Why Not . . . Read? Part Deux
Wednesday April 6, 2011

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Last week’s the response to the new Why Not . . .? series was exhilarating. Each of us has a connection to reading that is uniquely our own.  Each of us was introduced to it in a different way, but the gift of what books, well-written essays and thought-provoking articles provide is that once we read it, once we absorb and digest what we have just read, no one can take that knowledge away from us. No one.

On that note, I’d like to continue to share five more benefits of choosing to regularly include reading in each of our lives.  The freedom this choice provides is nothing short of astounding.

Jump Start Creativity

The source of inspiration is only a page turn away. Feel free to grab a pen or a highlighter, your favorite notebook or post-its and dive into a new or trustworthy old book to spark your imagination.  I still regularly seek out Mireille Guiliano’s advice on how to live with a bit more French style and grace, as well as Morrie Schwartz’s guidance in Tuesday’s with Morrie. Whenever a feeling of ambiguity or uncertainty arises, just know that by surrounding yourself with books and having them at your fingertips to read, you are never alone and can always find the answer you didn’t know you were looking for.

Open Your Mind – Increase Understanding

By choosing to be a reader, each of us at that very acceptance is acknowledging that there is more to learn in this vast and diverse world and that we don’t, in fact, know everything.  Each reader in taking on this responsibility is daring to admit that there are many different ways to live life, perceive life and still thoroughly revel in it.

Takes You Away

At the end of a trying day, nothing takes me out of my world quicker and at the same time adds more value to my life than picking up a captivating piece of fiction.  I describe it as preventative medicine to cure the common daily frustrations and am always sure to have reading material at the ready whether I am at home, traveling or waiting in line.

Primed For A Conversation

One of the simplest ways to bolster confidence before attending any social function is to have intelligent repartee to engage others in. There is nothing more intriguing than to have a conversation with someone who can teach their listeners something or spark a higher level debate. When another analysis of the weather just won’t cut it anymore, why not jump start a passionate conversation about significant topics or recent current events?

Eliminate Boredom

It can happen while sitting in a waiting room for a regular check-up, waiting to pick up someone at the airport or being unexpectedly delayed due to a lay-over during a vacation or business trip. Such situations when you’d rather be on the move or checking something off your to-do list are perfect for taking out a book, picking up the local newspaper or purchasing a magazine and enjoying this time you are able to just read.  In fact, you might come to look forward to such moments as you are forced to slow down and have a few minutes uninterrupted.

The opportunities reading provides us all and the opportunities to squeeze in even more reading during our already busy days are everywhere if we choose to seek them out.  I encourage you to always look for even the smallest opportunity to pull out your book from your fabulous tote and get lost, if only for five minutes, in something that adds value and more pleasure to your life. Click here to read the third and final post in this series.

{And if you’d like to read Part One, click here.)

12 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Read? Part Deux

  1. I can’t wait for the summer and to start reading books for fun again. I study literature, so I get to read alot during the school year, but it’s not the same as reading for pleasure! This summer I will not spend the time reading classics I feel I have to read, but just read whatever comes naturally. After a hard year, I need something to “take me away” so I’ve written a long list of books that are both summery and bit unrealistic.

  2. Nothing makes me as happy as having a great conversation with someone, not on the phone, not texting, not emailing but face to face. I am big reader and tend to “bingeread” where I will be the most voracious reader reading 2 books at a time, then nothing..go figure! Reading, for me is the one constant in my life that is a safe refuge:-)

  3. My friends in Spain are always astounded that I always carry huge handbags (I don’t do delicate very well during the day!), and my reason is I always have a book nestling somewhere in my bag. The Spanish are only now starting to read as a hobby. When I arrived in Seville, there was only 1 bookshop that was always empty. Things are slowly changing here, thank God!!

  4. Really love your unique take on creating this blog. I like ‘lifestyle’ aspect and how living a lovely life is not all about the latest shoe or handbag:)

  5. After moving from New York to Charlotte, the thing I miss the most is the reading time I had on my subway commute. I feel like the time spent in traffic every morning is time wasted when I could be reading!

    1. I know this is way late of a reply, but I couldn’t help offer a solution if you’d like. I myself love to read, but when I’m commuting or walking my dog, I switch to audiobooks. I’ll be reading one and listening to another!

  6. I agree with that unknown saying wholeheartedly, there truly is nothing more erotic than a good conversation. too bad a lot of people nowadays fail to grasp this simple message.

    BTW photo of the first space is literally a bibliophile’s fantasy. Books on their own is attractive enough to me but paired with a reading nook that comfy and when they are all organized to appeal to ones aesthetic sense as well, is pure utopia.


    Twitter – @ishrattrishna

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