For One Entire Week
Thursday June 16, 2011

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At the beginning of the year, I issued a financial challenge. A challenge to take a bit more control of your spending regardless of whether you are doing exceedingly well or just getting back on track.

This challenge is something I try to do every month, and it forces me to be more organized and spend more consciously.  The challenge is to stop spending for an entire week each month.

At first this may seem difficult, but by giving your checkbook a week off, you demand of yourself to plan ahead on necessary purchases or scheduled appointments, pay your bills at a regular time each month and halt spontaneous and unnecessary spending.

For me this week of no spending usually occurs either the 2nd or 3rd week of the month.  The first is reserved for paying the bills, stocking the pantry and filling up the car.

Each month will be different depending upon what your schedule has in store, however, try to make this something you incorporate into your spending plan.

The simple luxury of looking at your checkbook at the end of the month and seeing a gap of seven days without an entry is a wonderful sight to see.

~Read this post to discover 8 specific ways to make this monthly no-spending ritual simple to incorporate into your everyday life.

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6 thoughts on “For One Entire Week

  1. What a timely post! Just this morning I was reflecting on the fact that for the past three days I’ve spent nothing. I was so terribly excited (and frankly a little proud of myself) that I vowed I was going to experience this feeling more often! It is a truly freeing experience and I feel much more in control of my finances and of myself.

    I love your blog and always look so forward to what you will write about next! It is my most favorite!

  2. This is a wonderful idea. You are my own Suze Orman – just waaaay less scary!

    I am just proud if I don’t buy any cosmetics for a week!

  3. This will be part of my monthly plan from now on. It’s a great idea! As pursuing long-term goals instead of instant gratification generally tends to be…

  4. I can’t not spend money for a week because I like to buy fresh produce most days for meals … But I can certainly not buy any ‘stuff’ for a week. And what about paying bills – I always pay them on the due date, so I wouldn’t pay early (or incur a late fee) to stop myself spending anything in a week …

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