Why Not . . . Enjoy Being An Introvert?
Wednesday February 1, 2012

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Getting lost in an intriguing book, reveling in time with a special friend or significant other – just the two of you catching up and sipping some wine, preferring to go to the Saturday matinee alone, strolling the streets window shopping without anyone else to fill your thoughts with conversation, longing for the time of day when you take your dogs for a walk and getting lost in their unabashed enjoyment.

These are just a few of the many activities I enjoy and find them to be quite exhilarating and uplifting, as I find creativity, am able to see things from different perspectives and contemplate the next direction or how to handle a difficult situation without distraction.

With our modern world becoming more and more driven to socialize and remain in contact with the endless social mediums, it may seem that being introverted is looked down upon. So, while it may appear a bit ironic that I, a blogger, am embracing the introverted nature that society doesn’t seem to know exactly what to do with, I feel it is most deserved that we address the topic and discover its many treasures and gifts. Because trust me, it is full of riches to be enjoyed.

Now, even if you aren’t an introvert, you may have tendencies as differences between being an introvert versus an extrovert are not black and white, but instead fall on a continuum. To be absolutely one or the other isn’t the most healthy approach to a well-rounded and balanced life, but most of us tend to lean more one way or the other.

Myself being very much an introvert, preferring the social setting of one-on-one company when it comes to spending time with others, caused my curiosity to be piqued when Susan Cain’s new book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking was the topic of discussion earlier this week on NPR, which followed an article that I found last week on Harvard Business Review titled An Introvert’s Guide to Networking that I found quite fascinating.

Needless to say, I am comfortable with my own company and find that I am re-energized after I have time alone to explore, relax, plan or just be, while most extroverts are fueled by multiple interactions in a social setting.

With all of this being said, I thought I’d share today reasons to embrace your introverted nature, so that you no longer feel guilty about asking for an evening to stay at home or a quiet coffee for two without the incessant energy of a full house. After all, we are all wired differently, and it is vital, if we wish to reach our full potential, to heed what our bodies and minds need.

1. You Are Your Own Fuel Tank
2. Intimacy Reigns Supreme
3. The Discipline to Think Before You Act
4. Able to Concentrate and Remain Focused
5. Self-Reflective, Thus Causing Opportunity for Self-Growth
6. Analytical Thinkers
7. Self-Sufficient due to Independence
8. Easily Entertained
9. Able to Appreciate the Simple Luxuries of Life
10. Less Drama – Less Complication
11. Able to Find Inner-Peace more Readily 

And while yes, being an extrovert most definitely has its perks as well, find comfort in knowing that there are amazing things waiting for you when you choose to embrace the introvert that you are.

{A website my fellow introverts might enjoy: *Introverts.net }

~UPDATE: Many introverts (but not all) identify as being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This topic was discussed in a recent podcast of The Simple Sophisticate in the episode titled “Gifts of Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)”. Click here to check it out. 


Image: TSLL IG
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19 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Enjoy Being An Introvert?

  1. Hi, I accidentally found your blog on Sunday and I have been enjoying since. It is lovely and I have read a tow of topics that applied specially for me 🙂

  2. Dear Shannon, thank you for this post. I was thinking about similar things recently. You know, I’ve always been an introvert, but stress and need to be less shy and more self-confident made me become more like extravert. It’s useful, but I not always feel good with that. I miss my quietness and shyness a little bit. I wish I could talk less, especially about myself in public, and think more (but only for myself, not writting it imediately on one of blogs). I wish I complain less during talking to other people and spend more time with a good book or just resting and enjoy it! Maybe you could write a post with some advices for people who want to stay more introvert and quiet, someday? Greetings and have a good february!

  3. Thank you for such a nice, validating post. Being in PR, sometimes the qualities like the ones you listed are overlooked and undervalued, but quiet reflection and analysis are crucial to being excellent at the job. Look forward to reading Susan Kain’s book.

  4. Thanks for posting this! I’ve been an introvert all my life. At the same time, people who meet me find me very likeable and funny. I enjoy other people for very short periods of time. If I have to spend a lot of time with others, it just drains my energy. I wish society would stop stigmatizing those of us who enjoy being introverted. ::shrugs::

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this. While I love being around people, I definitely relish in that quiet alone time too. If I don’t treat myself to that time I’m a very grumpy Lindsey! 🙂 Sometimes you just have to say “no” to others and “yes” to you. Thanks for sharing! Nicely written.

  6. This was such a lovely article, Shannon, and it resonated so deeply with me! I’ve always been a very passionate introvert, quite reticent and reflective. Yet, the society around me has always been filled with bombastic extroverts so my introversion has often gone misunderstood as something more lackluster – or worse, hints of a near recluse. For a long time I felt the perpetuation and pressure of shifting to “fit in” in an extroverted world, but I think I grew so aware of the things I loved about being an introvert at the same time – and now I just embrace it! It’s so nice to know I’m not the only one who enjoys it.

  7. Thank you Shannon being a fellow Introvert I found this Article very interesting and being an only Child I find it easy to be alone with myself and my thoughts but having a European Partner with a large extended Family has taught me to be comfortable in the Extroverts World and all the exuberance that comes with it, but it is Heaven to escape it after a while 🙂

  8. There was a great article in the WSJ that described our introvert behaviors for coping with parties…we are inthe kitchen doing things, we love running errands, we tend to go to the bathroom even if we don’t need to, we leave parties mysteriously….I have been found out! Introverts unite!

  9. I’m a introvert 44 years old. I enjoy being alone most of the time, but I’m finding that as of late, I want to be in a relationship and share my life with someone. I find that being with other introverts leaves me lonely, longing for companionship and someone that is an extrovert is normally not interested in me in the first place. I can’t seem to find a middle ground. Lucky for me I enjoy my own company and will seek out on my own. I do everything I want to do alone, but it would be nice to have someone to share these great experiences with me.

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