Last Thoughts on British Week 2019 and the Giveaway Winners are Announced
Sunday May 26, 2019

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“In Summer there were white and damask roses, and the smell of thyme and musk. In Spring there were green gooseberries and throstles [thrush], and the flowers they call ceninen [daffodils]. And leeks and cabbages also grew in that garden; and between long straight alleys, and apple-trained espaliers, there were beds of strawberries, and mint, and sage.” 
― Beatrix Potter

Stepping out onto the back porch this early morning, before the neighborhood woke from a weekend night of pleasureable sleep, the birds held their daily conversation, and I listened.

Not schooled in their chirping language, I simply appreciated and savored, thankful to be able to notice and welcome this seasonal delight into my morning routine.

Much of my affection for the British culture is what I observed in the countryside whilst visiting Devon. I know that I am an outsider to this culture, and I have much to learn, but with each exploration, each trip I have the good fortune to partake, I become more enrapt, more intrigued and more delighted.

I may never fully understand or “speak fluently” the culture as it truly is, just as I will never be able to translate the bird’s chirping in the spring mornings, but I can appreciate, I can welcome into my own life in subtle and small, yet significant ways the aspects that seem to align with my predilections and temperament.

Not every aspect of British culture speaks to anyone who describes themselves to be an Anglophile. There is hustle and bustle in Britain to be sure, especially in London, just as there is in the states. Likewise, there is high stress in Paris as well. Not wholly similar, but it is present. What resonates with me both in the British and French culture is the reminder of savoring the moments throughout the day, carving out time for afternoon tea and not rushing to the next “thing”, not always planning or being fixated on tomorrow.

Likewise, America has amazing aspects to celebrate as well. As one French expat shared recently, the opportunity that can be found in our country to rise and shine is more readily present in her opinion. Understandably, that can also be coupled with stress, but still, dependent upon what we seek and how. Not one country is “better” than another, and yes, there are countries that have much work to be done, but there are so many that we may find a kindred connection with.

For me, and based on the response and engagement here on TSLL during this week, but throughout the year, the kindred connection is found in both the British and French culture in a way that for so many years I could not pinpoint, but am now more conscious and capable of doing and am tickled to be able to do so regularly here on TSLL.

Before I share the winners of the three giveaways this week, I wanted to express my gratitude for the reader participation and engagement during this inaugural occasion. As I shared in this week’s newsletter, so many readers shared in the comments new places to visit, different films and shows to watch and so much more, and so I wanted to include a list of these below. Needless to say, I am taking note as well.

And now to the winners of each of the three giveaways!

~For each of the names listed, please contact me by Saturday June 1st so we can send your giveaway to you straightaway or start the subscription promptly. After June 1, 2019, all unclaimed prizes will be redrawn for a new winner. Email me at and provide the necessary information — full name, email that matches your entry, and mailing address.

Magazine Subscriptions (3 winners)

One annual subscription to three entrants. Each will be able to choose which subscription they would prefer: The English Home, The English Garden, Discover Britain or Britain.

~Calculating additional entries for readers who shared the giveaway on their Instagram feeds, as well as left a comment on the post.

The winners are!

  • Comment #97 – Marty
  • Comment #163 – JodyMS
  • Comment #53 – Diane Hutchins

Congratulations! Please email your preferred magazine choice, mailing address using the email you entered the giveaway and we will get it all set up!

A Roy Kirkham Breakfast Teacup & Saucer: Butterfly Garden

The winner will receive a fine bone china Roy Kirkham Breakfast Teacup & Saucer with the Butterfly Garden design.

The Winner Is . . . VALERIE STRAUB!

Valerie, congratulations! Please email me your mailing address using the email address you entered the giveaway and I will have the teacup and saucer shipped out straight away.

A Fortnum & Mason Hamper: The English Essentials

~calculating additional entires for ad-free subscribers (+2 for yearly and +1 for monthly).

The Winner IS . . . comment #151 – Katina!

Katina, please email me your mailing address with the email account you entered the giveaway. And congratulations!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by the blog, enjoy the 16 posts shared this week, as well as enter and many of you share the giveaways as well. I do appreciate your time and thoroughly appreciated your feedback on this first run with a TSLL British Week, as it has been an absolute pleasure to curate. Already the ideas for more British-Inspired posts are flooding into my journal.

Based on the positive response, there will indeed be a 2nd annual TSLL British Week. Look for it to return during the third full week of May in 2020.

Between now and then, rest assured, there will be British-Inspired content shared on the blog. And you can always view all of TSLL’s British-Inspired posts here in the Archives.

Thank you again, and now, the rainy Sunday awaits being savored, paired with a hot cup of tea, oodles of reading material, made complete with some snuggle time with my boys. Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the weekend.


Sunday May 19th

Monday May 20th

Tuesday May 21st

Wednesday May 22nd

Thursday May 23rd

Friday May 24th

Saturday May 25th

Sunday May 26th

Image: TSLL’s, book – the authorized biography of Elizabeth David | the simply luxurious life

17 thoughts on “Last Thoughts on British Week 2019 and the Giveaway Winners are Announced

  1. How lovely !
    Congratulations to all the successful winners , enjoy your fantastic prizes ?
    Thank you to everyone for your suggestions , lots to explore !
    Have a great weekend, everyone .
    I think it is Memorial Day weekend in the USA , and here in the UK we have the late May Bank holiday , so hopefully many of you will be able to enjoy an extra day .

  2. Thank you Shannon for this very inspiring and entertaining week of posts, 16 to enjoy! I loved them all, and today’s inspiration “savoring the moments throughout the day…and not rushing to the next ‘thing’ “, priceless words to put in practice.
    PS. Congratulations to the winners!

  3. What a wonderful week of posts, Shannon! I loved them all and the contributions from other listeners/followers. And congratulations to the winners. Enjoy those fantastic prizes.

  4. Congratulations to the winners! What a lovely way to start a summer week. And thank you, Shannon, for hosting British Week and inspiring us in all things “across the pond”! We loved our trip to London and look forward to returning someday soon. Afternoon teas after hours of exploring were our favorite thing to do.

  5. I can’t believe I won the beautiful China cup and saucer! I am so excited. Thank you so much. I am a devoted follower and love your life philosophy Shannon. Thank you so much!

  6. Rats! I didn’t win. 🙂 A bit late to the party here, but a sincere congratulations to all the winners. And to you, Shannon, for doing a superb job on your first British week, which I, and many others, thoroughly enjoyed. One of my favorite movies is The Imitation Game with Benedict Cumberbatch. I’m sure you’ve seen it, but it takes place in Britain during WWII. Perhaps a suggestion for next year.

  7. Shannon it has indeed been a lovely British week. ItI has reminded me how lucky I am to have experienced British culture for so many years. Congratulations to all the winners?

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