust me, I can’t wait), I continue to be reminded by life of today’s quote and have found it to be true through many occasions involving the grand dreams we dare to dream and the struggles we have to work through to attain them.

What To Do While You’re in the Middle of a Rainstorm Waiting for the Rainbow:

1. Become very clear about why you are enduring the rain. Much like an athlete who has to endure grueling practices for months, sometimes years, before the competition they are training for commences, become clear in your mind as to why you are choosing to fight through the obstacles rather than settle and stay put.

2. Never stop learning along the way. Believe it or not, the delays you are experiencing while running up against obstacles are actually quite  valuable. The additional time you have prior to attaining your goal allows you time to refine, finesse and sophisticate whatever you are about to offer to the world when indeed that opportunity finally arrives. Use it. Don’t waste it by complaining and whining. Recently, I discovered a quote from Marc and Angel Hack Life which summed it up nicely, “Everything in life happens for you, not to you.” So flip this particularly difficult time on its head and assess what knowledge and additional skills you can acquire while you wait in the necessary queue.

3. Be thankful. Too many people in the world simply exist and are thankful to see another day, not necessarily sure of where they’re going or what to ask life for. However, so long as you have a goal, a clear direction that you are following, it is the most satisfying feeling in the world. Why? Because you now know what you need to do. You no longer have to be the Jack of all Trades and the Master of None. You can toss aside the many trades that you just happen to be good at and begin the business of fine tuning those skills that you are not only good at, but will help assist you in attaining your goal.

And when your rainbow finally does arrive (and it will), refuse to forget all of the time, energy, planning and sacrifices you have made to attain your goal. Studies have shown that the successes we enjoy are more fulfilling and we are less likely to toss them aside lightly if they were attained through many a rainstorms. So be thankful, yet again, because the life we want can be ours if we have the courage to refuse to relent.

Have a wonderful start to the week.

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9 thoughts on “A Rainbow’s Valuable Lesson

  1. I really needed to see this today. Monday is generally not my day and i’ve been a bit of a Debby downer today. I certainly need to write down the goals i want to achieve and my WHY

    xo Stephanie

  2. I too needed this today. I have been putting something off becasue it’s hard and stressful but I know I need to do and I will be happy once I get through it.

  3. Such great lessons Shannon. I am reading a collections of essays from Earl Nightingale. The one I just finished said exactly what you are saying about how having goals really determines your level of success. He basically says “no goal means no destination” and I think that is SO true.

  4. Hi

    After a life of many challenges I totally agree with the above. It has been my most challenging times which have turned out to be the most rewarding – the biggest learning curve – and the achievements I am most proud of.

    I believe that in times of challenge and adversity, you really find out who you really are. It’s the time when you discover your unique qualities – qualities that will remain with you for the rest of your life and enhance your life beyond your greatest dreams. How lucky we are when these opportunities are faced before us.

    I had the honour and privilege to have a beautiful son who was severly disabled and lived for only 4 short years. Those years were some of the best in my life as my son Sebastian, taught me so many things……
    …. make the most of what you have
    ….. live every day as if it may be your last – live in the moment
    ….. Laugh, smile, enjoy your day – don’t wait for tomorrow to make you happy
    ….. be yourself and believe in yourself
    ….. dare to be different
    ….. recognise that being unique is a special gift you have and something that others can only aspire to
    …. the most important thing that Sebastian taught me was to be true to myself and be true to my values – I believe that if you do this – you are the best person you can possibly be.
    i am that person.

    1. Anna, thank you for sharing your experience. I want to express my condolences for your loss that I in no way can understand. Thank you for sharing your strength with us all.

  5. Hi Stephanie

    My aunt sent me a link to your website. Your rainbow post was very inspirational and informational. I think we write about a lot of the same things. I’ve also written a book, entitled, L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy focusing on how we do need to be thankful and to love ourselves first above all things.

    All the best,


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