Learn All About TSLL’s Contentment Masterclass: Introduction
Sunday May 26, 2024

We are less than one month away from the launch of The Contentment Masterclass video course.

On Saturday June 22, enrollment will open for the course that began as a seed of an idea unbeknownst to me back in 2009 with the creation of TSLL.

However, over the past 14+ years, the foundation of living simply luxuriously has been grounded in understanding how to live a contented life, and so that is what this course will teach you.

Incorporating oodles of research and learning acquired over the duration of writing here on TSLL, as well as new content never before shared, the Contentment Masterclass is organized for each student to be successful to living their own life of true contentment as you learn the tools and skills and are provided opportunities to practice and incorporate them into your daily life as you move through the 15 hours of video content.

The course is designed as a linear, straight-forward approach that keeps the content organized in eight over-arching Lessons, each broken down into 5-20 minute mini-lessons (60 in total); as you progress through each lesson, you will build upon what you have learned.

I have created a detailed page that breaks down the objectives, course curriculum, shares the detailed syllabus and shares how your life will change in awesome and amazing ways upon completing the course, along with detailing my own journey and why I consider myself an expert, albeit one who continues to be a student along the journey of living a life of contentment.

As I have shared, you do not need to be a TOP Tier Member to sign up for the course. Non-members and BASIC members have equal and lifetime access to the course upon purchasing it regardless of one’s membership status and how it might change over the coming years.

However, as a TOP Tier Member, I will be sharing a special promo code in the coming weeks that when applied will save you 20% off the regular price of the course. And I must remind TOP Tier Members that this discount will ONLY be available for the first month that the course is open. So beginning on June 22nd and running through July 22, you will want to enroll to take advantage of this significant savings. You can begin the course at any time as it is yours forever. And so long as you are an Active TOP Tier Member when you enroll, the savings is yours!

But wait!

Before you click here to watch the Introductory video to the course and read all of the detailed mentioned above, I want to let you in on a free gift that will be given to the first students who sign up for the course on June 22nd.

If you are one of the first 20 students who enroll, you will receive a free TSLL’s custom canvas Savor, Savor, Savor market tote (seen below/right). These are not available in TSLL’s shop and are exclusive to TSLL special occasions such as the premiere of this course. Wherever you live in our grand world, I will ship it directly to you from Bend, Oregon after enrollment. 🙂


I designed these bags last year with consideration for comfort, ease & function, as well as chose a text for the bag that spoke to the modus operandi of living a simply luxurious life. Savor, Savor, Savor. Writing in triplet is intentional. Let me explain. As I have shared before, to savor living well involves multiple faucets of our conscious attention:

  • The verb savor is repeated three times as a reminder to (1) savor fully the Present moment, bringing our full attention and open mind to whatis without expectation; to (2) savor and thereby slow down while enjoying meals, conversation and activities that involve our senses; and lastly, underscoring it all, to (3) savor where we find ourselves along our unique life journey whether our current location and self is desired or unwanted because both are offering a gift. How so? If unwanted hiccups arise, we are given an opportunity to learn a necessary piece of information that if accepted as such will enable us to travel well forward. These hiccups deepen appreciation, clarify our priorities and bestow upon us an opportunity to become more aware of our true capabilities. Contrarily, during moments where our hopes are answered, happiness abounds and we are filled with peace, we savor by letting go of wanting more and reveling in all that is. 

And as you see when you look at the Syllabus for the Course, the final lesson centers around understanding this truth: When we savor, savor, savor, we are indeed living a life of true contentment.

I have a feeling you are ready to explore what this course is all about. Let’s get to that. Click here to be taken to the detailed Course Introductory page and video.

Details about the tote:

  • 12 oz Cotton Canvas 
  • Full side and bottom gusset
  • Web handles
  • Package Quantity: 12pcs
  • Size: 15″W x 15″H x 7″D
  • 23″ Handles


29 thoughts on “Learn All About TSLL’s Contentment Masterclass: Introduction

  1. Such a wonderful offering Shannon! A course on Contentment, a discount on said course…AND a gorgeous tote!
    A lovely way to begin the summer of 2024 ?

    1. Dani,

      I cannot wait for you to be able to enroll and begin! The totes were chosen and designed with comfort in mind, so they will sit up with ease/stand on their own, and the shoulder straps or handles are very comfortable on the hands to hold a good weight of items. Ready for June 22! So close! 🙂

  2. I’m in! Can’t wait – will be right there with you, Coachdanibe! Will be, itself, something to savor. Thrilled to embark on this journey – much appreciate it, Shannon!

  3. This course looks amazing… reading the syllabus I really have the feeling that it contains the distillation of your wisdom, life experiences and deep knowledge. Thank you for creating such a valuable tool for self improvement!

    1. Laura,

      Happy to be able to finally compile all of the content, organized and more approachable so you really can see how it can be integrated into your life, while also addressing how certain skills will take time to become habituated and the temporary obstacles or questions you may run up against. All is designed with the student’s journey in mind, drawn from both my own experiences of successes and setbacks, but gathered from what readers have shared with me and inquired about. I do hope you find value in it and observe your life’s quality deepen even further. 🙂

  4. This looks like a great course for life skills. It will be thought provoking and challenging for me, but I’m ready to amp things up. Thank you for putting this together for us. I’m on board!

    1. Cannon,

      As I will reiterate in the course, while each student’s journey will be unique as you are all beginning at different chapters and points in your life with different skills either learned more completely or in the beginning stages, I hope it will instill confidence that these skills are worth investing the time and patience to habituate so you can experience the gifts they will bring to your everyday life. 🙂

  5. I love that this will be available to take at your own pace. After reading the syllabus, I can’t wait to dive into the content you have prepared for us.

    1. Katrina,

      I do hope you enjoy! Yes, self-paced, from my perspective and experience with both teaching and taking online classes, seemed like the no doubt best fit for TSLL readers as you all have different life schedules and live all around the world! 🙂

  6. Shannon, will there be a comments section to interact with others taking the class and to ask questions? Thank you

    1. With the course being self-paced, a choice I made for a variety of reasons, primarily to keep the cost more approachable to more students while still offering the quality and depth of content I wanted to share, an interactive design is not available. If it would have been interactive, then the cost would have risen. However, if you have questions individually that you cannot find answers to in the curriculum, you are more than welcome to email me.

      1. Thank you, Shannon, for all the thought you put in. When I say interact, I just mean posting and reading comments like on the regular blog. Would be lovely to know how and what my kindred TSLL friends are doing during the course, should I enroll and should they choose to comment. I always draw such inspiration and perspective from them. Just a thought…

        1. I appreciate this feedback, and while you will always be able to chat in the comment section on the blog posts with members as as always been the case, this class is going to remain unique so that students are really getting into they own mind and being and passions and not influenced by anyone else. As you will see when you take the course, a crucial piece is knowing what your voice is and listening to what you discover. ?

  7. Oh, Shannon, you know we all want that tote!!!!! Does the enrollment period open at midnight on 6/22?????

    I am looking forward to experiencing the course with you, as I have also experienced all 3 of your books, the blog, cooking, show, British and French Weeks, etc. Something that I will really look forward to, and I like the way you parsed out who the course is for – I fit into several categories!

    1. Victoria,

      Great question – when exactly does enrollment open. I will share the specific time (Pacific) as we get closer, but it will be early in the morning most likely. If you are subscribed to the newsletter – TOP Tier or Online Course Offerings, you will get an email at least 24-hours in advance to let you know when the course will open, and then will it is officially open.
      I look forward to your taking the course and hearing how it goes. 🙂

  8. Sharing your passion, experience, research, critical thinking and love of a life of contentment is your gift in creating and sharing this thoughtful Masterclass. I applaud you and your active desire to assist others in creating their own unique life of contentment. Bien fait!

  9. From the trailer, the course looks beautifully filmed and thoughtfully created. A brilliant addition to one’s ‘toolbox’, it would be such a treasure to own, something one could reference again and again. Well done, Shannon. xx

  10. Shannon, I’m fascinated to dig deeper and see what happens and I’m glad that it’s self-paced so I can savour the materials. X

    1. Nicola,

      I am eager for you and all students to begin ? As each person has their own unique discoveries to make, the journey’s length, and the time needed to habituate and see the positive changes will be different, but with consistency and because of the course students will now know why they are doing what they choose to do/learn, it will reveal awesome ahas that will provide inspiration to trust your unique journey. If you have any questions, just let me know.

  11. I was just wondering …if we weren’t lucky enough to be one of the first twenty to sign up (because we didn’t know the exact time the course became available), would we be able to order the tote as an add on. And will there be a journal to go along with the course (which would be totally cool.) Anyway…looking forward to taking this class. Love the outline of topics. Everything seems so well thought out. Best regards, Emilie

    1. Great question and at this point, no. This is an exclusive gift and not available in the shop as it is only for special events and occasions. It may come to be available in the shop in the future, but currently, that is not in the works. I appreciate your expressing interest however, and will keep that in mind. 🙂

  12. Thanks for the introduction to C. Atherley; I love the scent of geraniums and can’t wait for these treats to arrive!

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