Take the Chance
Monday May 13, 2019

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“Maybe I don’t have to be brave all the time. Maybe I just need to be brave for a little while at the right time.” —Kobi Yamada, author of What Do You Do with a Chance?

What if taking the chance that you secretly wish would work out was simply a matter of believing that your dreams can come true?

What if taking the chance that has been offered up to you on a plate is a question of whether or not you believe you deserve good things to happen in your life?

What if taking a chance is less about courage and more about mastering letting go of what will happen in the future?

As a reader of Kobi Yamada’s What Do You Do with An Idea? (2014), a children’s book that is loved as much by adults as children, his new book which was released last year What Do You Do with a Chance? is a reminder of the power of shifting our mind and letting go.

While taking chances that have not been fully thought through are not advised, what we’re talking about here is a chance that presents itself but we, for some reason, believe it will wait patiently until we are ready to take full advantage. The lesson many of us have realized is that chances are ephemeral, fleeting, and never guaranteed to present themselves to us again. But in order to know which chance to pounce upon, we must first begin with ourselves.

We must first begin with fully understanding what our priorities and desires are, what our deepest hopes and dreams in fact are and why and from where they have sprung.

I shared last week in the weekly newsletter with subscribers that unexpected plans have arose concerning my summer, and it exemplified to me the idea of taking the chance even when I didn’t know all of the “why”s or how it would work out. When something awesome says, “Here I am! I am all yours to experience, enjoy and discover”, when we know with an overwhelming certainty it is something we cannot wait to partake in, to dismiss it would be foolhardy.

No, we cannot be sure what the experience will be or what is waiting on the other side once we partake, but we can know that to not say yes, could be passing by an opportunity that we will never see again.

So, first, know thyself and then, say yes and strive forward. Enjoy, savor and keep an open mind to all that will unfold simply because you enabled yourself to have this uniquely awesome experience.


~10 Things People Who Have Found Contentment Understand About Uncertainty, episode #100

~26 Ways to Create the Life You Want

Thesimplyluluxriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

4 thoughts on “Take the Chance

  1. I was not aware of this joyful little book or its author, thank you, Shannon!
    And please do keep us posted, if you can, of your summer adventure!
    A la bonne chance!

    1. Rona, I think you will find his books to be inspiring and lovely. The illustrations are magnificently unique, yet simple at the same time. And yes, I will certainly be sharing more as the dates come near. ☺️

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