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Peach Rum Jam

Simply LuxuriousSimply Luxurious
A recipe for any stone fruit you have an abundance of and are looking to enjoy throughout the year. A recipe for peach jam that adds a special something to deepen the flavor. With a few simple tips, this far easier than you may have thought. I know I did! And with a peach tree in my garden, I needed to learn how to put the harvest to good use. Enjoyed each Sunday on my croissants, this is my go-to jam.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 4 medium jars


  • 8 large peaches, 700 grams
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 24 grams pectin
  • 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp rum (or bourbon, or your favorite liqueur)


Sterilize the Canning Supplies

  • Make sure to thoroughly clean with soap water, rinse and dry all jars, lids and bands if reusing.
  • Sterilize in one of two ways: (1st option) In a 120-130 Celsius (250 Fahrenheit) oven, place the jars (only the jars) on a baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the jars until you are ready to fill them with jam.
    (2nd option) Submerge the jars in a large pot of boiling water, right-side up, and let them remain in the large pot of boiling water for 10 minutes. Place the jars on a drying rack to dry until ready to use.
    Now, sterilize the bands and lids in the same way; however if they have rubber on the inside, then only simmer them.,

Prep, Peel, and Pit Peaches

  • Score the bottom of each peach with an "X" to improve the ease of removing the skin.
  • While prepping the peaches, bring a large pot of water to boil. Once it is boiling, place one layer of peaches in the boiling water. Once the water has returned to boil, boil the peaches for at least 45 seconds, then remove with a strainer and place in a bowl of cold/ice water. Pulling the corner of the bottom of the peach skins and easily peel the peach.
  • Using a paring knife, cut each peach in half and remove the pit. Then dice up the peach into small cubes. Place the prepared peach cubes into a large sauce pan.
  • Add the rum, sugar and lemon juice to the peaches and combine. Add the pectin evenly to the peaches and mix in (evenly as sometimes the pectin will clump.
  • Place the sauce pan full of peaches on the stove top and bring to a simmer. Once simmering (not boiling), cover and cook for 30-45 minutes or until the thickness and consistency of the fruit it to your liking. It may take longer if the pieces are larger and that is okay.

Filling the jars

  • If you are preparing the jam to be stored, you will want to place the jam immediately into the jars. If you will be enjoying the jam today or tomorrow, wait for it to cool before you fill the jars.
    Using a funnel, pour the jam into the jars, leaving about an inch at the top of empty space. Then place a lid and band on the jar, securely tightening. Wipe clean.

Seal the jars

  • Bring a large pot of water to boiling. Place the jars of jam into the boiling water, then add a bit more water to make sure the jars are entirely covered. Boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from the water and on a drying/cooling rack.
  • Most jars will need to be completely cool before you will know they are sealed. To know if they are sealed, you simply press down on the top of the lid, and it will pop and remain pushed down when you lift your finger. If they pop back up, just be patient and let the jar completely cool.


  • Be sure to date and label the jars and then store in your pantry/épicerie for 6 months to a year. Ideally, use the jam (or gift it) within 3 months.
  • Enjoy jam during your everydays, and especially during the winter months when the garden is dormant knowing you are savoring fresh fruit preserved in your own kitchen. I love my jam with fresh out of the oven croissants each Sunday. You can find that recipe on the blog.