30 Simple Ways to Help Yourself Out
Monday February 13, 2012

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Life has enough obstacles and challenges that we, based on the attitude we bring to each day or the decisions we make, don’t have to make it any harder. Often the simplest way to make our lives easier is quickly overlooked because don’t realize the power of such decisions or actions, so below are thirty ways to help yourself out and aid you in making life a bit more enjoyable and most importantly, even more fulfilling.

1. Drink more water

2. Take deeper breaths

3. Respect your feelings, assess what you are truly feeling and why, then respond accordingly

4. Let go of the past

5. Stop spending so much money in hopes that it will bring more happiness

6. Depend upon yourself to discover happiness, not others

7. Move your body – walk, run, take a zumba class – move your most precious gift – a healthy body

8. Involve yourself in relationships that are uplifting, healthy and respectful

9. Stop the competition mindset and instead focus on improving upon your past behaviors.

10. Give yourself at least 30 minutes a day to just be by yourself

11. Care about someone or something (pet, charity, etc) as much as you care about your own life.

12. Pick up anything you take out immediately after use

13. Unpack as soon as you get home

14. Read

15. Cook more meals at home

16. Let go of jealousy and instead recognize and foster your own gifts

17. Say less, listen more

18. Stop being involved in gossip – whether sharing or receiving

19. Change your oil every 3 months and rotate your tires

20. Keep your standards high instead of lowering them to be accepted

21. Clean up the kitchen after each use

22. Tell the truth

23. Send thank you cards

24. When upset, give yourself time (a few minutes, 1 hour, a day) to collect your true thoughts and sift through the emotions to determine the true reason you are upset before continuing the conversation.

25. Stop seeking approval and approve of yourself and your own life choices

26. Limit your alcohol

27. Let go of perfection, and instead simply do your best

28. Take responsibility for yourself – stop blaming others

29. Don’t lend money to friends and/or family

30. Accept that you will have to work hard to attain what you desire and then get busy

Image: (1) TSLL IG



Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

14 thoughts on “30 Simple Ways to Help Yourself Out

  1. You can´t even imagine, how I needed to read something like this post. The timing is perfect. Thank you very much for that. You must be incredible woman. I wish having someone like you for a friend. Actually, you already are my best friend. You gave me the best advices ever.

  2. love this list – I’m going to print it and pin it up over my desk for some on-hand inspiration when i’m feeling overwhelmed.
    thanks for the wise words. XO

  3. Merci! I love my new Zumba class…in one month I’ve lost inches ( and it feels like years)!
    With appreciation for you and your wonderful blog…

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