A Giveaway for Anglophiles: A Year’s Subscription to The English Home magazine and more!
Sunday May 19, 2019

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One magazine I have been subscribing to since well before I moved to Bend, so over 10 years ago, was The English Home. To receive each of the six issues every time they arrive in my mailbox throughout the year was to slip away into comfort, cozy (or should I say cosy ?), history, beauty and cottage living as well as regal beauty in the English countryside.

It was upon reading The English Home that I learned what an Aga stove was after inquiring about the ubiquitousness of its presence in seemingly every country home in each issue. It was upon reading The English Home that I traveled vicariously to the grounds and homes of Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, and many more recognizably literary giants. And it was upon reading The English Home that I realized how fond I was of the English countryside and how its comforts were the comforts I most enjoyed having grown up in the country and now trying to incorporate them into my homes along my journey and everyday living.

Don’t get me wrong, watching Midsomer Murders, Downton Abbey and Masterpiece Mystery (just to name a few of my favorite British series) certainly solidified my affection for the seemingly constant green foliage and historic homes and towns, but to hold a magazine in your hands, to enjoy a glimpse and then read the story of how a house became a home without the drama of a plot or a director is a sweet escape on a weekend, afternoon or weekday evening (complete with a hot cup of tea).

I have saved many issues of The English Home, and I don’t intend to stop as I have yet to read an issue where I do not find at least one room, decor item, interview or an idea from Mrs. Minerva’s regular column “The Art of . . . “ that I want to remember or incorporate into my home or way of living somehow.

In fact, one of my favorite regular features is the profile interview with actors, artists and well-known English individuals who answer a series of questions. It is the last question that I make sure never to miss: “What should no English home be without?” Below I have shared a few of the responses.

“An extremely good drinks cabinet. I think it’s very English to want to make people feel welcome in your home and to offer them a drink straight away, be it a cup of tea or a gin and tonic.”

—Jess Collett, a milliner for the Royals, rock stars and the fashion elite

“Comfort and welcome. I also like a certain degree of tidiness, but English homes must have personality and flair.”

—Sir Roy Strong, historian, writer adn landscape designer

“That’s simple: a kettle, right?”

Rosamund Pike, actress

“A Wembury Warmer. My mother designed it. It’s for serving food and very good for keeping things warm when you don’t have an Aga. It’s essentially a copy from onemy father inherited from his parents’ house that could no longer be bought. Her design rather took off into a business.”

—The Marchioness of Cholmondeley

“A gate or door that affords total privacy and refuge from the world, working fire places and an Aga in the kitchen to keep warm in the middle of the night in winter when the heating is off to toast your bum against. And of course, the person you love most in the world to share it all with.”

—Richard E Grant, actor 

All of which is to say, I could not think of a better idea for a giveaway for TSLL’s inaugural annual British Week than to give not one, but THREE lucky TSLL readers a year’s subscription to The English Home or one of Chelsea Magazine’s other British focused publications – The English Garden, Discover Britain and Britain.

Open to all readers from around the globe, you will have the opportunity if you are one of the three lucky winners (announced Sunday May 26th), to choose which one of the four you would like to subscribe to.

How to enter, you may be wondering? 😉

Good news! You can be entered twice.

  1. First entry: Simply leave a comment on this post. If you are the winner, I will respond to your comment on this post, as well as announce your name on the final post of TSLL’s British Week which will go live on Sunday May 26th.
  2. A second entry can increase your chances of winning. Simply share the above image on Instagram (or an image of your own with one of the four magazine covers in the shot) and include the below text so your followers know where to enter should they be interested:
    • “If you are an Anglophile, be sure to stop by @thesimplyluxuriouslife ‘s British Week to enter a giveaway to win a year’s subscription to @englishhomemag , @theenglishgardenmagazine , @discover_britain , or @britain_magazine . Enter by Saturday May 25, 2019 and good luck! #tsllbritishweek”

Be sure to enter by Saturday May 25th as the winners will be announced on the blog Sunday May 26th.

Below, have a look at three of covers from each magazine and simply click the image to visit each magazine’s entire website which are all full of detailed posts, home and garden tours, travel ideas and inspiration, and of course beautiful images.

~If you would like to subscribe to any of the four magazines and bypass the giveaway entry, click below on your preferred magazine:


Sunday May 19th

~Do you enjoy reading TSLL blog and visit regularly, but would prefer to read the blog without ads? I have some good news for you. For a limited time, during British Week, the price for a monthly or yearly ad-free subscription has been reduced. Simply use the following promo codes below when you subscribe (or learn how to subscribe) here. The discount runs through Sunday May 26, 2019.

  •  Yearly $69.99 – Now $60/year – use promo code YEAR60Ad
  • Monthly $6.99 – Now $5/month – use promo code BRITWK5Ad
  • Learn more and subscribe here.
Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

216 thoughts on “A Giveaway for Anglophiles: A Year’s Subscription to The English Home magazine and more!

  1. Gosh, this is so lovely, I did not know about this magazine. Thanks for the opportunity, Shannon!
    I am so looking forward to this week! XOXO

  2. I am unable to travel due to physical disabilities so I do armchair traveling vicariously through people such as yourself who make the experience live! Thank you for your travel blogs.

  3. I’m so excited for this week. There are few things I like vet more than a cottage in the English countryside. I’m looking forward to reading each post as I’m quite the Anglophile.

  4. What a great competition to kick off British Week. Looking forward to the rest of the posts- from up North in England!

  5. One of my favourite magazines. A subscription would be wonderful.
    I am currently in England, so have easier access to all my favourite magazines. Not all are easy to find in the US.

  6. The Richard E Grant quote is SO Richard E Grant, but also I think the most British of them all. It reminded me instantly of a Christmas in the countryside when the heating went off due to extreme weather and the Aga saved the day!

  7. What a wonderful prize! I would cherish these magazines! Thank you for the chance to win and thank you for your fantastic blog and books!

  8. Delightful! Since I am British and a follower of TSLL blog for many years I’m thrilled at the emergence of British week! So looking forward to hearing what you’ve enjoyed and appreciated here.
    I believe that no British home should be without a small set of cups with saucers… there’s really no nicer thing to serve tea or coffee to your guests in after a lovely home cooked meal.
    Ps: inspired by TSLL I bought a victorian copper kettle – it has truly elevated my country kitchen as it sits pride of place on my stove, not to mention my morning routine!

    Regards Shannon, Enjoy British week!

  9. Based in the garden of England, I have recently joined the National Trust and am looking forward to discovering the rest of the country! Including an upcoming trip to Cornwall!

  10. I look forward to trying to find this magazine, looks lovely and I am really looking forward to British week! Thank you.

  11. I’ve been looking forward to this week ever since you first talked about it. Choosing just 1 magazine will be difficult…they all look enticing.

  12. This week sounds so exciting! While having visited London ( and loved it!), my desire is to spend time in the English countryside . ( Just wondering if I will want to leave once there!) This magazine sounds lovely!

  13. How wonderful!! A simple luxury to enjoy with tea on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Looking forward to all your posts this week.

  14. Your words took me back to my first trip to England with my husband. I was wonderful. I am looking forward British Week. Well done, you.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  15. I’m also excited about British Week, Shannon. I’ve enjoyed British Home magazine many times in the past but currently do not have a new subscription, so here’s to hoping I get selected. If not, no worries, you just inspired me to sign up again. Looking forward.

  16. As an Anglophile and avid royal watcher, I’ve been looking forward to TSLL British Week since you announced it, and I can’t believe it’s finally here! Previously, you turned me onto Victoria magazine, and now I’m a subscriber who pesters the mailman regularly seeing if my latest issue has arrived yet. I think The English Home would be a perfect addition to my reading ??

  17. I am so happy that British Week is finally here! My husband and I were in London September 2014. I am a fairly new follower and have enjoyed catching up on all of your previous posts and podcasts. I would love to win a subscription to British Home. I currently subscribe to British Gardens, and I can tell you that the issues are full of gorgeous photography and great information. Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to the rest of the posts.

  18. How auspicious! My husband and I are in the midst of planning a fall trip to Scotland and England. I can’t wait to read your upcoming post. Your posts are always so inspiring and informative. Thanks!

  19. Looking forward to your posts and podcast this week featuring all things British. I just watched The Holiday a week ago for about the 10th time which shows a few glimpses of the English countryside. The magazine looks delightful!

  20. British Week! I love all things French, but I LOVE all things British! I can’t wait to see your posts!

  21. This is the perfect way to kick off British Week! I’ve been looking forward to this week, Shannon!

  22. Awwww…..to be able to come home after a long day at work (the hospital), and put my feet up with a cup of tea and read The English Home magazine….and escape to England for a bit would be heavenly….:)

  23. I received a subscription to Britain magazine a few years ago and have renewed annually, I am hopelessly addicted to all things British. So excited about your posts this week. Ooh, it’s going to be a good week.

  24. What a wonderful magazine! I look forward to reading it and what a wonderful way to start the week!

  25. I’ve been an anglophile for years but only just last year was finally able to visit. I’m hoping to return before too long so would love to win one of these subscriptions. I blogged about our time in the Lake District last year. It’s a wonderful way to look back and relive our experience. Thank you so much, Shannon, for your lovely blog and podcasts sharing your experiences with us! You’ve given me more places I want to visit in England.

  26. Omgosh! What a wonderful idea! I would love to enter. A follow several ENGLISH bloggers/vloggers (I affectionately call them friends) and love the culture almost as much as I love the French. This is one of the many reasons why I love you and your books. I will definitely be in attendance for British Week! Thank you, Shannon.

  27. Thank you Shannon for always finding such beautiful reading material for us indulge in xxx

  28. This is fun! After taking a dna test this Christmas, I discovered I am 81% British! I am definitely going there some day. AND I have been playing words with friends with a girl who invited me and come to find out she lives in England. Fate?

  29. Dear Shannon I look forward to this week’s anglophile week. I do want to go to England Sunday I had a trip to Scotland last year and sadly I had to cancel because of my husband’s health issue. He’s doing better now and we hope to go again maybe next year. I am excited we are heading to Oregon in September I want to see the Oregon coastline. Cheerio, Dallas

  30. I would treasure the subscription as I treasure this blog each day with my cup of tea to start my day. I used to live in Oregon and now far away from its beauty, I read of it and your joys of other special places…..thank you! I am so excited about this’s week!

  31. My maternal great-grandparents came to America in 1890 from Rutlandshire. I hope to travel there someday. I’d love to win a magazine subscription!

  32. It seems that all the really fantastic magazines disappear in time. Coastal Living, Gourmet …. and my beloved Bliss Victoria has changed so much over the years it has lost its appeal. I used to spend hours reading and getting lost in the dreamy photos. To have a magazine that one can get lost in is truly worth having … an exercise in stepping back. I look forward to finding this magazine at the bookstore and hopefully winning a subscription.

  33. Very much looking forward to British Week! And the magazine looks beautiful, I will have to try and find a copy. Thanks Shannon.

  34. What a wonderful way to kick off British Week. I’m already learning things I didn’t know, both from you and your readers. Like joining the HM, Aga stove, etc. Thank you for the chance of winning a subscription to one of these magazines. It would be hard to choose between the four.

  35. I brought a copy of The English Home with me on a college visit for my son last year. It was perfect as I needed something to escape into while I was worrying about the next life chapter!

  36. As a Brit living in the USA, I have been eagerly awaiting this week. Your posts this week will provide a little reminder of home.

  37. I am so excited about British week! As an Anglophile, I am tickled pink to see what you have in store!

  38. What fun. I am excited about British Week and reading English Home. I look forward to this year’s Chelsea Flower Show!

  39. I love this and you have inspired me so now I know where my next trip will be – I already called my travel agent!

  40. Looking forward to enjoying all your posts for British Week. I would love to win a subscription.
    mary wyatt

  41. I’m looking forward to British week! I love all things British and I’m hoping to visit for the first time next summer!

  42. British week is an inspired idea and a subscription to this lovely magazine would be most welcome.

  43. First UK trip was in 1981 as a high school junior. Laura Ashley was all the rage and Diana was to be married in a month. Bought a commemorative teacup and spoon. Stayed on a college campus in Richmond. Bought a kilt and sweater in Windsor. Best apple pie in Steatfor upon Avon.

  44. What an amazing give away. I found the English garden magazine months ago and bought it while travelling. I still have it, and flip through it for inspiration. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

  45. I LOVE the English Home magazine, and recently subscribed! I live in a Canadian country house, but the antique and dark woods, dogs, flowers, and books everywhere… it is my aesthetic of choice.

    I’d love a subscription to the English Garden to accompany my outdoor efforts!

  46. How exciting it was to read your post! I am definitely an Anglophile, and have often thought I must have lived there in another life. Here is hoping I might be lucky! Thank you so much for the opportunity. ?

  47. Hi Shannon!
    How exciting and fun! I would love to have Discover Britain, and hope to travel to London some day!
    Thank you!!!

  48. Any of these magazines would be beautiful on my coffee table after I have poured over their pages.

  49. What a lovely idea! One of my favorite magazines and a beautiful way to share the quaint, cozy, and elegant aspects of British home life with your readers. Thank you for this opportunity!

  50. I live in the opposite of the English countryside, but I can dream about having a little English cottage!

  51. What a lovely give away! Thank you Shannon for the chance to slip away into refined comfort and embrace the beauty of English homes.

  52. I’m an Aussie and Anglophobe since living in NE England for five years. Thank you for the opportunity to get Discover Britain.

  53. I discovered your podcast almost one year ago when I was searching for inspiration regarding minimalist lifestyles. I was so pleasantly surprised to find that a consistent message espousing gratitude for the simple things, emphasis on quality over quantity, focus on continual growth, and self-awareness. I have even recommended your podcast and blog to numerous patients in my medical practice who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and challenging life situations. Thank you for embracing your innate strength of being able to connect-the-dots between the wisdom gleaned from gurus throughout centuries. And thank you finding your calling in teaching this wisdom to others in such a way that is relatable and easy to understand. Thank you for the light that you bring into this world in helping others in their journey to self-awareness!

  54. Thank you, Shannon, for this opportunity. And, thank you for all that you share with others. You are a gift!

  55. I adore these magazines and have saved every issue I’ve ever purchased. There is something uniquely cosy (I’ve read so much British lit I just naturally spell it that way) about British homes and I intentionally try to emulate that feel in my own rural Oklahoma home. Thank you for this giveaway and for hosting British Week. I did one on my blog in July of 2017, meaning for it to be an annual event. I was unable to do so in 2018 but it will be back this year. I think I will move mine to the fall and will certainly be linking to some of your sure-to-be-wonderful posts. Thank you for all you do here on The Simply Luxurious Life. You inspire me!

  56. Dear Shannon,

    I am an Anglophile, (even though I am of Mexican descent)! I love everything British, I can remember as a child, my Dad would buy me Yardley of London soaps and cologne! I still buy the soaps today! To receive these magazines would be such a joy, thank you for the opportunity to apply for the win!


  57. Enjoy your posts so much, Shannon and have tried or purchased many of your recommendations. I’ve been to Britain twice and I absolutely loved it! Thanks for your valuable advice and keep up the good work!

  58. Thanks for the giveaway, Shannon! I’m traveling to the UK for the first time (!!) this winter, so am looking forward to all your posts this week!

  59. Good afternoon Shannon Absolutely perfect as always. After a very stressful week I have just settled down with an Earl Grey tea and slice of birthday cake, brought along by my lovely friend and walking companion earlier. Your post was added icing on the cake! I would love to be considered for inclusion in the giveaway. Best wishes from England, Sue

  60. What a great idea for a giveaway! I have seen this magazine before and it’s wonderful. I love that you are doing a salute to Britain and starting it on my birthday, even better!!! We are heading to England in a few months and I expect it will be so different from my trip over 20 plus years ago.

  61. My mom and I get together every Monday night to watch British TV- right now we’re working our way through Midsommer Murders.

  62. I’m a life-long Anglophile and will be traveling to England in September – this would get me in the mood! Thanks for the opportunity!

  63. I am very much looking forward to British Week. So far I have only visited Britain vicariously through your blog and various BBC shows like Doc Martin though it has long been on my bucket list. If forced to choose just one magazine I would choose British Gardens for they are simply gorgeous and the style I emulate in my gardening.

  64. What an exciting giveaway for what is about to be one of my favorite weeks of the year – all thanks to you! Sending lots of gratitude for this opportunity!

  65. We took our first trip to England 3 years ago and I can’t wait to return again someday to explore beyond London. This giveaway would be perfect for planning another vacation.

  66. Thank you fo the opportunity to win these British magazines! I love your stories – they are like a wonderful cup of tea!

  67. Oh, to be in England… Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us and encouraging us to live our best life. So looking forward to this week!

  68. Yes indeed I am an Anglophile! Loving all things tea and cosy, Beatrix Potter and gardens. I even wore Yardley pale pink lipstick in the ‘60’s!

  69. I am new to TSLL, but have loved all things British since I was a teenager: authors & poets, musicians, mystery TV, tea, Laura Ashley, and the English Country house. Also love the English border gardens, David Austen roses, and the English Garden magazine. So much beauty! Thank you for this giveaway, and I’m looking forward to all of your posts this week, an extra special gift during what will be a long work week. 🙂

  70. Well, this is fun! I can hardly wait to get back to England. I always have a shopping list ready for when I go back. In the meantime, what a lovely way to prepare for a trip.

  71. Looking forward to this week. I have ancestors from both England and France. Downton Abbey has made me very interested in British history. Love your blog!

  72. What a wonderful giveaway! I’m so excited for British Week! These magazines look fabulous.

  73. I spent a year in Scotland and visited London while there. I’ve always enjoyed British literature and have enjoyed Victoria magazine (their British issue especially) for years. I haven’t heard of these magazine and will definitely check them out. Your podcast has been my walking companion for months!?

  74. Simply adore England, from the London stage to the castles at Ludlow! And being chased by a Welshman who had rarely heard an American accent since the War! I’m in tears just thinking about that magical island. Take me back!

  75. Love this. Fabulous magazines. I love the Town and Country UK magazine also. Love your blog. ??

  76. So glad to be listening to your podcast this week with a new episode. Excited about British Week. I’ve been keeping up with the royals more since the birth of Archie; so British Week will be a fun and educational experience.

  77. I always thought I was a Francophile until I visited London, Paris and the East Riding of Yorkshire. I was completely charmed by the English countryside!

  78. It would be a real treat to have a subscription to this magazine. I’m enjoying British Week tremendously 🙂

  79. What an amazing offer! I am, by default, an Anglophile, as here in New Zealand, we have inherited aspects of the British way of life, because many of our forebears arrived from Great Britain 160-180 years ago. Some of our traditional recipes have British origins. ( e.g. the lamb roast dinner, a large range of pies and many baked goods) I would love to win a subscription to “The English Home” and look forward to hearing how this Anglophile Week goes. All the best to you Shannon. I always look forward to your blog arriving in my email inbox.

  80. So happy about British week??. My love for all things British started in the third grade with choosing my pen pal from England. I so loved writing to her and waiting with great anticipation for her letters. Was there ever any better fashion than the clothes and make up of the 60’s inspired by the London Look? The first time hearing I Want To Hold Your Hand….Love The Beatles and the Royals. This should be a very inspiring week. ???

  81. I just returned from England last week. It was our first trip there and a very enjoyable one. We did all the tourist things including a lovely high tea in London. This just gave me an appetite for more things British.

  82. I am a total Anglophile and was excited to read that you would be starting a British Week! This magazine would be a real treat.

  83. Will stop by my favorite newsstand to pick up “English Home” today. I can’t wait to be further inspired!

  84. British week has finally arrived. What a generous giveaway Shannon. I used to love that magazine when I lived in England and now I am in France it would be good to be reminded of the reasons for moving to England when I was 20 years old. I used to have an aga and so miss it but I still enjoy teatime everyday here in France.So .looking forward to this week?

  85. I am so happy to have found a community that shares a love of all things French and English!

  86. Thank you for allowing us to travel to different countries and experience different cultures without having to leave our home. You bring fresh perspective and new experiences to our lives.

  87. Hi Shannon! Cannot wait for all the content this week! I spent part of my childhood in Oxfordshire and just thinking about England makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I’d so love to have a magazine to transport me– thank you for this opportunity!

  88. Oh I would love to win this!! I’m so excited about this week! I’ve recently done my ancestry and discovered I’m 72% British!

  89. Would love to win a subscription to the English Home magazine. I’ve bought it a few times but never had a subscription.

  90. I have been waiting for British Week since you first announced it last year! I traveled to England/Scotland on a 50th birthday surprise trip from my husband and children. In fact, I flew out of my birthday in the US that night and into the next morning in England. Shortest birthday ever! 🙂 We stayed near Paddington Station, and our first foray was another short train ride out to visit Highclere Castle/Downton Abbey. I love all things Anglophile, and I love these magazines. I’ve borrowed and bought a few issues, but I’d love my very own subscription. I can’t wait to find out what you have in store for us this week! <3

  91. Shannon, you have become a “necessary luxury” in my life— your well-written thoughts and wonderful podcasts are things I look forward to each week….So now that “British Week” has arrived (in a timely manner with Meaghan and Harry’s Archie), I asked myself, “What would Jane do?” (Jane Austen, of course!) and the answer was– finally write a comment to Shannon and tell her how much I enjoy everything she does to make the world–my world, in particular, a more beautiful place.
    Thanks so much, Shannon!
    love and blessings,

  92. Shannon, I never thought I would fall in love with all things British as I did over the last 3 years. Since our son has been stationed there with the military we have visited twice yearly and have become enchanted with the natural beauty, history, locally sourced food, and of course the accent. Can’t wait to see what your British Week has in store!

  93. This will be a very exciting week on your blog. British Week! You share so much with us on your blog and I want you to know I truly enjoy each one. Would love to win the magazine too.

  94. I am definitely and Anglophile, and am looking forward to “British Week”. I have often purchased a number of different British publications, but have never actually subscribed — although I’ve considered it many times.

    Should be fun!

  95. Have visited Britain a couple of times but feel I left a piece of my heart over there! Will often sit at the library and read this but have it at home would be a treat I could savor over.

  96. Brittish Week! I love this idea how exciting! My DH and I are looking for a home and hoping to be moved in before fall begins, I would love to comb through some of these magazines to get some decor inspo!

  97. Excitement building for British week. Although I’ve only been to England once it was an absolute dream. I was fortunate enough to go to Buckingham palace as the Queen was on holiday. What an experience.

  98. I know the internet is obsessed with the French lifestyle, but personally, the English live the life I prefer! I would love to win.

  99. Thanks for this contest, and especially it being open to readers from anywhere. Crossing my fingers here!

  100. I am a dyed-in-the-wool Anglophile and while you have educated and increased my interest in French culture, I am excited to see how much interest you have in the UK of late. Hooray for British Week!

  101. There is nothing better than daydreaming of the British countryside full of charming little villages. Thank you for sharing your love of Britain with us!

  102. This would be such a lovely accompaniment to a calm weekend morning. I have never been to the English countryside, but I have wanted to go!

  103. Oooooh this is so fantastic! I LOVE British homes and we actually put a little electric stove in our fireplace after being inspired by seeing them in ALL the fireplaces in British Country Living. I would LOVE to have this magazine arrive in my mailbox! Thanks so much for the chance to have it happen! Im so excited for your British week. A girlfriend and I are planning a UK adventure, hopefully for 2020. This will get us properly prepared! 😀

  104. Love everything British. This should be British month! When you click on the English Homes covers nothing happens. The other covers have links.

  105. Based on your recommendation, I have been subscribing to English Home for several years now. I savor every issue, the “Properties for Sale” section gets me dreaming every time.

  106. Thank you Shannon for including Anglophile posts in your blog! I have hoped for a while you would explore this. I am half English and half French, so your writings have definitely spoken to my heart! And my outlook on life is better thanks to your expression. Thank you.

  107. I enjoy this magazine and I have purchased it when in England. I am truly an Anglophile and I am enjoying your British Week.

  108. English Home is one of my absolute favourite English magazines — I always pick it up when I see the new edition in my local bookstore. What fun to win a subscription! Thank you for the opportunity.

  109. I have been reading your blog for years and love it. Thanks for all you share with us and for the opportunity to enter your exciting giveaway.

  110. Thanks for the giveaway Shannon. Hope I win. I am British but leave in Colorado, have been US since 1967.

  111. Hello Shannon, I would love to win !
    I love reading about homes and gardens, but I have never explored this magazine .
    Other British magazines you might enjoy are Country Living , Good Housekeeping, Ideal Home, Living , and Woman and Home.
    When I was small , my Mum used to get MacCalls magazine from the USA each month , it used to have a great children’s page, with paper dolls and clothes to cut out for them , which I loved as a little girl.
    I don’t know how my Mother came to have a subscription to a magazine from the USA in the fifties !

  112. I love The English Home magazine, it is one of my favourites, but I haven’t seen the other three and look forward to checking them out.

  113. I’ve been living in London for the past ten years and following you for the past year I found your podcast during a difficult time the way you talked about Paris and life in general added a magical dreamy touch to my days and now am looking foreword to see Britain through your eyes

  114. I’m in! Love England but have never gotten to explore the countryside. I’ll start with the magazine to live a little vicariously. Thanks for the opportunity!

  115. Hi Shannon,

    I am grateful for the chance to win a subscription to this lovely magazine. I look forward to your blog each week. Thank you. – Susan

  116. Thank you for the giveaway and any of the magazine options would be a wonderful addition to my library.

  117. I have been a devoted fan of England since my first layovers in London as a flight attendant for TWA in the 70’s. My first stop was always the Laura Ashley store, such lovely dresses and home decor. I’ve always wanted to visit the Cotswolds so perhaps one day I will. Tea and scones with clotted cream are heavenly….I’m also a huge Francophile and love the Country French magazine…

  118. Thanks for all your posts this week! We love England and I would love the opportunity to win one of these great magazine subscriptions. Cheers!

  119. The high point of my one and only trip to London was enjoying high tea at as many hotels as possible! Even when “just” at home, the whole ritual provides a lovely interlude to the regular day. Enjoy your posts so much – thank you for the time and thought put into them.

  120. Love your blog and this magazine looks right up my alley! Thanks for sharing all these great British things and for doing these give-a-aways. You’re the best!

  121. Oh, I live for magazines like these! My favorite activity nowadays, is to sit in a bookstore and “window-shop” my way through home and garden magazines from where ever I can find them. I’m always careful not to crease or fold them; and on occasion will bring home those that are extremely interesting–so that I can re-read and savor them again and again.

  122. I too would love enjoying a regular visit into the English world of charm, ease and comfort. Love your blog and all the delights you write about. Thank you.

  123. Oh my, this magazine subscription would be such a lovely gift and so welcomed! I treasure an exquisite magazine that takes me away…

  124. My mother’s family came from England and when I visited for the first time it felt as though I was coming home. Strange, but true! What a lovely treat this would be.

  125. We lived 3 yrs. in the UK when our girls were small but they are now parents also. I would love to win this offer!

  126. I’ve been in the states for 22 years now and I don’t remember these magazines although maybe they just weren’t available in the north of Scotland. They look like a feast for the eyes indeed though. Great choice for a giveaway. XXX

  127. This week’s podcast and it being the very first British week on the blog have helped me get by on a very tough week! Thank you Shannon ! 🙂

  128. How lovely! Never truly considered myself an Anglophile, but after reading this post, I believe I am ☺️

  129. I love The English Home magazine!! I frequently pick one up when I’m at my local bookstore. I love being able to dream about living in England!

  130. Lovely but if you’re visiting England cross over the border to beautiful, rugged Scotland. You won’t be disappointed

  131. Thanks for post for Anglophiles! I love your blog (and btw, another bit of info you supplied, Halsbrook Clothing; thanks for that too. I have been shopping with them ever since. ) I lived in York, England for 6 yrs and I miss Yorkshire; the most beautiful countryside in the world!

  132. Shannon I just love the theme you have chosen. British week is a reminder to a gentile way of living. You have done a terrific job. Thanks for all that you do. It is appreciated.

  133. I have discovered this site only some weeks ago and I have literally become a fan of you. I love these magazines which I cannot easily find in Italy, especially nowadays with the emergency we are involved in, so that I cross my fingers. Anyway thank you for the opportunity, Deborah

  134. Thank you so much for your post! We are in a strict lock down since the beginning of March and reading your blog is a beautiful reminder of the nice things on life.

  135. So very excited for British week. I putting on the kettle, brewing a pot of Fortnam and Mason’s best and settling in!!

  136. Sadly, I had to postpone my trip to Scotland this year; the magazine would make it easier to bear. Thank you!

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