26 Ways to Create the Life You Want
Wednesday January 3, 2018

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A new year. A reboot. A fresh start.

The average person will experience approximately 80 of these so-called “fresh starts”, see 80 new years, and have the opportunity to celebrate 80 chances to reboot. Of those 80, we were at first children and may not and probably did not understand the concept of a “rebooting”, and there still may have been others in the past in which we didn’t fully appreciate the gift of a new year. Which means, we have potentially fewer than 80 beautiful first sunrises of a new year to savor, soak up and utilize the amazing motivation to its fullest potential.

The only reason I point this reality of finite new year days out is to offer inspiration to create the life you want beginning today: day three of the new year that is 2018.

Four years ago, I shared a point about creating the life you want by way of creating an inspiration map. To this day, I still have my inspiration map safely kept in a journal. I look at it regularly, adjust it from time to time, but at the core, I have the same vision for my life that I did four years ago.

Today I would like to take the idea of creating the life you want one step further, well actually 26 steps further, by sharing 26 ways you can create the life you want.

I was reminded yesterday of how seemingly simply shifting our lives can be if only we knew how to do it and had the patience to trust that the progress we seek can indeed happen, when I appeared as a guest on KATU’s Afternoon Live (Portland’s ABC station) to talk about welcoming the quality back into your life one month at a time. As we made our way through the list of one focus to dive into each month, the statement kept being said by the host Tra’Renee, “Keep it simple and get to know yourself. That is the key.” And she is absolutely correct. On the surface it does appear simple, but initially, discovering who you are is not easy, and it is that first layer of trying to simplify and focus on who we truly are and wish to become that can deter some of us to not peel back yet another and another layer. But with each removal of the layer toward our most authentic path, it does become easier, clearer and quite liberating.

Below are a list of 26 ways to create the life you want. With each point, click on the link to be taken to an in-depth post on that particular topic.

1.Do the work of getting to know yourself – figure out how you are hard-wired and honor it.

2. Discover your purpose, combined with your passion.

3. Master your mind.

4. Choose to grow up.

5. Find your gumption to seek what you discover to be authentic to you.

6. Address, do not avoid the obstacles in life.

7. Ask questions, regularly and often.

8. Watch less television, but better television programs. Support the writers, directors and story-lines that align with what you value.

9. Be willing to work hard.

10. Construct a healthy social circle and discover how to be a good friend.

11. Find regular time to revel in solitude as a way to regain clarity.

12. Be willing to take thoughtful risks

13. Choose to always evolve and grow and explore. Remain curious.

14. Search until you find work you love.

15. Cultivate good habits and break bad habits

16. Seek self-approval, instead of others’ approval.

17. Simplify and amplify daily and enjoy weekly routines.

18. Stop competing with anyone other than who you were yesterday.

19. Let go of busy and become efficient.

20. Keep your standards high.

21. Banish worry.

22. Learn how to think well and do it regularly.

23. Avoid unnecessary stress.

24. Celebrate the ordinary.

25. Choose the right partner, be willing to wait, not just anyone will do. Learn how to love well

26. Have patience with your journey . . . gradually the pieces fall into place.

As you look through this list, you may recognize items that you have already accomplished. First of all, applaud yourself for doing the work to navigate consciously through your life. At the foundation, living well is about being aware of the reality that surrounds us and what we truly have control over. Once we recognize and understand both, we can focus our energy on what can shift and mold and change and let go of what we cannot.

May the beginning of this twelve month journey be exactly as you have hoped and much more.

All my best in 2018.

Image: TSLL IG, captured on New Year’s morning of 2018

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

8 thoughts on “26 Ways to Create the Life You Want

  1. Great points! Re #8, I quit watching TV a few years ago and it gave me SO much more time to be productive. Plus, I slept much better after reading vs. after watching TV. Now, I’ll sometimes watch a show, but it’s less than once a week.
    And re #18, the podcast “How I Built This” recently featured Learnvest founder Alexa Von Tobel, who said she was ambitious but not competitive–that she competed only against herself. It’s a great interview.

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