My Darling Gentleman Norman, In Memoriam (2009-2024)
Sunday January 5, 2025

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Sunshine, kindness, and love personified in pup form. That is what Norman was and forever will be in my memory for the rest of my life.

Any of the words shared here will never be enough to convey properly the loving, amazing soul that my dear gentleman Norman was and will forever be remembered to be for as long as I live.

It is with a shattered heart that I share the news with TSLL community that I never wanted to have to deliver, but always knew that at some point I would have to. I just never ever wanted that day to arrive. It couldn’t. Because when it did, the most loving companion I have ever known, ever shared my days and life journey with, would be gone. And in many ways a significant piece of the foundation of my being taken away.

Norman passed away while being held in my arms on Tuesday December 31st. He was 15 1/2 years old.

As many of you know, as a Cavalier King Charles, he had congestive heart failure in his later years which we have been caring for to lessen with gradual medications with good success. Unfortunately, what comes with some of the necessary medications is a balancing act because while they help his heart, they conversely weaken his kidneys, so with each frequent vet visit, his blood work would be checked to make sure the balance was maintained as well as possible. 

Last Friday, after a lovely morning walk with both pups under clear blue skies and a nip in the air, a daily ritual Norman looks forward to each day to begin the day, a sudden acute failure of his kidneys began, and to me, ignorantly, it came out of the blue as I didn’t know such a thing could happen. It was gradual at first, but he stopped eating because it upset his stomach which I didn’t realize was in pain. What brings some peace upon reflection is knowing I was able to give my full attention and time to Norman during this time following the acute attack on his kidneys. I had no appointments, nor travel plans, and even work had been largely concluded, so I tended to what he needed and I feel fortunate to have been able to do so. He determinedly kept fighting through restless nights, but eventually, after nursing him through the first couple of days, I knew we needed to see the vet because he wasn’t getting better and he hadn’t eaten for two days. 

At a loss in trying to understand what had happened and confused as to why we couldn’t bring him back to his Friday-morning-self prior to the incident, I reached out to Norman and Nelle’s godmother who has been raising Cavalier King Charles for more than 40 years. Someone who knows Norman, seeing him regularly over the past two+ years and most recently six weeks ago. I am so grateful to her as she not only spoke and listened in detail to me, but also spoke to my vet, asking questions I wouldn’t have known to ask. She was the objective, yet compassionate voice who I knew had the best interest of the pups, but also empathized with their human parents. 

After three days of not eating, he was admitted to the vet hospital for an entire day to be put on an IV. At the end of that day, the improvement wasn’t occurring and while we could have continued nights and days of this treatment, he would have been in a cage, not at home, and I wouldn’t have been allowed to be near him. Even though I still didn’t know what would be best, I decided to take him home that night and bring him back the next morning for more IVs so I could be with him, and he with us and the home he knew for that night.

By bringing him home, I wanted to assessed all of the information I had received as well as to be with Norman and listen and observe him as I knew my observations, while not a veterinarian’s, were full of knowledge of his abilities and improvement or lack thereof. 

He immediately seemed to calm and relax his being upon arriving home. We savored a peaceful and loving evening, night and morning (full of tears at many moments), he slept next to me all night (as he always has), waking and wandering outside whenever he needed while I stayed awake the entire night watching him closely. With no definitive answer made but accepting more of the reality of what he was going through, we went back to the vet’s Tuesday morning to conference. 

However, after long consultations not only with the vet but with my trusted friend who knew Norman, both gently advised that to prevent his suffering and the unlikelihood of a recovery without pain even with more care, I should consider the most difficult decision I never thought I would be making at this moment. The thought just never entered my mind when this all began because he was going to get better. He had to.

Staying in a private room all morning with him on Tuesday as I came to terms with what would be best for Norman, he was still awake and took naps intermittently, I sat with him, laid with him, held him in my lap and took him outside if he asked to do so. 

When it was time to say goodbye, Norman had Nelle in the room with us, classical music was playing softly, a sound that has been part of the background of his life for years, and oodles of natural light flooded this special room in the corner wing of the animal hospital. He was gently, yet steadfastly nestled in my arms on my lap, and I howled and have continued to howl and wail ever since he passed. 

To say I miss him seems too trite, empty and void of describing with any validity how I feel. Of course I miss him, because he should be here. He shouldn’t be gone. He was oxygen in our daily rhythm of life here at Le Papillon. So yes, I am grieving, and will forever miss him. I wasn’t ready, but truthfully, I would have never been ready.

I will refrain from sharing anymore about how I am doing because I want this post to share all of who Norman was, what he gave, how he enjoyed living and why I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have had the gift to be his mother. An easier dog to raise, care for and have as a companion in life for 15+ years I have never known, something I know many people will happily share about their pets as well, and aren’t we so fortunate to share our lives with them. For their lives, while far too short in comparison to our own, can be full of gifts to experience if we only are brave enough to love them well and see them for the sentient beings that they are so that their amazing self can be fully given and seen by the world where their lives unfold. I feel confident Norman’s gifts were experienced, witnessed and appreciated by not only me, but many others; however, as I will share below, he was just living, being himself and savoring life, curiosity leading the way. He taught me so much about living well.

Norman came into my life by way of my mother knowing her daughter very well. Each time I reflect upon how he and I came into each other’s lives, I am convinced the universe played a hand knowing the potential for each of us if only we were loved deeply and fully. 

Born in Wallowa County, where I grew up, Norman’s litter was one of just, I cannot be sure of exactly how many, but the family from whom he came was a horse family, not a dog breeding family. However, when their young daughter who had a disability was born, they wanted her to be able to safely be around and work with animals, and since horses would be difficult, they chose to breed a litter of Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Their daughter happened to be in my mother’s third grade classroom when the litter was born, and so they were brought to the classroom for Show & Tell. Some of the puppies still didn’t have a home, which is why they were brought into the classroom. Part of the reason some didn’t have a home yet was because they had hernias, which I later realized is common in Cavaliers and nothing to be concerned with as it can be easily fixed when they are neutered or spayed. However, because they wanted the pups to find homes, they reduced their asking price of $1000 to $400.

Now this is back in 2009 and I was living on a young teacher’s salary – $400 was still well outside of my budget, but I had always been drawn to small spaniels and especially Cavaliers since, yep, I watched Lady & the Tramp (Lady was a Cavalier and not a cocker spaniel as many initial presume – myself included). 

My mother immediately let me know about the pups, knowing that I might want a second dog to give a companion to Oscar, and also knowing I had spoken fondly for some time about Cavaliers. Trusting my intuition, and determined to figure out a way in my budget, I trimmed my spending wherever necessary. It didn’t take much consideration before I knew my answer. I went and picked up Norman the weekend prior to the Thanksgiving holiday break, at which point he was now 11 weeks old. Love at first sight. Adoration and affection at first sight. 

Norman came into my life at a time when just months prior I had nearly lost my teaching job due to the effects of the Great Recession as I was a newbie teacher compared to our seasoned staff. How I held on to my job is still something I extend gratitude for because it was far from guaranteed. In fact, I had already begun looking for new work to ensure I could still pay my mortgage should I lose my current job. But I did not, and my tenure continued, and during the fall of 2009 I was realizing I needed to start searching beyond teaching to find fulfillment. Because while narrowly hanging on to a job, I also came to realize teaching didn’t permit me to explore all that truly brought me to life. 

Norman’s arrival unknowingly began the daring to live in such a way that brought me joy – living simply luxuriously, and the blog began on December 26th 2009, just a month after he came into our home and a part of our family forevermore. Directly and indirectly Norman was the inspiration, the muse as I shared in my first book, for what transpired and continues to transpire in regards to TSLL blog.

For every dog to be seen and known that they are special is my hope for all pups, and Norman definitely was a special dog. I knew it when I met him. I continued to further realize this throughout his lifetime, and with each person who cared for him or met him, he seemed to be able to convince them quite quickly of this truth as well but not intentionally on his part. He was just being Norman.

He didn’t care that he was handsome or often was given attention because of his breed. Nope, he was just kind. That was/is who Norman is. Always loving and always assuming he was safe and the world was a good and pup-friendly place. I observed this in him quite quickly, so knew I would have to be discerning and protective. Moving to Bend gave him and me the ability to relax with nearly every meeting with any pup that passed us on our oodles of walks, and that is one of the driving decision-making reasons I chose to live in Bend. My dogs would have a more fulfilling, healthy life.

Loving the sun, loving his walks (he never missed one his entire life, and only had to wait patiently when Nelle and I began running together this August each week, after which he would join us for our cool-down walk), pottering in the garden every time I stepped outside, Norman’s curiosity tickled me endlessly. 

The sun-loving began immediately, as he would find the sunshine in the house whenever he had had a bath and just stretch his chin up to the sky and let the natural warmth dry him off. Then laying down, he would nap while the rest of the ‘air-dryer’ worked its magic. A heat lover, during the winter, in my older house in Pendleton, he would jump up on the radiators (they had wood covered seats on top of them), and snuggle in for a nap to soak up the heat. It helped that the one he preferred was next to a window looking out into the neighborhood so he would see all the goings-on. 😊 And as for gardening, to garden and have Norman next to me was just what we did and part of why I love gardening. I have endless photos of him sitting next to the project I pottering about with – planting a new tree back in Pendleton, laying in the herb garden in my rental in Bend, or sitting under the dwarf Acer here at Le Papillon. He loved being out in the garden, and we made sure to step outside into all parts of the garden on our last day together so he could take it all in and wander about as he felt comfortable. In fact, if you have followed along on the gardening monthly posts, a tree was planted in his name this past September, along with Nelle and Oscar – so a row of three Acer Griseums, on the west side of the garden here at Le Papillon.


As I mentioned above, and long-time TSLL readers know this already as you have seen him taking walks for years on the A Cuppa Moments video chats, Norman loved his walks – here in Bend on the trails, through the neighborhoods, and especially on the beach/coast. Oh! And meeting people and pups, well, he was just Mr. Social, saying hello, to anyone passing by, but then off to keep exploring. There honestly wasn’t one day he didn’t go for a walk. In fact, last Friday as mentioned briefly above, we had just returned home from a beautiful 1-2 mile walk at and around one of our favorite parks here in Bend on a clear blue-sky day. He was bundled-up in his Barbour coat, and we went out in the morning to trot about our loop. At home, whenever I would head to the foyer and open the closet to pull out my coat and shoes/boots, he would see me, and immediately come my way. Since I was seated pulling on my boots, he would walk right up and begin kissing me, waiting for me to put on his harness. Nelle soon followed his example and this became our walking ritual each morning. 

Prior to this year, Norman would go cross-country skiing with me as well as snow-shoeing, and up until early this summer, every year he was on the paddle board with me. In fact, it was he and Oscar who dared to step on the board with me when I began to learn how back in 2014 (photos below – first one is our first summer). He trusted me, and I did not take that lightly. I tried consciously to continue to earn his and each of my pups’ trust. Acknowledging that they are sentient beings with thoughts, feelings and a soul, to pay attention to their movements, expressions, and interests is to realize each pup is unique just as a human being. Dogs can and want to form deep, trusting bonds if only we would be brave enough to be deeply caring, paying attention to their preferences and communications. 


Norman communicated quietly, but clearly, a simple paw tap on my leg when I finished my dinner plate was his way of asking if he could lick it. A paw tap on my office chair when he needed to go outside. He would patiently wait for me, but the tapping would be consistent and rhythmic until I obliged. 

As many TSLL will note, Norman appears in oodles of photos shared here on the blog and on Instagram, and while it would seem he loves to be the center of attention, he really was just being himself – and I did my best to capture it. Photo taken or not, Norman’s expressive large brown eyes beckoned your attention to see him and also ask, what’s going on in the world? Where are we going for our walk today? Is that a bird that just arrived at the café? His beautiful face, eyes and ears will never leave my memory, and it is his sincere, as one TSLL reader described this summer, soulful expression that has been with him his entire long life and never disappeared.  

Norman welcomes readers to the blog with his illustrated depiction on the header. He has been in illustrated form since 2013, and while it initially happened by accident, once I saw him, I knew not only did it look appropriate to the blog’s premise and exemplifying my own life, but symbolically, his arrival brought forth in so many ways living simply luxuriously out-loud and in public. In other words, his presence gave me the confidence to just be Shannon. 

As you know, Norman has appeared on the cover of the last two books from TSLL, and interesting fact, he actually was originally planned to be on the cover of the first book, but was edited out, for no other reason than ignorance of what would be best. I still have the original illustration of the first book’s cover girl with Norman and have it framed. 

With that said, rest assured, the header of TSLL will forever remain as it is, with Norman’s presence in illustrated form for all the reasons shared above and so many more. 

I don’t remember life without Norman which one of many reasons saying goodbye is so difficult. He was my companion everywhere I went, and whenever I could bring my pups to the classroom during workdays while I was teaching, I would. I disliked being away from my dogs when I was at school, but once Oscar had Norman as company, it did make it a bit easier; however, I now know it wasn’t what they would have preferred. 

Being able to be home all-day with Norman and Oscar beginning in March 2020 was a gift which is a large reason for my deeply savoring the pandemic despite what the horrific reality for the world at large. My dogs have always played a significant role in my life, and I can say now without hesitation or embarrassment, they are my best friends, and Norman especially so. I am so grateful to have been able to continue to remain home and be with Norman upon retiring from teaching, especially when Oscar passed away. Norman always went wherever I would go in the house (and outside too for errands and travel), having an innate sensor that I had gotten up out of my office chair and was leaving the room. In his elder days when he couldn’t hear me get up, I would make sure to let him know I was leaving by touching his shoulder or top of his head, and sometimes, knowing of his hearing loss, he would intentionally lay in a spot by the door so he would feel the vibration on the floor or I would see him and pet him to let him know. 

He was smart. I learned this more and more as I began to live with more awareness in my own life, and thus began to appreciate it deeply, trying to further honor his needs and what he appreciated when it came to resting comfortably, walking, eating and with everything that was part of his daily routine. 

When I was contemplating welcoming Nelle into our lives, it was Norman’s well-being that guided me. Did he want a companion? What would a companion bring to his life at age 12 (2022). And knowing he didn’t have an alpha temperament (grateful beyond for that), the fit had to be pretty precise – gentle, loving, etc. We visited Nelle’s godmother multiple times without promises allowing Norman time to just wander about and meet and be around other Cavaliers of all ages, something he had never been able to do before. I watched him closely, knowing his mannerisms and observing if he felt at ease. He was immediately calm and in his own element, and he almost seemed shocked by the kindness of the pups and adult Cavs that simply wanted to nestle him, sit with him, kiss him and play (while he didn’t play, he seemed to appreciate their gentle nature).


Of course, having a puppy is an entirely different situation as the first few months with Nelle he looked at me questioningly, but gradually, he seemed to appreciate her determination to snuggle with him, not pushing it away or leaving her alone. She forever until the final days would rest her head on his back snuggling in between him and the back of the sofa or a pillow. He never moved, he never adjusted. He was her pillow. After baths, she found Norman and snuggled up into a ball between his outstretched legs. He was her security blanket, something that presented itself on our walks . . . So long as Norman was walking with us, which he always was, Nelle ran and explored and stretched the radius from where I was, but on the few walks this past December in his final weeks when he couldn’t be there, she stayed directly behind me, only venturing out a few times and not very far. Norman was her boost of confidence to go, to dare, to wander and discover. 

Norman reminded you all that what you hoped for was possible and what the world could be in its best of moments. You felt loved, calm and enough just as you were in his presence and in knowing he was in my life. All he asked was that you take him with you wherever you went, let him nap until you took him for a walk and feed him regularly. And never forget the snuggles, the kisses, hugs and the gentle pats and petting strokes. Oh, during the summer, when the sun was drifting to afternoon, he would lay out in the lawn on his favorite patch of grass, and while soaking up the sun, I would brush him. His eyes closed, his body relaxed and I could brush him for hours if time allowed. He just reveled in it, the combination of the sun, the stroking gentle massage and life itself. 

May we all find a resting way of savoring our days as Norman did. Knowing we are enough, giving of love generously and honoring our needs by asking for them with clarity yet civility. I describe him in the introduction as a gentleman because he really always was. Polite, never aggressive (he didn’t know what that word meant), and couth when tending to his business. 

I loved Norman and will always love him. Real love that can never be replaced. So let me conclude Norman’s memoriam, of which I could write endlessly, so thank you for bearing with me this far, by sharing something that was given to me many years ago, from a person dear who wrote me the words you see below (thank you Kurt), and they capture and explain well and far better than I can compose at the moment my sentiments for Norman and understanding how to move forward during this time of sudden loss, yes, sudden, even at the age of 15 years and 3+ months:

“You see, shooting stars burn the brightest, love with unmatched passion, and touch us like no other. Yet, they can only enter our lives for a brief moment. So, we gather memories for eternity, let them live endless in our hearts, and then we smile for having known. 

Never to be replaced, we press on. And we laugh for having seen. And we love for having met. We appreciate each and every star, but our heart will never forget. Sorrow, tears, waves of joy, sometimes it can still be seen each and every night. So we look up now and again. But we mustn’t venture to say good-bye.”

So, no, I will never say goodbye to Norman because he will forever be with me. I hold him in my heart, in my memories and photographs and videos, and in many ways in all that is TSLL. I am so grateful that you, readers of this community, knew who he was and were able to find joy and perhaps experience a smile every now and again, especially when you needed a boost of joy to your day when you saw him in a photo or watched him trot about on his many walks.  

Below I have chosen photos from over the past 15 years of his life, most in chronological order, but not consistently. Choosing was difficult and there were many more I would have like to have included, so please do find those either on IG with the #tsllmynorman or just about anywhere here on the blog in the archives, Start Here page and more. Thank you for joining us today. Your presence means more than you will ever know.



Norman napping on Thanksgiving 2009, 11 months old, alongside my sister-in-law who was pregnant with my nephew.


Norman, Christmas 2009, 3 1/2 months old

Oscar checking out Norman during their first months together.
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Img 3457 | The Simply Luxurious Life
Norman, left, Oscar front, Oregon Coast, 2018.

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Norman, thank you for being in my and all of our lives. You are deeply and forever loved.

I will be taking some time off, but will return with the regular posting schedule this Friday January 10th with the This & That. Thank you for your understanding.

~I am working on compiling a video collage of his many walks and wanderings, and look forward to sharing it with you in February’s A Cuppa Moments.

A tremendous gratitude to Gabi Kos, of Noru Photography who captured the photos of Norman and myself last February here in Bend. ~


328 thoughts on “My Darling Gentleman Norman, In Memoriam (2009-2024)

  1. Oh, my heart broke for you when I saw this post. You have written a beautiful tribute to your perfect companion! My heartfelt sympathy to you and Nelle.

  2. Oh my love, my heart breaks for you and the tears will not stop. Thank you for sharing such a loving tribute of such a wonderful friend and companion with us. Thank you for sharing all the lovely photos and memories with us. Thank you for sharing Norman, his gentle soul, his gentlemanly ways with us. All my love to you and Nelle in this most difficult time. xx

  3. Deepest condolences for your heartbreaking loss of a beloved best friend and family member. You were blessed to have found each other and the bright days you shared will always be remembered.

  4. I had the same reaction to this post – my heart broke for you . I have enjoyed seeing Norman in your posts through the years. He was a very special part of your life and you have all my sympathy at this very hard time. Thank you for sharing him with all of us.

  5. Oh Shannon, I’m so sorry. I’ve loved watching Norman keep you company after the loss of Oscar and welcome Nelle. I hope your memories will bring you comfort.

  6. Dear Shannon, you are on my heart and I am so sorry for your loss of your dear and precious friend Norman. Thank you for the privelege of knowing him through your stories shared, and for the honor of being here and hearing such a true and beautiful tribute from your whole self~~my heart is with you in hopes for peace and healing comforts. Lots of love to you, Liz

    1. Liz,

      Thank you for understanding how much he meant and will always mean to me. Precious friend, that is more true than most people realize. Your kindness and supportive words are greatly appreciated during this difficult time.

  7. Dear Shannon. My heart breaks for you and having lost my 15-year-old sweet pup two years ago, I understand your pain and complete despair. No words or sentiments can will change this. I only hope that in the weeks and months going forward, you can remember all of the wonderful times you had with Norman.Your tribute is amazing, so real and touching. The biggest of hugs and love to you and Nelle. Hug her, cuddle her and console one another. RIP Norman.

    1. Adel,
      Your understanding and kind words means a lot. Thank you. Sending you comfort as well as I know such posts no doubt bring back memories of your dearly departed sweet pup. Thank you very so much for support.

  8. Oh Shannon, I am so very sorry for the loss of your faithful and handsome companion. Having lost my dear Sarah Jane -the big Great Dane – I know there are no words of comfort that will truly cushion your heart and sadly you’ll carry this hole in your heart with you forever. Knowing he was loved and cared for so well is a testament to your beautiful character. I’m sending tender hugs and understanding to you. Gently, me

    1. MLW,

      What a privilege we are given to love deeply, and even in having to say goodbye we carry that love with us. The hole is big because there was vast love exchanged and we are so fortunate to have been their guardians. Thank you very much for your very kind supportive words. They mean more than you know. What a lovely name for your pup. I adore it and send love to you as well.

  9. Dearest Shannon, I have no words. To say this is heartbreaking news would be the biggest understatement. When you kept mentioning in your “brief” posts that the reason would be revealed this weekend, I could never have imagined that this was why. I am devastated for you and Nellie. All of us loved seeing Norman and witnessing his beautiful soul. Sending you so much love and strength and prayers during this unimaginably difficult time 💔🐾 xox

    1. Dani,

      Your understanding means more than you know. Thank you for being here to acknowledge and to offer support. I feel so very fortunate that so many kind people like yourself were able to ‘meet’ and ‘know’ Norman. The shock of how swift it happened still doesn’t . . . I don’t have the words. And so I am grateful to TSLL community’s support as it feels very much like a warm blanket placed on my shoulders by a friend. Thank you for being part of this community and expressing your condolences as you have.

  10. Oh, Shannon, I am so sorry for your loss. I feel blessed to have witnessed so much of Norman’s life over the years and feel his loss deeply. May his memory be a blessing to you always. Sending so much love to you and Nelle as you adjust to your new normal.

    1. Cathy,

      I too am sooo very grateful you and this community were able to ‘see’ and ‘know’ Norman. He was and will be loved by more than he will ever know and to be his mom, truly a privilege I know I was fortunate to experience. Thank you for your kind and supportive words.

  11. Oh, Shannon, my heart is aching for you. I’m so sorry for your loss of precious, gentle Norman. Your tribute to him is so beautiful. You gave him an incredible life and I know he brought so much joy to yours. Sending warmth your way.

  12. Dear Shannon, I am deeply sorry for your loss. While words may not fully express the heartbreak, please accept my heartfelt condolences The loss of a beloved pet is a profoundly sad and challenging experience, I believe they will be waiting for us at the rainbow bridge and that we are so fortunate to have had them in our lives Sending love to you and Nelle

    1. Penny,

      Thank you for being here. That is so comforting. This community’s kindness during this difficult time has been more helpful and nourishing than I could have imagined and I will forever be grateful for your kind words of support and understanding of what Norman meant to my life. Thank you.

  13. Shannon and Nellie
    My deepest sympathies goes out to you. Shannon, Norman was a privileged pup and close companion, he was loved dearly and will forever be loved,
    I am sending you tender hugs and warm love.😌❤️

  14. Dear Shannon,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Norman. I was heartbroken for you when I read this. Our pets are our family. Wishing you peace and healing.


  15. Oh, Shannon, my heart is just ripped apart hearing that your loving, smart, and precious Norman died. I feel as if I have known him since he was a puppy, as I have followed you from the beginning, and Oscar and Norman were such an integral part of the blog – as they were your life. I am so sorry – words are not enough and I am sending you a huge virtual hug with lots of love and comfort. I’ve been through this now with five dogs and it never gets easier, does it? Little Nell will be needing lots of love and cuddling, as will you, and I know it will be good having her there with you. x

    1. Oh Shannon. There are no words. Jo’s words are the closest to expressing my gratitude for your sharing the lives and journeys of you and Oscar and Norman over the many years. No words can express my sympathies and the void which is left with dear Norman’s passing.

      We are with you and here for you and behind you in your grief.

      Sending hugs — the deep, rocking kind, to you and to Nelle.

      1. Abigail,

        Thank you for your words of support. Your kindness in expressing that you knew and saw the pups means more than you know. Love to your sweet darling four-legged companions as well.

    2. Jo,

      Thank you for all that you have shared. Your understanding and knowing of this pain helps more than you know. So grateful you ‘knew’ Norman for so long and Oscar too. I send my love to you as we forever carry our pups in our hearts even after they leave our sides. Your kindness will always be remembered. Thank you again.

  16. Dear Shannon, this is such heartbreaking news. I’m praying for comfort and peace for you and Nelle. You were so blessed to have each other. I will hug my pups a little longer tonight with Norman in mind.

    1. Bettina,

      Thank you for your kind and supportive words and sending our love to your pups. One thing that brings me peace during this difficult time is knowing I savored every day with Norman leading up to this unexpected moment. I remember laying next to him on the rug on Christmas while he napped, nestled in and whispering in his ear that I loved him so much and would always be there for him not knowing that such a necessary day of need was so near. We had these moments often, every day, and for that, that is something I am glad I had the courage to do for so long because he deserved that and more. Thank you again for your understanding of his preciousness.

  17. Oh Shannon. May the peace and quiet of January allow you to just be with Nelle as you both grieve your loss. My prayers for strength and love are being sent your way. Take gentle care.

  18. My heart hurts for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers … May your memories together hold you both close and comfort you ..
    Blessings. Beth Bates

  19. Oh Shannon, my heart is broken for you and Nelle. Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear that you have lost your beloved Norman.

    1. Tracey,

      Thank you for your support during this difficult time. I know exactly what you mean. I am trying to freeze into my memory every moment, every second, every tilt of his head, gazing eyes and kisses. I never want to forget. I can’t believe there will be no more moments to gather. Thank you for understanding and for your kindness.

  20. Shannon,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I loved seeing videos of Norman on walks throughout the years. He was such a handsome dog! Losing a pet is a difficult type of grief and I hope you know I am thinking of you during this time.

    1. Caroline,

      Thank you for understanding and for your kind words. He so enjoyed his walks, every single one. I was tickled to be able to share them with TSLL community. He had no idea how many people ‘joined us’ on our walks and truly just wanted to explore. Grateful to be able to take him on so many and be by his side everywhere he went (well, maybe not literally everywhere during his curious off-trail adventures, but near by delighting in where his nose would take him ;)). Thank you for your support. It means more than you know.

  21. These memories are a treasure. Thank you for sharing his life with us all these years. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  22. I have been following you and enjoying your books and blog for many years. I loved reading about Norman and later Nelle in your adventures together. Now I have two Cavaliers (tricolors) and thank you for that. I learned to love the breed through you and Norman. My heart breaks for you and Nelle as you adjust to life without Norman. He was such a good boy and you gave him his very best life. He gave you yours in return. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. June,

      Thank you for sharing of how your sweet Cavs came into your life. What a smile that brought. Your kind and supportive words means more than you will know. He truly did give me the best life I have ever know and I will forever be grateful. Thank you for understanding. Sending love to your pups from us. Big, big hugs and snugs.

  23. Shannon, I am so sorry for the passing of your dear Norman.
    He was a gentleman indeed, and will be so missed by your TSLL family.
    Sending love and hugs to both you and fur babe Nelle.
    RIP Gentleman Norman

  24. Shannon I am so sorry for your loss. Norman was such a sweet pup & this was a beautiful tribute to him. Sending a hug your way.

  25. Oh Shannon! What a beautiful post for your dear Norman. Thank you for sharing your sentiments about all the specialness of Norman. He truly was indeed a special pup! We love all our furry companions, but sometimes there is that exceptional “one” that we are blessed to have in our lives. Such was the case with me when I lost the most beloved dog I have ever had. Our relationship was akin to what you had with Norman, so I can sincerely empathize. You are right, they never truly leave us for they are forever in our hearts! Take joy in your memories. Take peace knowing your dear companion is always with you in spirit.

    1. Barbara,

      Thank you for your words of understanding. I am grateful you have had special pups in your life as well. Your kind support is greatly appreciated and indeed, my heart is fuller and forever will carry him. Of that I am grateful, so very, very grateful.

  26. Shannon, my heart breaks for you and Nelle. You and Norman were so lucky to have each other. You gave him such a wonderful and beautiful life, I hope that knowledge will help to bring you healing and peace. Take care of yourself and Nelle.

  27. Dear Shannon, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your tribute was beautiful. I know how you feel, we lost our beloved chocolate burmese Kofi in June at 16.5 years. It was and still is heartbreaking. I hope you can feel all the hugs through the messages you are receiving. We are all grieving with you. Norman was indeed a special boy. xx

    1. I am so sorry for your loss of Kofi. What a long life, but how difficult to say goodbye. The day just isn’t the same without them there, especially after having been there for so long. Sending you love and thank you for your supportive, kind words. I am very grateful for your understanding.

  28. Shannon, My heart breaks for you as Norman was such an integral part of your life. You were so fortunate to have found one another. I hope that at some point you can find some peace in knowing that you gave him a most glorious life and that he truly will be with you forever as noted in your write up. Love to you and Nelle

  29. What a love Norman was and continues to be as you carry him in your heart.
    I’m so sorry, Shannon. Just so very sorry.
    What a gift he was in your life, and you in his.
    Be gentle with yourself.

  30. Noooooo oh my heart breaks for you. I said a forever goodbye to my Cav this year also way too sudden and yep, the tears still flow. Sending you a virtual hug with tissues from Australia xxx

  31. So very sorry to hear this Shannon. Sending you the biggest hug. 💜 Thank you for sharing Norman with all of us in the TSLL community.

  32. I am so sad to hear of Norman’s passing. He brought joy and laughter especially when Nelle joined your family. Thinking of you. 💕

  33. Dear Shannon,
    As I sit here typing this while sobbing, my heart aches for you. Please take care of your needs.

    1. PKB,

      Thank you for knowing how special he was in our lives. I am so grateful TSLL community knew him and grateful he tickled and brought delight to readers when they saw him. That warms my heart. Thank you for kind words and support. It means more than you will ever know.

  34. Oh Shannon, such a beautiful tribute for your special boy. I can’t offer any words that will ease your pain but know that I truly feel your heavy heart…sending warm hugs to you and Nelle❤️

  35. Dear Shannon, thank you for your words and for choosing to share with us not just this unbearable moment but your everyday life with Norman.
    We partake our life with our loving companion without ever thinking about the actual length of their life. Days, hours, years are worthless numbers compared to the love we share with them in everyday life. And for every second of love they choose to give, I know I am forever grateful.
    I’m so sorry Shannon, please take care of you and Nelle.
    In Italian we have a saying for our loved ones, when they leave us: “May the earth rest lightly on you”
    Che la terra ti sia lieve Norman

  36. Dearest Shannon,
    Sending you love and care in this sad moment. Norman was the most lovely pup; his sweet and gentle nature shone through in your photos. I hope you can be comforted by the knowledge that Norman had a marvelous life with you and I’m sure he was never happier than when he was snuggled up to you. I remember how very thoughtful you were about welcoming Nelle into the family, carefully considering how Norman would adjust to a new companion.
    May your memories be a blessing,

    1. Deborah,

      Thank you for your words. Being next to and near Norman was my good fortune and I am grateful he felt safe next to me. Thank you for being there and offering insight when I was contemplating giving Norman a younger companion. Your kindness at this moment is dearly appreciated. Love to Mully and Jojo – so much love.

  37. My heart goes out to you, what a gorgeous and eloquent tribute to a magical creature who clearly left a wonderful paw print on your heart. The grief of animal loss is like no other, there is not a lot to say to comfort you except that know you are not alone in your grief, Clare x

  38. Dear Shannon,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself, and take the time you need to grieve.
    Sending lots of love and warm hugs to you and Nelle

  39. What a beautiful tribute to your forever faithful friend Norman.
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our pups are so central to our lives, and often our biggest and unconditional loves. I know Norman was yours.
    Thinking of you at this difficult time, Norman was such a constant on the blog and will always be so core to what we know of TSLL. That handsome cavalier in so many of the illustrations and images.
    Take care of you and Nelle
    Sending love and thoughts

  40. I’m so very sorry for your loss, Shannon. Your beautiful tribute to Norman brought tears to my eyes. To have experienced such deep love and understanding with a pet is indeed a gift. Please take care in the days and weeks ahead. Sending you love and hugs during this very difficult time.

  41. What a beautiful, heartfelt, sincere and deeply moving tribute to a precious life companion and master of life. Thank you for sharing your feelings and memories ,Shannon, Norman will be remembered with warm affection by all of us.

    1. Laura,

      Thank you for your kind words of support. I am deeply grateful to this community for their ‘hug’ these past few days upon learning of Norman’s passing. The understanding and love means so much. Thank you for being there from afar.

  42. So sorry Shannon. Tears in my eyes reading your post. What a lovely creature and wonderful relationship you had with him.

        1. It helped to be in that space with you four, and doing something that was nourishing and that I love. I hope I wasn’t too sad as I didn’t want to bring our lovely group down, but I didn’t want to pretend. How everyone responded in their own way helped so we focused on French but not without knowing – thank you for your patience with me. As well, I had already planned to be gone on this Thursday from class and didn’t want to miss two classes and get behind. After all, Norman has been with me through the entire French learning journey, and probably knows more than I realize from hearing me try for so long to learn! 🙂 I will see you all next Tuesday and looking forward to it. xo

          1. I think you and I have been in most classes together since the beginning. I have personally seen you improve markedly, and your accent is quite good now. And, yes, Norman was there helping you along your French learning journey. You were definitely not a downer for the class. You were (are) very brave. Tres courageux. See you Tuesday.

  43. What a lovely tribute to a life well lived and oh, all of the beautiful memories you two shared.
    Such a gift to have experienced love at that level.
    Wishing you peace in the coming days.

  44. Oh, Shannon, I am so so sorry to read about Norman passing and please accept my most heartfelt condolences for your loss. As weird as this may sound, I loved Norman, and his cute face always made me smile and has given me much joy along the years. I am also going through the pain of losing my little old lady cat, also 15 1/2 years old, just three days ago, so there were many many tears rolling down my face, while reading your beautiful tribute to Norman. Dear Shannon, I see you and I understand you and I am there with you right at this moment. My heart is heavy but full. I keep you and Nelle in my thoughts during this difficult time and send a big hug for both of you.

    1. Dearest Isabel, I am so sorry that you also have had such recent loss. Our pets are so much of our lives, my heart goes out and as I write the tears flow freely for all who experience this pain, but as Shannon has so eloquently eulogized our sweet little Norman, may you also find consolation. Hugs.

    2. Hi,
      Just wanted to say so sorry to hear you too, have lost a member of your family. Sending love and hugs. It’s such a devastating time but may your wonderful memories and the life you shared help you through.
      Warm wishes,

    3. Isabel,

      I know we emailed and exchanged support, but I again I want to say thank you for your kind words and send you love during this difficult time of loss for your lady cat. ‘Heavy but full’ is a beautiful descriptor and oh so true.

  45. All I can say is— best memorial for a pet I have ever read. I’ve been following you since the beginning so I feel like I knew him. Can’t believe I’m fighting tears.

  46. Shannon, I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to him captured, if it is possible, all of the emotions that living a wonderful life with Norman encased. I know that you are hurting to the depths of your soul. We cannot make it better, but know that by sharing Norman’s life with us, you both gave us immeasurable gifts of joy and peace. I love how you described his spirit, and those qualities are what we all should live by. Personally, I will truly miss Norman’s presence in photos, videos, but hopefully his spirit will stay alive for us in your writing. Your heartfelt tribute let me share in your sadness, which would not be there if you did not live greatly. Know that we are thinking of you and Nelle at this time, and are so grateful to have known Norman in a small way. Lots of love…

  47. Dear Shannon, Thank you for sharing such a lovely tribute to Norman. I was so sad to read your post but it’s clear how much Norman was loved and the impact he had on you. Please look after yourself after this terrible shock. Sending hugs and thoughts. X

  48. Dear Shannon, my deepest sympathies to you and Nelle. Norman was a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He was also truly embodied on living the best luxurious life. Your description of him playing in the curtains of your bedroom will always be in my mind when I’m thinking of him along with his walks as well as his layabouts wherever you were. He was a Good Boy. May you find peace a bit of peace knowing all the joy you were able to spend together. With much love to you and Nelle, Stephanie

    1. Stephanie,

      Thank you for your kindness and support. Ahh, he brought so many giggles and smiles to our days and tickled he brought you delights as well when you spied him in a photo. Thank you for understanding. It means more than you know.

  49. So sorry to hear this news. You’ve shown us the Norman was never just a ‘pet’, he was in integral part of your life.

  50. I am having a hard time finding the words to tell you how sorry I am to learn of Norman’s passing. I know your heart breaks at losing him. Your beautiful tribute describes how very special he was in so many ways. Although we know this time will come as our companions age it still doesn’t become easier to accept. Our little dog is now 15 1/2 and she is beginning to have difficulties. I pray we will be able to make the right decisions when the time comes. Norman had a wonderful life with you and you were both blessed to have each other. You loved him deeply and he experienced that love his whole life and returned that love to you as a faithful companion and friend.

    1. Mary,

      Thank you for your very kind comment. Just being here and sharing your thoughts of understanding and kindness mean more than you know. Sending you love and support. I am confident, as you expressed your awareness in your comment, that you will and are being the most loving parent your pup needs and every day of that love given will help guide you. Sending your sweet four-legged companion so much love and grateful they have such a kind parent to care for them.

  51. Dear Shannon, As someone who has a very deep love for her yellow lab who shares Norman’s love of sunshine and warmth (we affectionately call him the “Sunbear”), I am at a loss for words. You, however, as I have grown accustomed to in my many years of being a member of the TSLL community, have exquisitely and lovingly captured the words for the feelings so many of us have for our pups. I am so sorry for your loss. Norman will be with you every moment of your life and his loving and kind spirit will bring you peace and strength. 🙏🏻💕

    1. Diane,

      Love your nickname for your sun-lover :). Thank you for your kindness to simply be here and express support. That means more than you will ever know. Your understanding of the depth of this loss, thank you, thank you.

  52. Oh Shannon, I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking. Howl as long and loud as needed. Sending much love you way. xo

  53. Oh Shannon I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Norman but thank you so much for taking the time to let us know. He was so special and such a part of the TSLL community.
    Sending both you and Nelle love and hugs. So glad you are taking some time out.
    Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love Angela and Badger x

  54. Oh, Shannon.
    Truly sorry for your loss. And, poor little Nelle. I’m sure she too is missing her constant companion. I know you will be a comfort to one another.

  55. Dear Shannon, I am so very sorry to hear your devastating news about Norman. Thank you for sharing such a lovely Memorial; feel privileged to read it, although heartbreaking.
    Sending much love and thinking about you during this very sad and difficult time X

  56. I am sorry for the loss of your cher Norman. I enjoyed reading about and watching your adventures with this delightful four-legged gentleman. What a fascinating story about Norman’s litter. Please take your time to mourn and reflect on the happy times together. What a blessing to have him in your family. He was another family member to us at TSLL community. All love and prayers to you.

    1. Alexandra,

      Thank you for your kind words of support. Tickled you were able to see him on his many walking adventures shared with TSLL community. Your understanding is appreciated and thank you again.

  57. Shannon I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful memorial. As a member of this community I felt like he was my pup too. So many beautiful photos and stories. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Norman with all of us.

    1. Val,

      Thank you for your support and I am so heartened that you felt you knew Norman. He would have loved to have met every single one of you being the social sweetheart that he was. Knowing he was so loved, means more than you will know. Thank you again for your understanding and kind words.

  58. Crying right now and just can’t stop. I so feel your pain, heart breaking, as I have been there only a short time ago. I guess over a year but seems like yesterday. I know there are no words to stop the ache inside, but just want to say something but really don’t know what. Im also sad for little Nelle as I know this has an affect on her. Just am keeping you both in my prayers and thoughts and just sending love to you both.

    1. Thresia,

      Thank you for your understanding of the depth of this loss. I am so sorry you too are grieving the loss of a dear four-legged companion. Simply being here means a lot. Thank you for your kindness and support.

  59. Oh, I know what a big loss this is, having lost my beloved whippet, Ivy, at 15 1/2 yrs old. Dogs are such beautiful, loving souls and make us better people. Norman’s soulful eyes in all of your gorgeous photos are such a treasure. Big hug, Shannon.

    1. Lauren,

      Sending you much love as well. I am heartened to know Ivy lived such a long and loved life, but that doesn’t make it easier, so please know you have my support and condolences. Your kind words of support mean more than you know. Thank you so very much.

  60. Dear Shannon,
    I‘m sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Norman.
    Thank you so much for the touching and lovely Memorial.
    Sending you and Nelle much love ♥️ and strength.

  61. When I saw the heading of this post, my heart broke open. I can only imagine how much you and Nelle will miss him. Your perfect gentleman. What a loving photo tribute you made, and I understand better his loving nature and his sweetness with you and Nelle. He will always live in your heart.

  62. Shannon,
    I am very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to the life of Norman. You savored all the time with him and I am hopeful that all of the sweet memories will be a comfort to you.
    With heartfelt sympathy,

  63. Shannon,

    I am so so sorry to hear that Norman has left us. He brought me to the blog years ago and I’m so grateful for your willingness to share him with us through pictures, videos and stories. One of my favorite aspects of you cuppa moments was hearing Norman snoring in the background. He was a one-of-a-kind pup with a huge heart. What a big personality and impact for such a little pup! Sending peace for the hard days ahead and love for all the joy Norman brought to you. We got just a taste of that joy through your memories of him. Godspeed, Norman.


    1. Kristen,

      I am heartened to hear that he was the impetus that brought you to TSLL. Oh Norman, if he only knew of his gifts. I am so grateful TSLL community knew him and ‘saw’ him. Thank you for your kind words of support. And his snoring was such a gift. It truly did provide the gentle lullaby at night and it is dearly missed. It made me giggle too when I realized his ZZZZZs were captured on our video chats. Happy to know you enjoyed hearing him as well. Thank you for sharing that beautiful memory.

      Thank you again for your support and understanding.

  64. I read this with tears in my eyes and a tightness in my throat having been in this situation myself. Norman will be fondly remembered by all of us in this community.
    Hugs to you and Nelle.

  65. Oh, Shannon, my heart breaks for you. There are those that spend a lifetime never knowing the depth of love that you and your Gentleman Norman share. You provided Norman with the luxury of always knowing that he was truly loved and cared for in his beautifully curated lifestyle with you. Norman is the link and bond between Oscar and Nelle. I imagine Norman fondly reunited with Oscar, while looking down, watching over you and Nelle, nudging you gently with his paw to soothe yourself tenderly, along with Nelle, and to continue to be uplifted by Norman’s enduring bright shining star of hope. Your exquisitely touching tribute is an honor to Norman’s memory and legacy. Please take all the time you need to hold yourself and Nelle closely during this most fragile of times. There is no hurry. The rest of the world can wait. Sending much love your way, Denise

    1. Denise,

      Thank you for your kind words of support and understanding the depth of loss that is being felt and the love that was part of our days during Norman’s entire life. So great, so real, I was so fortunate.
      Thank you again for knowing and being here.

  66. My dear Shannon, I am sitting here holding a soggy tissue having read this sad email. My heart is heavy for you and Nelle at the passing of your beloved pup, Norman. You have honored him with a beautiful and tender tribute. I send you love and deep condolences. 💐 xo Karen

    1. Karen,

      Thank you for your kind words and for your support by simply being here and reading the post. That means more than you will ever know. I am so grateful TSLL community knew Norman and the influence he had on all that TSLL is.

  67. Shannon – Im in tears as I write this. What a lovely tribute to your sweet Norman. Thank you for sharing him with your devoted readers – I think we all feel we lost a beloved friend as well. I went through the exact same thing a couple of years ago with my sweet boy Rascal. The most heartbreaking and compassionate decision I ever had to make in my life was to let his go. The grief is so raw and real but now I am able to look at his picture and I refer to him as my angel baby – they are always with you but now they are sweet spirits who are forever part of our soul. What an amazing life Norman had with you – the truest expression of love.

    1. Michelle,

      Thank you for kind words of understanding. I am so sorry you too had to go through a similar experience because as you said, the decision is heart-wrenching. So grateful Rascal had you, a loving, knowing and caring parent to look out for him. Your supportive words with your comment mean more than you know. Truly, thank you.

  68. Dear Shannon,
    My heart breaks for you and Nelle. You were so fortunate to have Norman and he was so fortunate to have you.
    Sending much love your way through this very difficult time. Your tribute to him was beautiful. I could only read it in sections because the tears kept coming.

    1. Debbie,

      Thank you for your kind words of supportive. They are deeply appreciated. I am touched that Norman’s life touched TSLL Community as much as it has. Thank you for making your way through the post as I know it could not have been easy. Your sharing what you have means so much.

  69. As I opened my page and saw your header, the tears started to flow automatically. With Lola sitting on my feet, she looked up at me in wonder but since she is my soul dog, she knew to just stay with me. From the earliest days of this blog, this evolving community, sweet little Norman was there. Sometimes just on the edge of the video or photo, with an almost regal stance. He knew who he was, I think, likely from puppy-hood. I have learned that most pets, when loved from infancy, actually become soul-pets. You have been the best care taker of his sweet soul and your memorial, truly, is the most endearing I have ever read. My heart and love go out to you and sweet Nelle. There are no words, just know that my support is out there. Take care, Dear Heart.

    1. Lucy,

      Thank you for understanding and for your supportive words. I am so heartened to know that he was seen by you, noticed and loved. Your kind words mean more than you know. Thank you

  70. I’m sorry to read this sad news, dear Shannon. Our pets bring us so much joy and then break our hearts 🙁 Take care

  71. Shannon, the right words escape me. My heart is breaking along side yours. You have so eloquently put into words what Norman meant to this community; I agree wholeheartedly. I can only add that your love of Oscar and Norman and they themselves are what made me instantly feel I had found my home here at TSLL. My deepest condolences to you.

    1. Susan Marie,

      Just your being here and commenting means more than you will ever know. Thank you for your support and I am so touched that the pups inspired a feeling of inclusion and welcome. That, that is truly heartening to hear. Thank you for sharing and for your kindness.

  72. I wept as I read your post, Shannon. Such a lovely soul was he, and such a huge loss for you and Nelle and all who loved him dearly. My heart breaks for you. I hope you can feel the love we are all sending your way.

    1. Ellen,

      Thank you for your kindness and support. Indeed, upon posting Sunday and then reading all of the comments that followed, it truly feels as though a friend has placed a warm, comforting blanket over my shoulders. I feel so fortunate for TSLL Community’s love and understanding of how important and inseparable Norman was in my life to living well. Thank you for being here.

  73. Dearest, Shanon, what a beautiful tribute to the love of your life. Sometimes, the universe gives us the nudge we need to take our lives in a new, dare I say, right direction. Norman was your nudge, sent to you all those years ago. How lucky you both were to be gifted to each other. I too have loved many pets and felt the huge loss of letting them go. Everyone on this blog stands as a witness to your love. My sincere condolences to all who will miss him.

  74. Dear Shannon,
    I send my heartfelt vibrations of love and peace to you during this time. It is such a paradox isn’t it…having to make the decision…it is a gift, but can feel like a curse. Thank you for sharing Norman with us and thank you for gifting us your precious vulnerability at this time. I am so glad Norman got to enjoy his Christmas stocking recently. He was loved and may his sweet face visit you often in your heart and dreams.
    Take all the time you need:) Mary

  75. Dear Shannon,

    Like so many others in the TSLL Community I am so very sad for you. I always loved seeing Oscar and Norman and then Norman and Nelle.
    There are many situations and emotions that I will never know or understand. What you are feeling now I understand completely, so much so that I had to take a break from reading your tribute to Norman. Anyone who has known the unconditional love from a dog will understand your pain.
    I wish you and Nelle quiet, contemplative days ahead to remember, grieve and start (ever so slowly) to heal.
    May his memory continue to bring you joy.

  76. Oh, Shannon–I am so sorry. This certainly brought a tear to my eye, Norman has been such a joy to follow for years and years. He just seemed like such a prince.

  77. Oh Shannon, I absorbed and felt each and every word and picture. Norman is will you forever. All my love and comfort to you, dear one.

  78. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, furry best friend with us these many years. May you find comfort in knowing how many of us have loved sweet Norman and grieve with you. Hang on tight to your memories and sweet little Nell. Comfort each other in the days to come. Much love to you in this time
    of loss😢🥰

    1. Barbara,

      Thank you for ‘knowing’ and ‘seeing’ and loving him. That means so very much and is felt at this most difficult time. Your kindness and understanding support is deeply appreciated.

  79. Dear Shannon: There are no words that will add comfort at this time. As a previous doggie Mom, I know the poignant pain of this moment. You will resurface with a giant glow in your heart once the ache subsides. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!

  80. Dear Shannon – my heart breaks for you and Nelle & your family.
    He was such a gentleman. I hope that your happy memories will help you in the times ahead. Thank you so much for sharing him. ❤️

  81. Dearest Shannon, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Norman is as much a part of the TSLL community as his loving mom. There is nothing like the love of a dog … mine are my everything. I wish you peace and comfort while you grieve your beloved boy. Love to you and Nelle. xo

  82. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. Rest easy, sweet Norman, and keep a watch over your Momma and Nelle. These special dogs leave giant holes in our hearts when they leave us. May time and all of the memories of your time together help to heal your heart, Shannon.

  83. Shannon, my prayers go out to you in this time of grief. Norman’s sweet personality always shined through in your pictures and posts. I loved seeing how much he enjoyed your pup walks that you share in the Cuppa Moments. My deepest sympathies to you and Nelle.

    1. Jennifer,

      Thank you for your kind words. I am so heartened that TSLL community enjoyed seeing him on his walks. He so loved them and being able to share his joy was my good fortune. Your support during this difficult time is greatly appreciated.

  84. Shannon, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You and Norman had many lovely years together that will be treasured forever x

  85. My sincere condolences on Norman’s passing. He is free of pain, and will always be with you. You will feel his presence in your house and during your walks.

  86. Dear Shannon, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Norman was a beautiful boy and was so loved. You gave him a wonderful life. Please look after yourself and take whatever time you need before returning to work. With love and heartfelt condolences, Sally x

  87. Shannon what a lovely tribute to a much loved pup, Norman had such a quiet dignity to him & clearly filled your life with so much love .. thinking of you & Nelle Kiri x

    1. Kiri,

      Your words were so nourishing. “Quiet dignity” Thank you for seeing him and for your understanding and support during this time. Your kindness means more than you will ever know.

  88. This is a beautiful post Shannon. Thank you for allowing us to be part of Norman’s life all of these years. My heart aches for you and Nelle during this time of grievance. I will always cherish Norman’s spirit. The sounds of his sweet snores during a cuppa moments videos, the joy on his face during his adventure hikes, the I spy Norman during a cooking video as he waits hopeful for a nibble, and my personal fave, the shock he had when he took a dip during one of Nelle’s rookie paddle board outings. He was a very special boy and will be greatly missed.

    1. Thank you Katrina for your kind words and support. Remembering his snoring, what a sweet music I will forever fondly remember and tickled you too enjoyed hearing it during A Cuppa Moments. Thank you for recalling that beautiful memory. All that you have shared, it means more than you know. Thank you kind soul.

  89. Shannon my heart breaks for you and Nelle. Being a long term boxer rescue lover, I know the heartbreak and the doggie grief that will match yours. This is a lovely tribute to an amazing Cavalier pup and the woman who gave him a wonderful life. Norman will always have a special place in his heart for the woman who loved him. Wishing you peace & comfort during this difficult time.

  90. Pure love and total trust, we receive that from a well cared for dog. They bring out the best in us. When you called Norman your “best friend” you can bet your boots, Shannon, that he felt the same way about you! Sincere condolences.

  91. Please accept my deepest condolences during this time of grieving such a beloved companion. Praying peace and healing over both you and Nelle as you adjust to life without the physical presence of such a sweet friend.

  92. So stunned and sorry to hear of little Norman’s demise. He was an enjoyable part of our week too. The pup we had when we didn’t have the ability to own a dog. He was a sweetheart. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  93. What a lovely tribute, Shannon. We are grateful for all that Norman brought to your life and how he shaped you, which radiates throughout the blog, your books, and more. Thank you for being so kind to share him with us, too.

    1. April,

      Thank you very much for your very kind words of support, kindness and understanding. It is my good fortune to have him in my life and to have been able to share him and let TSLL community see his sunshine, he has influenced far more in more wonderful ways than he will ever know. Thank you again for your words.

  94. Dear Shannon. Thank you for sharing about your star and sorrow. The further adventures of Mr. Norman will be missed. I’m so sorry for your loss and Nelle’s loss.

  95. Shannon, so sad to hear about Norman. I will forever remember him snoring in the background during “A Cuppa Moments”. Take extra good care of yourself at this time.

    1. Laura,

      Thank you for recalling this sweet memory of Norman’s snoring. OH my goodness what a sweet sound I will forever miss. It was my lullaby at night. Thank you for your kindness and support during this difficult time.

  96. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Shannon. May you be surrounded by the support you need during this difficult time, including by the strength of this community. And may dear Norman’s soul rest peacefully. What an amazing life he led.

  97. Oh Shannon, I am sorry sorry. Our furry friends are so full and joy and love and Norman will always be in your heart. Take care of yourself – slowly and gently.
    Big hugs Gx

  98. Words seem insufficient to express how sorry I am for your loss. Norman was the luckiest pup to have had your love and your care, and I have loved hearing of your many adventures together. You have written the most lovely tribute to sweet Norman and you and Nelle will be in my thoughts as you continue to grieve his loss.

  99. What a privilege to give life, love and security to these gentle creatures and share our lives with them. It was lovely to read about his life, what he meant and how special he was. Sending you much love and comfort during this season of loss.

  100. My tears won’t stop for you and Nelle. What a loving tribute to your sweet Norman. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  101. What a beautiful and moving memoriam for sweet Norman. Your deep love shows and I am so sorry for your loss. Oscar now has his playmate across the rainbow bridge.
    Thinking of you and Nelle.

  102. Oh Shannon, I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for you and Nelle, and I’m sending lots of love your way.

  103. I am heartbroken for your loss of Norman, Shannon. Our pets teach us more than we could have expected and love us more than we could have hoped.

    A Perfect Gentleman, by Hermione Gingold
    To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice, though inasmuch as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances.
    But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman.

    1. Cindi,

      Thank you VERY much for this passage. It warmed my heart and no doubt other readers’ as well who have known such companions and shared their lives with them. Yes, a perfect gentleman Norman absolutely was. Thank you for understanding, for knowing and for your kind support. It is greatly appreciated and forever will be remembered.

  104. Such a wonderful dedication to Norman. Norman was meant to be with you and I’m glad you had that wonderful time with him. Take your time. Sending you lots of love and healing.

    1. Caitlin,

      Thank you for your understanding and kind words of support. It is my hope that I gave him the fullest life he wanted to have. I am so grateful TSLL community knew him. That is also very comforting at this difficult moment.

  105. Oh Shannon, I am so so sorry for your loss. The tears kept pouring as I read through your beautiful piece of writing describing what a wonderful spirit Norman had. Thank you for sharing stories and pictures of Norman with your readers over the years. It has been an honour to know your gentleman pup through the blog. Sending you a warm hug and courage as you navigate this heartbreaking time. As Howard Thurman beautifully wrote, “The anguish of your heart finds echo in my own.” 💛

    1. Stéphanie,

      Thank you for understanding. The quote you shared is beautiful and I hear you and appreciate your love given as Norman inspired it. Your kindness will be remembered. Thank you ever so much.

  106. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to Norman. Thank you for sharing. Sending you love.

  107. One never knows what to say to a person.. except I’m so sorry for the loss of your special companion. I’ve been there many a time. I still tear up when I think of all the special animals that have been in my life. I know you will always carry him in your heart. with caring, Emilie

    1. Simply being here means more than you will know. Thank you for your kind words, for your understanding how much he meant and will forever mean to me. That support is deeply appreciated.

  108. Oh, Shannon! Your post sent feelings of empathy right through me, but also the happy understanding of what your special bonding and love for your special gentleman has brought to you through the years. You have expressed so clearly and at length how your relationship started, and endured. He will live on through you, and the sweet memories will rise up unbidden, daily.

  109. Shannon, sharing again that I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my childhood dog unexpectedly two years ago and I still work through the grieving process daily. Your bond with Norman has been an inspiration for me as I just got my first dog as an adult at 29. Norman was such a special dog and your tribute to his is beautiful. His beautiful soul has a permanent space in all of our hearts and you gave him the best life a a dog and friend could have.

    1. Rachel,

      Thank you for sharing all that you have about the pups in your life. They are so much more than pets and your thoughtfulness as you grieved your childhood companion and then in time welcomed your first pup that will be yours solely and entirely is clear. I wish for you a long, healthy and lovely life together as you care for them and they offer companionship along your life journey.

      I am so heartened that Norman’s life touched so many lives. Thank you for your kind words of support. They mean more than you know.

  110. Dear Shannon,
    I’m so sorry for your and Nelle’s loss. I have always enjoyed seeing your pups, and as someone who also often finds easier companionship with my dog than with most humans, your example of a life well-lived together with them is just another way you role model living a life of true simplicity and savoring. I hope that your time away can be one of peace and quiet that you need as you reflect on what truly sounds like a “heart dog” relationship with Norman.

    Much love,
    Maggie (and Wickett the corgi)

  111. Had to keep taking breaks from reading this as I openly wept and the screen swam before me. Take comfort in Nelle, of the incredible lifetime you shared with your precious gentleman, and know the entire TSLL community feels for you deeply and mourns with you, as we will also hopefully help in your grief and going forward. Much love x

    1. Posie,

      I am touched by your empathy and so grateful for your time and willingness to share your words of support. Your kindness means more than you know as you expressed understanding of all that Norman meant and will forever mean to me. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  112. Hello everyone, I am re reading all the comments and I am touched by all the wonderful, loving vibes sent to Shannon and Nelle. Shannon you have built a community of likeminded souls. It won’t lessen your pain, but you are embraced in compassion and love. G x

    1. Beautifully said, Gabrielle. I think all of the reactions and comments also speak to how much we all loved Norman’s sweet gentle soul and how lucky we were, thanks to Shannon, to have shared in his life for even just a wee bit.

    2. Oh Gabrielle,

      Thank you for circling back and for this comment. I was deeply touched when I read it. TSLL community is such a special coming together of kind folks. I feel fortune to feel the love and comfort that you all have given during this difficult time. Thank you for your words Gabrielle. Thank you very much.

  113. Shannon,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. Norman was a friend, an adventurer, a companion, a heart dog. How blessed that you had him and he you, to grow together. You were Normans whole life and he a chapter in yours. A beautiful memory that lives on in your heart, mind, photos, and on this blog. Friends like this never die, they live in our hearts forever.
    Take all the time you need and know that this community that you have built is here mourning along side you and sending you love and compassion.

    1. Elizabeth,

      Your words of description of Norman, thank you so very much for seeing him, and understanding. Your kind words of awareness and knowing, thank you for sharing them with me and all of us.

  114. What a beautiful and moving tribute Shannon. So full of love and appreciation. Thank you so much for sharing Norman with us all. Love, Diane

  115. Oh, Shannon. I am so very sorry. He truly was a special and soulful boy. He brightened my day and tugged at my heart many times over the years. There is just no way around the heartbreak of saying goodbye to our beloved little friends… your use of the word “howl” pierced me to the core, because I’ve been there and know the feeling. Thank you for saying “they are sentient beings with thoughts, feelings and a soul.” I couldn’t agree more. Thinking of you, and sending love to you.

    1. Pamela,

      Thank you for ‘seeing’ him and understanding. To know that he touched so many lives with his joy and sunshine warms my heart. Thank you for your comment and kindness. That support helps more than you will ever know.

  116. Oh Shannon I am so deeply saddened by your loss and I know all too well how painful it is. I am so very sorry for your loss from the bottom of my heart. I apologize but I couldn’t read everything or look at all of the wonderful pictures of Norman. Not today anyways, just too sad.
    I wish you and Nell calm and peace.

    1. Tamra,

      Thank you for understanding and for your kind words of support. I appreciate your being here however much of the post you could read. I would like be the same. Thank you for simply being here.

  117. Shannon,

    I saw your message on instagram and commented there, also. I am so sorry for your loss. It’s such a painful experience and many in this community that you have created can empathize with your loss. Animals are such special beings and Norman by all accounts was an amazing companion and family member for you. Wishing you comfort and peace now and always.

  118. Oh Shannon. I am so sad to read this beautiful tribute to Norman. I loved seeing his pictures and his beautiful face always made me smile. He had such a wonderful life with you and maybe he was a little spoiled in the best way that all puppies on earth should be. I cried my heart out reading this remembering all the wonderful dogs I’ve had. I will give my two sweet 14 year olds huge hugs tonight. Big hugs to you as well.

  119. Dear Shannon, such beautiful words for a gorgeous dog! During these days, I keep wondering how you are doing. Do take care of yourself x x x Hugs

  120. Oh Shannon, I feel the pain of your loss. What a beautiful life you both shared and such a nice memorial to him here. I hope that you and Nelle can comfort each other.

  121. Shannon,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much Norman meant to you and you gave him a lovely personal tribute. It is so difficult when we must part from our best little buddies. Our dogs become such a part of our family that it is hard to imagine having to go on without them. He had such a wonderful life with you and I believe Oscar was there to greet him when he crossed over. Sincerely, Cheryl

    1. Thank you very much Cheryl for your kind and supportive words. They are nourishing and display an understanding of this love we have for our four-legged companions that is hard to explain to anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity, nor the courage to love them fully as they need and seek. Thank you so much again.

  122. I’m so sorry for your loss Shannon. I can only echo the sentiments of all those above in sharing this grief of a well-loved companion. If all animals experienced even a fraction of the love you have for Norman, they would be lucky indeed. Be gentle with yourself. Please give Nelle a belly rub for me. Take your time, we will be here for you.

  123. Shannon, I grieve with you. As a childless 4-legged Mother, I weep/wail with you. They are our soulmates, spirit mates, our companions who watch us daily as we watch them…..they “know” us and leave paw-prints on our hearts
    forever. May Norman’s Love rest gently in your broken heart.

    1. Oh Joy, You have said it so rightly – they know us, and if we are kind and wise enough, we truly know them uniquely, their needs, their loves, their delights. Thank you tremendously for your kind, supportive words. They mean more than you will ever know.

  124. Shannon your post has touched me especially deeply as I went through something similar when I lost my beloved cat unexpectedly four days before Christmas – the same experience of vets, disbelief and grief. Just want to say that you are not alone. I’m grateful to be part of a community that understands the importance of our furry family members. What a beautiful tribute. Bon courage.

    1. Martha,

      Sending much love as well. I am so sorry your beloved feline companion passed away. As I have been reminded by those who know our responsibility as a pet parent, one of the most difficult, yet most loving thing to do for our sweet loves is to ensure they do not suffer unnecessarily simply because we can’t let go. You did the most loving thing, which is hard to accept or even realize at the time, but by trusting that truth, the love you have for your cat came forth. Sadly, our pets do not peacefully pass away in their sleep as many ignorantly think they will and they need us to know them well and know when they are being strong for us, but in pain and struggling. Our close connection, should we choose to love them well will tell us what we need to know so we can be loving every moment when they need us the most. You no doubt gave your beloved a wonderful life especially if you took them into the vet to see how to help them. Sending a hug of comfort and thank you for your kind words during this difficult time.

  125. Hi Shannon,
    I am so incredibly sorry for your loss of sweet Norman. As a reader since 2010, it always felt that he was part of my life too. Thank you for sharing him and your adventures together so many years. This tribute was so wonderful to read and I feel honored you let us in to his life this deeply. He made an impact on so many, far and wide. Sending love to you and sweet Nelle.

    1. Oh Christina, I am deeply moved by comments such as yours that extend knowledge of knowing Norman nearly his entire life and feeling his loss as well. He touched so many people’s lives that he will never fully know, and for me, this truth brings so much comfort during this difficult time. Thank you for your kindness and supportive words. I will forever be grateful to this community for your love.

    1. Thank you very much Lotte. Knowing that this community knew him and found joy in seeing him brings so much comfort especially during this time. I sincerely appreciate your kindness.

  126. Shannon, words are not enough to express how heartbroken I am for you. My husband heard me crying while reading your beautiful tribute to Norman and thought something awful had happened. When I told him Norman has passed away, he didn’t have to ask “who is Norman?” I’ve been showing him photos of Norman on the blog for years to show him how gorgeous he was and what a wonderful life he had with you.

    A friend once said to me “dogs give you some of the best days of your life, but one of the worst”. I’d no idea what she meant until my 13.5 year old Bichon Frise, Monty, had to be put to sleep during lockdown. Sending you a big virtual hug and reassurance that each day will bring a little more healing xxx

    1. Tanya,

      Sending you a hug for your sweet Monty. I am so sorry for the loss of him especially having to do so during lockdown. Thank you for ‘knowing’ and loving Norman from afar. Your kind, supportive words mean so much during this difficult time and for you and your husband both to know who Norman was touched my heart upon reading your words. Thank you for understanding how much he will forever mean to me.

  127. I send my deepest sympathy for your loss. I have lost several four legged loves in my life. When the time comes consider adopting a rescue or older gentleman. I adopted a disabled boy when my heart was healing from loss and saved both of us

  128. Dearest Shannon,

    My heart goes out to you in the loss of Norman. Needless to say I have always enjoyed keeping up with the pups and understood what they mean to you. Best to you as you navigate the loss. He was some special guy!

    Robin K.

  129. Shannon, your post brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful tribute to an amazing shining, guiding light & companion in your life. Norman also inspired me & my family to welcome our own Cavalier puppy into our home this past June, her name is Blossom. She has brought unbelievable joy, love and connection to our family, so much more than we could have ever imagined. Thank you Norm for inspiring us bringing our shooting star, Blossom into our lives. May he rest in peace.

  130. Dear Shannon,
    To lose a true friend is never easy. You are in my thoughts during this difficult time.

  131. I am so sorry to hear about Norman. Your memoriam is such a loving tribute to a wonderful companion.Animals come into our lives for such a brief time and it is so devastating when they leave. He knew he was loved and cherished while he was here; that is the best that we can give them. Thank you for your lovley words about Norman; it helped me fondly recall all the animals that have been in my life and how grateful I was for each of them.

  132. This post broke my heart. You handled it all so well. What difficult days. I will miss Norman, although I never met him, what a gentleman … and I will sure miss his snoring during ”a cuppa…”
    It must feel so empty. Sending you lots of love

    1. Martina,

      His snoring was the sweetest music. It tickled my ears when I would hear it back in a recording whether for A Cuppa or the podcast, and here at home, it would bring peaceful calm to fall asleep to at night. Thank you for sharing that reminder.

  133. Shannon, I am sobbing as I read your loving tribute to Norman. Words cannot express my sorrow. I too have gone through this, 3 different times with my beloved pups and most recently with my dear Scarlet in September.
    To say I miss her and mourn her every day is an understatement. I’m not yet at the stage where I can remember her and smile or laugh….but I know with time I’ll get there.
    Lots of love to you and Nelle and God bless little Norman. Hoping him and Scarlet are romping somewhere together.

    1. Kim,

      I sob with you. Sending you love as well and my condolences for Scarlet. Each of our grief journeys is unique. Feel your way. In today’s A Cuppa Moments (Feb. ‘25) I share a few ways I am honoring Norman and thought about how to carry the love forward that may provide some comfort for your own journey if you would like to tune in and watch it.

      Thank you so much for your words and kindness during this difficult time.

  134. Dear Shannon I am so sorry for your loss. I have really enjoyed seeing Norman (and also Oscar and now Nelle) in your posts over the years. Our dogs bring so much joy to our lives and it is devastating when they are gone. Please know that you gave Norman a beautiful life. Oscar was be there waiting for him as he crossed the rainbow bridge.

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