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Chicken Marsala

Simply LuxuriousSimply Luxurious
A full-flavored chicken recipe that will have you enjoying dinner in 20 minutes.
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 1 serving


  • 2 tenders chicken tenderized
  • flour
  • coarse sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 sm carton sliced mushrooms stemmed and trimmed
  • 1/4 cup Marsala wine
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1/8 cup flat-leaf parsley chopped


  • Place chicken between two sheets of wax paper. Tenderize the chicken with a mallet (soft side) until about 1/8 inch thick. Season chicken with coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper on both sides.
    Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life
  • Heat up a skillet to medium heat. While the pan is heating up, dredge each chicken tender in flour. Shake off any excess, while making sure the entire chicken tender is coated. Place about 2 tablespoons of oil in the skill. Then place the chicken tenders - cook until lightly brown on both sides (2-3 minutes each side). Remove the chicken from the pan.
    Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life
  • In the same skillet (keep everything as it is - dripping from the chicken, etc.). Add one tablespoon unsalted butter and reduce the skillet to low-medium heat. Add the mushrooms and sautée for about 5 minutes or until the mushrooms are nice and brown and juicy. Season with coarse sea salt and freshly ground pepper.
    Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life
  • Add the marsala wine to the pan, and let it boil for about 30 seconds to cook out the alcohol. Stir to coat the mushrooms. Then add the chicken stock and bring to a low simmer. Add the 1 tablespoon of butter, stirring to mix and melt. Add the chicken back to the skillet. Cook tenders for about 1-2 minutes longer. (If you are cooking with chicken breasts, cover and cook until cooked through - about 5 minutes.)
  • Remove from the stove. Serve chicken and pour the marsala mushroom sauce over the top. Finish with a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsely.
    Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life