My Spring Capsule Menu Shared on AMNorthwest
Wednesday March 28, 2018

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The picture above truly shares my thrill of being on the air with Helen Raptis, the host of Portland’s longest running talk show, AM Northwest. She makes her guests feel as though they are just in a conversation with her and her curiosities and comments are honest. In the moment shown above, I have just mentioned the concept of welcoming in one comfort meal into our weekly routine, in this case it was pasta, and she shares I am talking her language of favorite foods. Be sure to click here or on the image to view the entire six minute segment.

But what is the segment about, you may be asking?

During the summer of 2016 I shared what I compiled and found to be a simplified, yet quality driven approach to the weekly grocery and menu planning. The Capsule Menu, much like a Capsule Wardrobe, is created to maximize the outcome (our health, energy levels and quality of life), while streamlining the process thus simplifying our days.

I was absolutely ecstatic to be able to share on the air this concept and discussed in detail (along with all of the grocery items) my weekly Spring Capsule Menu. As you can see above, there are seasonal produce items, as well as staples and it adheres to the  Capsule Menu Approach:

  • 2-3 versatile proteins
  • 3-4 vegetables (2/3 low starch, 1/3 high starch)
  • 2-3 healthy whole grains
  • 1-2 desserts
  • 1-2 breakfasts
  • snacks (fiber & protein based)
  • 1 comfort meal

The grocery bill for all of the items above (some are épicerie items to restock and would not be purchased each week), shopping for two people cost $100. Below are a few images of the recipes included in the Spring Capsule Menu that were shared on the show.

~Pasta Primavera~


~Asparagus & Mushroom Quiche~


~Prosciutto, Arugula & Sugar Snap Pea Salad~


I sincerely believe in the Capsule Menu approach, and while I am always tweaking, I have found it focuses my shopping, eliminates or significantly reduces unnecessary shopping and produce that might go unused and saves me money while enabling me to eat well with optimal flavor.

~Check out the full segment on KATU’s AM Northwest here.

~Download the Spring Capsule Menu, complete with the recipes discussed in the segment and when I schedule them throughout the week (free to download the pdf).

~Learn all about the Capsule Menu Concept here

~Discover the 38 items to have in your home Épicerie here.

~Link to the dress I wore on the show, DVF’s Fall 2017 Midi Wrap Dress


Have a look at past segments below:

~Afternoon Live: One Resolution at a Time: Building a Life of Quality

~AM Northwest: Signs You’re Moving in the Right Direction

~AM Northwest: My Fall Capsule Wardrobe and How to Create Your Own

~Afternoon Live: How to Welcome Simplicity Back Into Your Life

~Afternoon Live: Simplifying Weekly Routines

~Afternoon Live: Talking Wine, Cheese & Money

~Afternoon Live: 3 Ways to Make 2017 Your Year

~Afternoon Live: Talking Simply Luxurious Living | the simply luxurious life

10 thoughts on “My Spring Capsule Menu Shared on AMNorthwest

  1. Yes Shannon couldn’t ‘t open the video wl try a bit later but just had to comment on “that dress”. It’s beautiful.You’ve nailed it. You look gorgeous.?

    1. Thank you Kameela. I double checked the links to the segment, all should be working. The easiest is to click on the first image and it will take you directly to KATU’s site. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  2. I am REALLY enjoying these TV segments. You are getting more and more pro. I think you need your own show. 😉

    Love the idea of the capsule menu — makes so much sense. That pasta looks divine!

    1. Mimi, You are very kind. Truly, it is the host that makes it easy to relax. So long as I come prepared, Helen makes me feel more and more at ease to just talk about what I am passionate about and was invited to share, but I thank you for your encouragement. 🙂

  3. Hi Shannon, Thank you for sharing! This was a great segment and I could not agree with you more on the capsule menu. I do my meal prep on Sundays. I usually plan out my meals on Saturday and making my shopping list, then on Sunday I do the actual prep. I prep my salads for the week and always make at least 3 proteins and a grain such as quinoa or brown rice. Then, the only thing I have to do when i get home from work in the evening is warm up my protein and steam a vegetable. it takes me about 3 hours on sunday to do all the prep but it saves me SO much time in the week. It frees up more “me time” during the week and I have started to treat the meal prep as a way to ground me and get me thinking positively about the week ahead. -Heather

  4. I love the idea of a capsule menu, and lately I’ve been doing a LOT of reading on current science-backed ideas in nutrition. I’ve come across Dr. Greger’s “Daily Dozen” — which is his science-backed ideas on how to maximize health and longevity as well as how to minimize illness. So I’m now on a quest to combine them into a “Capsule Health Maximizer Menu” !

    If you are also interested in maximizing your diet, here is a link to his video:

    He also has his “Daily Dozen Checklist” which you can print out at:

    Oh, and in his book “How Not to Die”, he has a story about how one Brazil nut per week can really improve your health–, so now I’ve got a “Baker’s Dozen”.

    Thanks for the video!

  5. I love the idea of a capsule menu. Were you planning on bringing that back to the blog? I am learning how to cook after 35 years of life. This idea feels doable once I get the hang of it.

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