Why Not . . . Indulge in Simple Luxuries?
Wednesday February 27, 2013

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With life filling up our schedules and night turning into morning far too quickly, it can sometimes seem as though we aren’t able to enjoy all that is going well. Being willing to work hard for the life we want is mandatory, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy regular simple luxuries.

The beautiful reality of simple luxuries is that they are everywhere waiting to be savored. From the first cup of freshly brewed coffee we sip in the morning (or tea) to the way we spend the last waking hour before catching some sleep reading a wonderful book, listening to our favorite music or catching up with our loved ones.

With the changing of the seasons, I am reminded that every three months there is something to celebrate and something to welcome. Something to luxuriate in as it only happens once a year and something to look forward for exactly the same reason. No matter where we find ourselves in the life we have created, the simple luxuries are there. However, it is our job to seek them out, to take breaks, turn off our cell phones and allow ourselves to indulge without feeling guilty.

Studies have revealed that working endlessly does not produce the best results, but in fact, working a balanced life with a quality vacation during the year, breaks throughout the day and weekend respites, allows our minds to recharge and perform at its best.

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” –Ovid

I encourage you to welcome moments throughout your day and week that allow you to take a deep breath and relax, indulging in a simple luxury that slows down your heartbeat just enough so you can appreciate all that is going well. Here are a few examples that you may want to include in your repertoire. Please feel free to share your own as well.

1. Time during each day to catch your breath, close your eyes or put your feet up without distraction

2. An a la carte spa treatment . . . manicure, pedicure, facial – your choice . . . at the end of a weekday.

3. Feeling the young spring sun on your face.

4. Sipping a crisp French rosé paired with a decadent brie, Genoa salami and water crackers.

5. Reading from cover to cover the just-delivered new issue of your favorite magazine.

6. Seeing the daffodils become available in the farmers’ market for the first time. Spring is indeed coming!

7. Serving meals on beautiful, simple white plates that allow the food to do the talking.

8. Savoring the last fire in the fireplace as winter winds down.

9. A decadent dark chocolate truffle from your favorite local chocolatier.

10. Sipping Mariage Frères tea as a reminder of your trip to Paris.

11. The time set aside to meet a dear friend for a simple chat and to enjoy each others’ company.

12. Playing classic Dave Brubeck or Miles Davis jazz tunes on my record player while getting lost in a fantastic book.

13. Being surrounded by endless reading material options – whether at home or in a bookstore.
Check out all of the Favorite Books lists shared each year here on TSLL.

14. While taking a walk, enjoying the sun either rise or set and basking in its beauty.

15. A gourmet hamburger paired with a scrumptious red wine on a weeknight.
My favorite burger recipe – very simple to make.

16. Discovering an intriguing article in the latest newspaper or magazine and losing all track of time.

17. Catching deep, peaceful Zzzzzzs under a fluffy down comforter paired with silky soft Egyptian sheets.

18. Indulging in a flaky, buttery croissant topped with a touch of homemade jam.
Make your own and then freeze them (here’s the recipe!), and for a few months you will have them ready to go and savor each time you crave one.

19. Sunday morning – the weekend papers, tea and breakfast in bed.

20. A day that is entirely yours to do as your heart desires.

21. Getting caught in a spring shower while on a walk.

22. Having something – a date, a trip, any plans that excite – to look forward to well in advance of its actual occurrence.

23. Discovering exciting news or reason to celebrate, and reveling in it by yourself for one full evening before sharing it with those who love you.

24. A fresh baguette

25. Knowing you have money in the bank.

26. Knowing you’re on the right path for the life you’ve dreamed of living.
(read this post – 7 Signs Your Moving in the Right Direction)

27. Knowing you have the perfect outfit for an upcoming occasion.


Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

13 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Indulge in Simple Luxuries?

  1. Shannon, what a lovely post. I have been following your blog for some time and am always filled with happier thoughts and inspiration to make my days brighter and of course, more luxurious!

    Best wishes to you my dear!

  2. Dear Shannon,

    Your blog is one of my daily little big luxuries 🙂 Thank you so much for all the beautiful posts and for being such a great source of inspiration! Warm greetings from cold Switzerland, Lydia

  3. This is a great list. Thanks for the inspiration. It reminded me that I need to make time to listen more to Dave Brubeck and Miles Davis. Also, reading your posts is one of my simple luxuries! 🙂

  4. Great list! It is hard for me to indulge in these things at the moment right now as it’s my busy season with work, so I work several nights a week and every Saturday. It becomes really hard to find free time to experience my own indulgences, rest, eat decent food, etc. But I will work on it! I totally agree that it helps a ton to have things to look forward to, whether it’s an event, trip, whatever it may be. And knowing you have the perfect outfit on hand is always a stress reliever!!

  5. I have been wanting to comment for a long time…Just to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. I savor every word like a truffle in my mouth. Please know, I am your #1 fan in Miami, Florida! Let me know if you plan to come…I would love to show the “simple luxuries” we have in our city. Thanks again for such lovely writing and motivation.

  6. Simple luxury: Your blog popping up in my email, reminding me the weekend is here, I have a beautiful message to read from such an inspiring woman, a few new podcasts to listen to.. all just for me( I have 3 children, so something just for me is heaven ?) Thank you Shannen !! You have introduced so many new & enjoyable ideas, people, places into my days !! Enjoy your weekend ❌⭕️

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